Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 968: Knot, the Virgin expresses sincerity

"how is the situation?"

Xing Hongxuan came up and asked, extremely nervous.

She has learned from the ancestors of Tianxu that all lives are terrifying, and the entire chaos has been destroyed. If the matter cannot be resolved, she cannot imagine what kind of existence she will face.

Han Jue said: "It\'s over, now the will of chaos should have been lifted, all beings who have been destroyed by all beings have been resurrected by the Lord of Chaos, it\'s just..."

"Just what?"

Xing Hongxuan, Liu Bei, and the ancestors of Tianxu were all nervous. . .

Han Jue sighed and said: "It\'s just a pity that the realm of the ancestors of Tianxu cannot be restored, and the loneliness is settled."

The three were dumbfounded.

The ancestor of Tianxu said: "It\'s okay, just practice again. To be honest, I don\'t dare to recite such a big cause and effect..."

Destroy all beings of chaos...

This is absolutely the craziest thing he\'s ever done.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Let\'s rest, I have to go and see the way of heaven."

After he said that, he disappeared.

at the same time.

In the Absolute Beginning Realm, the million-avenue saints looked at each other in dismay, and the atmosphere was strange.

The end of the Yuan Tianxi suddenly appeared and released Han Huang and others.

Their appearance did not arouse the surprise of other powers, thinking that they were all just resurrected.

The Virgin of Order said: "I have already gained the insight of the true will of chaos. The previous will of chaos was a demon called the **** of nine descendants. He tampered with the memories of all beings with the divine power of chaos, and made all living beings hate the gods and heavenly saints, including us. , the gods of the nine descendants have been expelled by the chaotic theocracy, and we have also been resurrected by the chaotic theocracy."

"This robbery is over, we don\'t have to target the gods and gods, the memories of all living beings have been restored, everyone from the future, we are here to thank you."

Our Lady of Order bowed and saluted, and other avenue saints and avenue gods saluted one after another.

Nearly a million powers looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to say.

At this time, the Chaos Divine Power Skynet appeared above, and nearly a million future powerhouses were sucked away.

Han Huang looked at Han Yao and frowned.

Han Yao turned back and smiled: "Ancestor Han Huang, I forgot to tell you, I\'m still half your apprentice, you can take good care of me in the future!"

Han Huang was stunned.

Jiang Peishi looked left and right, and found that his future self had disappeared, and he hadn\'t seen his future self when he was resurrected just now.

Soon, millions of future powerhouses were all sent back by Chaos Divine Power, and the realm of Absolute Beginning became silent.

The Dao gods and Dao saints present looked at each other.

Although the matter is over, how should they face the divine power?

The memory of the previous war has not been erased, Shenwei Tiansheng suppressed millions of avenue saints, the avenue is supreme...

The Supreme Punishment God suddenly appeared beside Our Lady of Order.

Our Lady of Order bowed slightly.

The Supreme Punishment God waved his hand, and the nearby great powers left one after another, as did Han Huang and others.

Soon, there are only the two of them left.

The Supreme Punishment God asked, "You already knew the truth?"

The Virgin of Order said: "If I don\'t create such an opportunity, I can\'t overturn the inherent situation of chaos. If I don\'t summon so many great powers, even if things subside, the Dao deities will not accept it. Now Shenwei Tiansheng has proved his strength, Dao deity. No matter how big your dissatisfaction is, you can only accept it, this is the best result."

"Then have you considered what Shenwei Tiansheng thinks of you?" The Supreme Punishment God asked with a half-smile.

Our Lady of Order said: "He will understand."

"Ha ha."

The Tao of Heaven, outside the thirty-three layers of the sky, inside the Qiankun Hall, all saints gather.

"It\'s like a dream."

"Do you feel the same way too?"

"Indeed, what happened in the first few decades?"

"I dreamed that the Dao of Heaven was destroyed."

"Isn\'t this good, it is estimated that some great master wants to harm us, but fortunately there are divine powers in heaven."

All the saints talked a lot, and his eyes could not help falling on Han Jue, who was beside Xuandu Shengzun, his eyes full of admiration.

Han Jue was looking at the prompt in front of him.

It\'s all goodwill tips!

He was dazed to see.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu smiled and said, "Since Heavenly Sage has already said it\'s fine, let\'s talk about the Chaos Heavenly Road. We have destroyed a lot of Heavenly Road over the years, but we need to restore it."

When it comes to Chaos Heavenly Road, the saints are filled with indignation.

Most of the Chaos Heavenly Road was destroyed, how could they not be angry, the key is not knowing who to turn to.

Han Jue didn\'t interrupt, the avatar in Baiyue Xianchuan was negotiating with Li Xuanao to re-stabilize the order of the hidden door.

In general, the catastrophe caused by Chaos Will is over.

All sentient beings don\'t remember what happened, but the saints of the Great Dao remember it clearly, and it can be considered a harvest.

From now on, no one in the chaos should dare to trouble Han Jue.

The only trouble is the development of the Tao of Heaven.

Han Jue felt that he could give Ninth Chaos a face.

Let the Heavenly Dao develop to the strength of one domain at most, and it cannot be stronger.

The Ninth Chaos can completely refrain from resurrecting all sentient beings in the heavenly way, but he has already shown extraordinary bearing, so Han Jue naturally can\'t mess around.

Besides, the Heavenly Dao had developed so well that it didn\'t actually help him, on the contrary, it was cheaper for Pangu and Daozu.

Han Jue can now set his sights on his own Hongmeng Realm.

After a few hours, Han Jue left Qiankun Temple and returned to his Taoist temple.

He decided to practice for 100,000 years first, just to wait for the matter to end completely.

Just as he was meditating, a prompt appeared in front of him:

[Our Lady of Order entrusts you with a dream, UU reading www. uukanshu. com is accepted]

Can\'t sit still?

Han Jue sneered.

He wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he should first see what this fellow said.

The Holy Mother of Order can summon the Chaos Divine Power, which is stronger than the Supreme Punishment God Venerable, and can be regarded as the most powerful among the gods.

It is very likely that she is the lackey of the nine gods.

Dreams are the realm of Our Lady of Order, and the ocean is boundless.

Han Jue stood in the air, looking at Our Lady of Order.

The Holy Mother of Order said: "Heavenly Sage, congratulations on getting through this calamity."

Han Jue smiled.

The Virgin of Order said: "Does Heavenly Sage hate me? Why am I attracting so many powerful enemies?"

"If you don\'t pull the Chaos Future, the nameless existence will not take action. You are no match for the Chaos Will. Even if you can live in peace, your disciples, heirs, and the Tao of Heaven will all die. , that existence will not be guilty of Chaos Will, you and Chaos Will are still mortal enemies, you are still very dangerous, and now the future of Chaos is affected, Chaos Will will naturally not survive."

Han Jue raised his eyebrows, saying this makes sense.

The Virgin of Order said: "I know that the Supreme Punishment God is already yours. If I were your enemy, I would not come to persuade you before the war. After persuading you, I took the initiative to take the lead after the war. This is not to blame myself for hatred. Take it?"

Han Jue said angrily, "You know it."

The Virgin of Order said: "In this way, at least the will of Chaos will not be blamed on me, and it will also make him like an arrow from the string, and he has to be sent, and he will be elevated, and he will not be able to step down."

Han never answered.

To put it nicely, if you don\'t show some practical expression, this hatred can\'t be resolved!

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