Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 918: Hongmeng Demon God's Comprehension

"What does he want to do?"

Han Jue frowned, staring at the ancestors of Tianxu.

The ancestor of Tianxu raised his right hand, and his palm was connected to one of the supreme rules, absorbing the power of that supreme rule continuously.

The ancestor of Tianxu is a perfect cultivation base of Dao Supreme, and he is the most powerful Dao Demon of the ancient desolate gods. Looking at chaos, few people are his opponents, and there is no Dao Supreme dare to come out to block.

As for the Supreme Punishment God Venerable, it has obviously acquiesced.

Han Jue couldn\'t figure it out, so he had to ask in his heart: "Why did the ancestor of Tianxu want to do this?"

[Need to deduct one trillion years of life, whether to continue]


Han Jue\'s will followed into the evolutionary illusion.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was standing on a foggy wasteland, in front of which was the ancestor of Tianxu.

The ancestor of Tianxu knelt down and worshipped, and a phantom was suspended in front of him. Looking at its figure, it was not an ancient deity, but who was it?

"God, what advice do you have?"

The ancestor of Tianxu asked, his tone was indifferent.

The ancient desolate **** said coldly: "Shenwei Tiansheng is more powerful than I expected, we need to make more plans, I need you to control a supreme rule, and lead the countless arrogances of chaos to work for you, then you will bring the arrogance, I will bring Possessing the Dao Demon, with an irresistible trend, he will level the way of heaven and swept the chaos."

The ancestor of Tianxu was stunned for a while, and then asked: "How can I master the supreme rules?"

"I have my own way. Anyway, you are a demon, and you are not afraid of death."

"As ordered."

Although the ancestor of Tianxu was puzzled, he still responded.

He hesitated for a moment, and said: "Recently, the Dark Lord has become famous. I have communicated with the Dark Lord before. I can\'t see through him. He gives me a very dangerous feeling. I am afraid we have to pay attention to him, not only He, the Lao Tzu of the Holy Realm of Sanqing, the life-lord of the doomsday, and the ancient gods on the edge of chaos, may all hinder us."

The ancient desolate **** said calmly: "This chaos is very big, but it is also very small. When you master the supreme rules, you will understand that the chaos is already in our hands."

The ancestors of Tianxu were silent.

The evolutionary illusion shattered.

Han Jue opened his eyes and frowned.

Master the supreme rules so that Chaos Tianjiao works?

What does this mean?

When Han Jue was confused, variables appeared above the chaos.

The ancestor of Tianxu also felt it, he turned his head to look, his eyes narrowed.

Following his gaze, a sword light came from Chaos, and a figure stood above the sword light. The man was wearing a blue Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, immortal wind, and sharp eyebrows.

Lao Tzu!

The ancestor of Tianxu said coldly: "Who is my Dao, it turns out to be the first disciple of Dao Zu!"

Lao Tzu looked indifferent and said: "Tianxu Taoist friend\'s move is detrimental to the order of chaos. I advise you not to do it insistently."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Li really speaks to your teacher."

"The supreme rule is of great importance. If fellow daoists insist on doing it, then I will not care about the affection of the past acquaintance, and I will take action against you."

Lao Tzu stared at the ancestors of Tianxu closely, his tone was indifferent, but his words were extremely strong, and he did not leave any emotion behind.

The ancestor of Tianxu smiled and said: "Then let\'s do it! Kill you first, and give Daozu a big gift before meeting!"


Lao Tzu raised his sleeves and waved, and the void under the seven supreme rules was instantly like daylight.

A war broke out!

Han Jue sat meditating in the Taoist temple and watched the battle with relish.

This is a top duel in the Supreme Road.

The space collapsed, but the seven supreme rules stood still and were not destroyed by the supreme force.

Although the battle is terrifying, it does not disturb the chaos. Only the Supreme Dao can perceive it. Ordinary Dao Saints feel the pressure at most, and cannot see the highest plane where the Supreme Rules are located.

At this time.

Han Huang suddenly came to visit Han Jue\'s Taoist temple.

Han Jue let him in.

Han Huang came to Han Jue and saluted, then raised his head and asked, "Father, did you feel someone fighting on it?"

"Where is it?"

"Anyway, it\'s the top. I don\'t know how high it is."

Han Huang scratched his head and said, he stared at Han Jue, and continued: "I\'m sure I feel right!"

Han Jue said: "You feel pretty good, then as a father, I will let you see."

He raised his hand and waved in front of Han Huang, and Han Huang\'s consciousness came to the chaos, as if he was in a dream, witnessing the battle between Lao Tzu and the ancestors of Tianxu.

Han Jue also continued to watch the battle.

The battle lasted half a day.

In the end, Lao Tzu and the ancestors of Tianxu both lost and retreated. From a strategic point of view, Laozi succeeded, at least preventing the ancestors of Tianxu.

The strengths of the two are evenly matched. The Taoist body of the ancestor of Tianxu is extremely strange, immortal and indestructible, and Laozi\'s swordsmanship is extremely sharp and can cut the avenue.

Han Huang opened his eyes with excitement on his face.

"Father, what kind of realm is that? Is the Dao supreme?"

Han Huang clenched his fists and asked with burning eyes.

Han Jue nodded.

Han Huang said excitedly: "Their supernatural powers are amazing, I only remember 30%, but it\'s enough for me to practice!"

Han Jue was stunned for a while, and asked, "Can you learn their magical powers by watching the battle?"

"Some magical powers can\'t be seen through, but I can learn them by myself."

Looking at the high-spirited Han Huang, Han Jue was a little dazed.

He suddenly felt that he underestimated his son.

The same as the Hongmeng Demon God, Han Jue\'s comprehension is far less than that of his son. Could it be because Han Huang was born as the Hongmeng Demon God?

"Father, are you also the Great Dao?"


"How are you better than them?"

"Half a catty eight taels."

"Impossible! I challenged you in the mock trial, and I can\'t see through your magical powers. UU Reading"

"Hehe, it\'s not necessarily strong if you can\'t see through."

Han Huang pouted, knowing that his father was fooling him again.

In his heart, his father has always been the strongest, and even though the battle between Lao Tzu and the ancestors of Tianxu is extremely shocking, he still cannot change his thoughts.

"By the way, father, what are the seven rays of light on the heads of the two people just now? As soon as I saw them, I somehow wanted to take them as my own."

Han Huang asked, his eyes shining.

Han Jue frowned.

Want to own it?

Han Jue suddenly didn\'t know whether to tell him the truth or not. With Han Huang\'s desire for power, he could really target the seven supreme rules!

Han Huang smiled and said: "Father doesn\'t want to talk about it, maybe my realm is not enough, so I can\'t be too ambitious, then I will go back to practice and see that I will learn the skills of the two old boys just now and teach them to Qing\'er and other disciples. ."

After saying that, Han Huang turned around and left.

Free and easy-going, he is a completely different character from the young Han Jue.

Han Jue looked at his back and couldn\'t help but be in a trance.

If he always chooses the first option provided by the system, will he develop such a character as a son?

Han Jue shook his head and laughed, no longer thinking about it.

The appearance of Lao Tzu proves that there are still strong people in Chaos, and it is not that they cannot turn without Han Jue.

He has to continue to cultivate and reach the Great Dao Supreme Consummation as soon as possible. At that time, it should not be difficult to kill the ancient gods in seconds.

If he breaks through before the ancient desolate gods attack, he can go to pacify the ancient wilderness!

You don\'t have to wait for the enemy to come to your door every time!

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