Thriller Paradise

Chapter 972

Late, 7:06.

Zheng Xian has been sitting in the interrogation room for nearly 30 minutes.

Just after 6:30, he was still at the investigation team's side "sitting down" and motioned to the police to "stabilize" "For the safety of the hostages, don't act rashly.".

I didn't expect In a blink of an eye, he was locked in the interrogation room and asked to hand over his cell phone.

Although no one has handcuffed him at the moment, Zheng Xian's heart is too flustered


just as deputy director Zheng was confused, someone opened the door.

There are three people coming in. The leader is Zheng Xian's immediate superior, director Zhu of this branch. And director Zhu is followed by two young people One of them looks good, dressed appropriately, looks and temperament give people a sense of age incompatibility and self-respect; the other Too many descriptions are meaningless. We can summarize them into three words: "blind".

"Zhu Ju What's the matter? " Zheng Xian got up from the chair at the first time, looked at the director and said, "is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Director Zhu looked at him expressionless, silent for two seconds, and replied: "these two They're all heads of higher departments. " He paused. "They have a few questions for you That's all you have to say. "

After that, director Zhu looked at Bao Qing again and said, "Sir, I will go out first."

"Well." Bao Qing nodded, "you're working hard."

"Eh? Zhu Ju... This... This is... " Zheng Xian also wanted to call for the director, but the other side walked out without looking back, and conveniently took the door.

"Come on, deputy director Zheng, it's useless for you to find anyone." Feng didn't realize he had stepped forward and came to the table. "Please sit down, let's sit down and say."

Hearing this, Zheng Xian looked up and down at Feng unconsciously with a kind of hostile eyes, then took a breath out of his nose and sat down sideways.

There are four interrogation rooms in this branch. The pattern is the same

About 20 square meters of space, a table in the middle. There are two seats by the table near the door for the interrogators; opposite. There is only one chair on the other side of the table for the interrogated.

All tables and chairs are fixed on the floor and cannot be moved; on the side of the table with only one seat, on the corner of the table, there are several small metal rings that can be used to fix the cuff chain.

There are two incandescent tubes in the high place of the interrogation room and a table lamp on the table. The desk lamp is naturally placed on the half table near the door; in addition On the two corners of the ceiling, a movable monitoring probe is pressed.

After Zheng Xian sat down, Bao Qing walked to one of the monitoring probes Unplugged the plug.

Then he strolled to another probe across the room

But Feng didn't realize it. He just sat down in silence opposite to Zheng Xian and looked at deputy director Zheng's face with a smile. The expression seemed to be that the cook was looking at a piece of good food and was thinking about how to cook

"You What do you mean by that? " Zheng Xian was stared at by brother Jue and his back was cold. He tried to make a cool gesture and asked a question.

Feng unconsciously ignored his question and asked in turn, "around 4:30 this afternoon. You answered a phone call in the toilet. "

Before this sentence is finished, cold sweat has flowed down Zheng Xian's sideburns.

"Who's on the other end of the line? What are you looking for? " Asked Feng unconsciously.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Even though he felt a little empty, Zheng Xian pretended to be calm.

"Ah I don't know... " Feng Bujue said. He took out a transparent evidence bag from his arms. It contained Zheng Xian's mobile phone. "Deputy director Zheng, you are also a policeman. You should know Even if you delete the phone call record, there are still many ways to find out your call. "

Zheng Xian didn't speak, just avoided the vision of brother Jue.

"Hum..." I can't see it. With a cold hum, he said, "how about me I can probably guess what you think You think if we've found anything, even a phone recording I don't need to ask you again. Now that we're questioning you. That means We don't have any substantive information, at most we are bluffing. "

Zheng Xian is still silent.

"Ah..." Feng unconsciously looked at the reaction of the other party and said with a chuckle, "yes, we are in a deadlock indeed. Because the person who calls you is very careful, he uses a disposable mobile card. And make a secondary transfer and interference to this communication by technical means So, apart from the call records, nothing is left It can't be traced or recorded. "

At this point, Zheng Xian's mouth appeared a faint smile.

"Two Sir. " Zheng Xian finally replied. Brother Jue's last words gave him a reassurance. "I did get a phone call this afternoon, but the person at the other end of the line was just selling things. After a few perfunctory remarks, I hung up. As for what you said I really don't know. "

"Oh..." Brother Jue nodded. "I heard you say If you can't find out anything, you'll change from "don't know" to "don't know very well", right? "

Zheng Xian didn't respond to this question. He himself tried many suspects. When should he reply? When should he be silent He knows better than anyone.

