Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 892: Treasures of the ancient wilderness, Heavenly Dao is alarmed

"Thank you senior for preaching, this way is really amazing, I would like to practice this way, please allow seniors to approve!"

Jiang Peishi stood up and saluted, and said with a sincere expression.

Han Jue said: "The previous sermons have been enough for you to practice for a while. When you achieve the Dao, I will give you some pointers."

When the voice fell, he disappeared.

Jiang Peishi was stunned for a while, but did not expect the other party to leave so soon.

Liu Bei also came to his senses and said with a smile, "If you can spare ten thousand years to preach for you, it seems that this senior still values ​​you very much. I haven\'t listened to it for so long."

Hearing this, Jiang Peishi felt very happy, and he was no longer alert.

He could feel that the other party really did not have a plan. After comprehending the Jiyuan Dao, he realized that the gap between himself and the other party was unimaginable. In the eyes of the other party, the great reincarnation skill he was proud of was probably not worth mentioning.

No matter how powerful the practice is, can it be compared to the Great Dao?

After thinking about this, Jiang Peishi no longer worried. .

The reason why he was full of vigilance before was because he was afraid that the other party would miss him.

Immediately, the two continued to meditate and practice.

They were all in a good mood. Jiang Peishi had a bright future in his arms, and Liu Bei thought that he was about to complete the task assigned by his master.


In a piece of heaven and earth, the mountains and forests are ups and downs, the sky is high and the sea is far away, and a majestic giant peak towers into the clouds.

On the top of the mountain is a huge peacock, which is bigger than the entire mountain, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds appears in small clusters in front of it.

A rainbow of light galloped and stopped in front of the huge peacock.

After the light dissipated, a burly man in black armor and an iron crown with phoenix wings appeared.

The man in black armor clasped his fists in salute, and said, "God, it has been a while since I learned that the five gods were punished into the ancient wilderness."

The giant peacock is the peacock god.

The Peacock God Sovereign slowly opened his eyes and said, "What about the situation in the ancient wasteland?"

"There is no movement for the time being, and the vision you mentioned has never appeared."


Peacock God Monarch closed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

The man in black armor couldn\'t help but ask, "God, what are you waiting for?"

Peacock God Sovereign said casually: "There is a great opportunity in the ancient wasteland. Why did the five gods enter it, because the ancient wasteland is strong enough, I even suspect that the Taoist ancestors are hidden in the ancient wasteland."

The man in black armor nodded and said, "The ancient wasteland was transformed by the ancient floods. In the past, when the ancestors of the Daoist forehead were majestic, they captured many strong people and suppressed them in the ancient wasteland."

He paused and asked in surprise, "But you still didn\'t say what you were waiting for."

The Peacock God Sovereign opened his eyes and stared coldly at the man in black armor, so scared that he hurriedly lowered his head.

"Let\'s just stare at you, and you won\'t be able to benefit from it in the future."

The Peacock God Sovereign said coldly, causing the man in black armor to quickly nod his head.

Afterwards, the man in black armor salutes and leaves.

The Peacock God Sovereign stared at the direction he left, thoughtfully.

"Forbidden Lord, Forbidden Lord, if you don\'t contact me, I can only make achievements."

God Peacock thought in his heart, full of helplessness.

He thought that the Dark Lord was dissatisfied with him, that he was too slow to prove the Dao, and that he had caused trouble before, and the Lord himself had to help him.

The Peacock God\'s eyes became firm.

Gotta get that baby!

As long as you get it, why can\'t the great cause of the Dark Lord be established?

Although the Peacock God Sovereign does not know what the great cause of the Dark Lord is, it must be related to the entire chaos.


In the Qiankun Hall, dozens of saints gathered here.

Usually, most saints have their own responsibilities, and it is difficult for them all to be in the way of heaven.

