Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 974: Han family background

Time flies, and another hundred thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes and first observed the Hongmeng Realm habitually before checking his emails.

Everything is fine, nothing to worry about.

He began to think of the Book of Wonders.

The cooldown time of the Book of Wonderful Fate has come. This is a good thing. It is equivalent to the will of chaos. It can tamper with the memories of all living beings. No, it is even more exaggerated, and it can change the facts!

Han Jue recalled the information of the Book of Wonders:

[Book of Wonderful Fate: The ultimate treasure, the ultimate treasure made from the supreme creation, it can tamper with the past and future of others, change everything directly, and is not subject to any rules and prying eyes. After each use of this treasure, different costs will be deducted. Life, this treasure will sleep for a period of time, with the increase of the number of times, the sleeping time doubles, it is specially reminded that this treasure cannot be upgraded and cannot be recognized as the owner]

He pondered for a while and felt that he could not use it for the time being.

It can be used in case something happens in the future.

At present, he is not in any danger, and the Ninth Chaos will not pursue him.

Then let it go.

After Han Jue made a decision, he looked at his daughter beside him.

He said, "Linger, do you want to learn supernatural powers?"

Hearing this, Han Ling opened his eyes in surprise and nodded immediately.

Han Jue immediately began to teach magical powers.

Han Ling\'s talent is indeed incredible, and ordinary supernatural powers can be learned almost once. After a few months, Han Ling has learned more than a dozen supernatural powers from Han Jue, including the Shenwei Datian Palm.

Han Lingling said: "I really want to find someone to learn from."

Han Jue immediately opened the permission for her to simulate the trial, and then briefly introduced her. She was greatly surprised.

For the next few decades, Han Ling was immersed in the simulated trials, unable to extricate himself.

Han Jue came to the main dojo to observe the way of heaven.

He found that Han Yu had married and passed on the lineage. The development of 200,000 years has made the Han family a big family with a strong foundation in the heaven.

Not all saints have descendants in Immortal Realm, let alone cultivate families.

The sage\'s Taoism is more inherited from master and apprentice.

For saints, bloodline is not a safe way of inheritance. It is not easy to create an existence with unparalleled talent among the descendants.

In addition, if the saints inherit the Taoist lineage by blood, it will also make it difficult for outsiders to approach, and the Taoist lineage will only become more and more narrow.

At present, the Han family in the immortal world has been passed down for dozens of generations, and even derived many branches, which are distributed in dozens of mortal worlds.

Han Jue was satisfied.

Only Han Yu did his best and fulfilled the task he had given him.

For the Han family, Han will never interfere, just as the basic pool of good fortune.

After all, the Han family is a family of saints, and many descendants have emerged from the heavens and the heavens, and they also have the reputation of the heavenly family in the immortal world.

Just as Han Jue was thinking, a black vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

Magical please!

Han Jue figured out that it was Zhao Xuanyuan\'s magic trick.

Han Ling was still in the simulated trial, and Han Jue immediately stepped into the black vortex.

There is a trace of will in the Taoist temple, even if it is gone, it is not afraid of death.

Stepping through the black vortex, Han Jue\'s vision was filled with black resentful demons, each of which was densely packed and could not be counted.

Below the black vortex are the Dao Supreme four.

At this moment, Dao Zhizun and Jiang Yi were seriously injured, their bodies were mutilated, blood was dripping, and there was a strange green flame burning at the wound, and their faces were full of pain.

Lao Dan raised his hands high and used his own mana to cast an enchantment, making an invisible protective layer around the four that could not be seen by the naked eye.

Zhao Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Han Jue appear.

"Master, save us!"

Zhao Xuanyuan said in a hurry.

Han Jue turned his back to the black vortex and did not move, to avoid a mysterious existence sneaking into the third dojo with the help of the black vortex.

His eyes narrowed, and all the resentful demons in the sky disappeared.

These resentful demons are all at ease, how can they stop the four Great Dao Saints?

Han Jue was secretly surprised.

Before he asked, he suddenly glanced in one direction.

The land below is like a barren Gobi, rolling up and down. In the direction of Han Jue\'s left, a figure is slowly walking towards the end of the land.

It was a man in broken armor, tall and straight, with long hair fluttering, a scorched black face like a ghost, red eyebrows standing upright, eyes cold, at first glance, he seemed to have four eyes.

This man is as strong as a beast. He holds a large knife in his right hand. The blade cuts an endless ravine on the ground. This large knife is larger than his entire body. The blade is covered with black and red scales, and the blade is silver. , like a bright moon.

Han Jue narrowed his eyes.

This breath is very strong, and it is already comparable to the avenues!

No wonder the four supreme beings couldn\'t stop it.

Then again, where is this?

Han Jue\'s spiritual sense swept across the whole world, and found that this world is extremely vast, like chaos, but there is no such big land in chaos.


Chaos bottom!

When Han Jue fought against the ancient gods before, he fell into the bottom layer of chaos, and the bottom layer of chaos is also such a land.


Not the bottom of chaos!

There is no chaotic atmosphere here!

"Master, be careful, the things here will devour mana!"

Zhao Xuanyuan said in a hurry, he pointed at the terrifying figure who came with the knife, and said, "It was the Dao Zhizun and Jiang Yi who were injured by that guy. With one knife, the two almost died!"

Jiang Yi coughed violently and said, "Save some face..."

Lao Dan looked up at Han Jue with complicated eyes.

Godly God…

Han Jue asked, "What is this place?"

Zhao Xuanyuan replied: "I don\'t know, it should not be Chaos. We came in from an entrance at the bottom of Chaos. We have mastered the divine power of the Great Dao\'s luck here. I didn\'t expect to encounter this guy when I read"

The divine power of the avenues of luck is related to the supreme rules, and the divine right of the avenues of luck can be mastered outside of chaos...


The man with broken armor jumped up abruptly, and the ground collapsed and the dust flew up. He raised his scales and slashed at Han Jue.

Such power is enough to scare mortal spirits to death, but it is not enough in Han Jue\'s eyes.

Han Jue frowned.

The man with broken armor smashed through Lao Dan\'s mana protection layer, causing Lao Dan to fall to the ground. Seeing that his big sword was about to fall on Han Jue, Han Jue raised his palm and hit him.

Divine mighty palm!

The terrifying wind and waves broke out, and the man with broken armor instantly turned into flying ashes, and the scaly sword flew to the horizon.

That\'s it?

Not as good as a saint!

The breath is like the avenue, but the speed is far less than that of the saint.

Han Jue was confused when the scaly sword suddenly stopped, a cold light flashed, and it attacked Han Jue again.

So fast!

Han Jue\'s brows furrowed even tighter. He didn\'t dodge. There was a black vortex behind him. If the knife rushed in, Han Ling would be in danger.


The scaled sword was blocked by the extreme red dust robe on Han Jue\'s body, and the two forces shook the entire sky with violent waves, and the gigantic wind shook the boundless earth.

Under Han Jue\'s gaze, the scales on the surface of the Scaled Sword emerged and re-condensed into the man with broken armor just now.


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