"However..." In the next second, Feng can't feel the change of the conversation, "the caution of the person at the other end of the phone, or Being professional just proves that the person who calls you is not an ordinary person. "

Zheng Xian sneers at him because brother Jue's words can't prove anything at all.

"By the way, I haven't asked..." Zheng Xian didn't take the other side's words, but asked himself, "what's the name of the two officers? In which department? "

"Can you manage it?" Bao qinglengleng, standing at the table, replied.

"Ha ha I'm just asking. " Zheng Xian said, also quite arrogantly took out a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, picked up one, and prepared to light it for himself.

"Deputy director Zheng, I find that you seem to have a blind optimism about your situation..." After pausing for a few seconds, he said, "do you think we can't do anything to you? Or you think "The worst result is simply" pickpocketing "(usually described as the dismissal of a bad official)."

"Sir "Fu" Zheng Xian lit a cigarette and took a sip, "I have explained the questions you asked. Can I take a sales call Has he committed any heinous crimes? "

"You want to discuss crime with us, don't you..." Bao Qing said, took out a mobile phone from his pocket, looked at the screen and said, "Zheng Xian. What's your annual salary? "

"This..." Zheng Xian looks up at the other side and doesn't immediately reply He is thinking about whether there is any trap in the problem.

"No matter how many......" Bao Qing didn't wait for his answer, but after pressing a few keys, he displayed the transfer interface of an online bank in front of Zheng Xian It must be far less than that number, isn't it? "

The moment when the line of sight contacts the screen. Zheng Xian's face changed abruptly.

"You..." Deputy director Zheng stood up from the chair How could you have me... "

"What's yours?" Feng unconsciously interrupts him, "what does this account have to do with you? Or I should ask... " Chueh Ge Wei Dun half a second, said, "these are the huge amounts of cash in the accounts of the leather bag company opened in the name of your wife's brother What does it have to do with you? "

Every time he said the word "de", he raised his tone and read it as if it were through his mouth.

"I I... " Zheng Xian is speechless.

"Deputy director Zheng, I say you are blind and optimistic You don't think so. " "Who do you think we are?" said Feng This is not a question, nor is he going to give a clear answer. "We are not the kind of people who will let you go to court..." His face became sombre. "We are the kind People who will let you evaporate from the earth... "

"This is the police station!" I don't know whether it's because of anger or because I want to embolden myself, Zheng Xian immediately roared.

The next second, he got a punch in the face.

Then, Zheng Xian staggers to sit down and looks surprised.

He was dazed for a long time, until he felt a little cold in the middle of people. Instinctively, he reached out and saw his nose blood That's what it's like.

"You You dare to hit people! " Zheng Xian covered his nose and shouted angrily.

The voice is still on. Feng unconsciously stood up and said, "I didn't expect that, did I?" He smiled and said, "my fist just now is mainly to broaden your thinking. Let's break the stereotype of "I can't be brutally added by two unidentified people in the police station." He paused. "With this first step We can also communicate more smoothly. "

"You You... " Zheng Xian was shocked and angry. But he really can't help it. If you want to fight back It's not a wise move for him to fight with two young people and a middle-aged man who is a little bit fat.

"Well, I'll show you what I can do about violence." In a moment, if I don't get satisfactory feedback, I can gradually upgrade to minor injury, serious injury, disability, or You understand. " He spread out his hands. "But Is death really terrible? I don't think so Especially those criminals who are involved in corruption, many of them are not afraid to die Because most of their criminal income can't be recovered; we can often see that some big greedy evils end up in prison when their hair is white, but their losses to the country and the people have not been made up, and their families still enjoy the illegal income and freedom abroad... "

When brother Jue was talking, he came to Zheng Xian, stood on the edge of the table and said, "of course, you can't reach that level, but the nature is similar And your real weakness We know it. "

At this point, Bao Qing went to the other side of Zheng Xian, held up his mobile phone and said, "as long as I move my finger, all the deposits in this account will become charitable donations." He paused for two seconds, adding, "believe me Once the operation is completed, you will never get the money back. "

"If you think money is something outside, it doesn't matter..." Then he said, "man Let's talk about some feelings. I can introduce your wife to you tonight and meet her face to face. Let's have a meal togethe