Now there are as many as ten Chaos Heavenly Roads in Heavenly Dao, and good trade channels have been established in this Chaos Realm. Walking on the Chaos Heavenly Road, you can get the protection of Heavenly Dao. A little bit, so it has been pressed by the way of heaven.

With the protection of heaven, practitioners are not afraid of being attacked by saints and the existence above. Although it is not absolutely safe, it can at least avoid many troubles.

"I\'m calling you here today because I want to talk about the ancient wasteland. After the God Realm of Guixu was shattered by the Dao Demon, the ancient wasteland became independent, but millions of years have passed, the ancient wasteland is still a forbidden area, and sometimes there are ancient great powers who escape. Come out, not long ago I heard that there is a treasure in the ancient wilderness that is about to be born, and this treasure can shake the chaos."

Xuandu Shengzun glanced at the saints and said slowly.

When it comes to ancient wilderness, many saints are moved.

The most frequently mentioned Chaos is the ancient wasteland.

They each have their own forces, and many disciples are roaming in the chaos, so naturally they have information, and even some saints have been thinking about the treasure.

Pan Xin smiled and said, "Holy Venerable wants to take this treasure?"

The Holy Venerable Xuandu shook his head and said: "On the contrary, I want to remind you that you can\'t go to the ancient wilderness, and you can\'t covet the treasure."

Xin Shengyang Tiandong couldn\'t help but ask, "Why?"

Not long after he preached the Dao, he swept away the previous decadence, and was full of energy, wanting to make some achievements, so he also set his sights on Gu Huang.

The other saints also looked puzzled.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu replied: "I have calculated that the ancient wilderness will set off a catastrophe. A little carelessness may endanger the way of heaven."

Endangering Heaven?

The saints were in an uproar.

The Antarctic Heavenly Venerate smiled and said: "Holy Venerable, it\'s too exaggerated. Could it be that there are 30,000 divine generals hidden in the ancient wasteland?"

As soon as these words came out, the saints also laughed.


With the divine power and divine presence, how could the Dao of Heaven be in danger!

Xuandu Shengzun said: "Don\'t forget the Taoist ancestors, Pangu has been resurrected, and the Taoist ancestors whose life and death are uncertain, are you sure you are dead? If the Taoist ancestors return, they want to regain control of the heaven and the Tao, will you let them or not?"

The word Daozu made the atmosphere in the hall become depressed again.

Antarctica Tianzun, Pan Xin, and Yang Tiandong all stopped talking.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu was about to speak, but at this moment, a great pressure descended from the sky. It was a beam of light that penetrated the thirty-three layers of the sky, fell from the front of the Qiankun Hall, passed through the layers of clouds, and fell under the fairyland. one side of the mortal world.

The saints were startled.

"what is that?"

"What a terrible coercion!"

"It\'s a saint of the avenue!"

"Wait, why did it fall from above?"

"That beam of light actually fell into the mortal body."

The Holy Venerable Xuandu frowned, and his expression changed drastically as he pinched his fingers.

He couldn\'t figure it out, and he even panicked in his heart. This is a feeling he\'s never had What\'s going on?

At this time, three figures appeared in the hall. They were the Void Soul Great Sage, the Fool Sword Sage, and the Red Fate.

"What was that just now?" Fool Sword Sacred asked in a deep voice, and he was also frightened.

Saint Venerable Xuandu frowned and asked, "You can\'t figure it out?"

The Fool Sword Sacred is the most powerful existence in the Heavenly Dao other than the divine mighty Heavenly Sage!

Hongyuan also looked at Yujian Sacred in surprise.

The eyes of the saints made Yujian Sacred even more uncomfortable.

Fool Sword Sacred snorted: "If it can be calculated thoroughly, what am I doing? That thing just came from the top of the heavens, but from the top of chaos. You have to be careful about this, and don\'t have any enemies trying to figure out the heavens."

He turned to look at the mortal world, his eyes getting colder and colder.

He is the avenue, and there are things that he can\'t see through!