Thriller Paradise

Chapter 242

Feng doesn't realize that he quickly steps back to cell zero and goes straight to the plastic bucket at the corner of the wall. Then he reaches down the magnet tied to one end of the cloth rope, trying to "catch" the key or other clues.

But unexpectedly, I didn't catch

"What's the matter? Not close enough? " He didn't let the cloth rope or magnet directly touch the things in the bucket. He just hung in the air to fish.

"Wait No... It's not here. " He suddenly thought of something. He quickly lifted the cloth rope and took the magnet to his hand. "If the system sets the clues I need for this step in cell zero, in case I find them before I escape from the room In the process of the game, dentures and magnets are the clues that can be skipped. "

He looked over the description of the magnet again:

[Name: the cut-off iron bar]

[type: story related]

[quality: normal]

[function: generate magnetic field]

[whether the script can be brought out: no]

[Note: this iron bar is made of natural magnet. ]

"dentures are things that can take a play and turn it into a jigsaw puzzle. In theory, they may be useless. But this magnet can't take a play, so it's bound to be useful somewhere." "Well Since the magnet is necessary, the next clue is impossible to hide here. Because without magnets, I can also find things hidden in the dung bucket, but the nausea will be a little higher... "

He took the magnet and began to rethink: "what is it Must... "

"Don't you..." Feng didn't realize that there was a new speculation soon. He trotted back to the door of cell 4 and looked at the iron door. "Is that so..." With a dry smile, he stood on tiptoe and reached into the gap of the small iron window above.

The width of the gap is limited when the five bars are all in the small window. Let the forearm of the hand pass at most, but after removing one iron bar, the whole arm can pass.

Feng unconsciously leans his body against the door, reaches into the window and fumbles upward. Before long, he feels a key directly above the back of the iron door.

[Name: key of cell 1]

[type: scenario related]

[quality: normal]

[function: disappear immediately after use, and then the door of cell 1 can be opened or closed freely. ]

[can I bring out the script: no]

[Note: hung behind the door of cell 4 by a thin thread]

"this remark is not nonsense. I have everything in my hand. And you want to tell me? " I read the way unconsciously.

The place where the key is hidden is really insidious. Its position is slightly higher than the height of the door frame. It is almost against the wall. When viewed from the outside, it can't be seen from any angle. Even if the player can see through the location of the key, his hands will not be able to reach it until the iron fence is removed.

The only way to do that is to take down the iron fence and reach inside. You can only get the key if you let your elbow through.

"Niang xipi..." Feng unconsciously scolded and walked to cell one: "do you want to do this every step?"? How nice to hide in shit! Simple and clear! "

With a click, the door of cell one was opened.

Feng unconsciously pushes the door and enters. He first stands at the door and observes for a minute. It was only when it was determined that the act of opening the door did not trigger anything strange that he continued to act with confidence.

There are also small wooden cabinets in this cell. So, there's nothing to say. Open the drawer

In the top drawer, there is a newspaper clipping, only the size of palm. The above text is close to English, but it's not. I can't recognize which language it is. Of course, the system of thriller park has its own translation function, which does not affect reading.

When I saw this thing, I felt like an addict saw faner. I couldn't wait to get it in front of me and see it again.

The title of the article is "demons are still active", which reads: "since the tarantula month, the number of missing people in this town has exceeded 40, and the national wizard Association and the church have declared that they are helpless. An official spokesman said that the seals in this town are intact and there is no obvious evidence of demons. Families of victims and local nobles have issued high bounties. Anyone who resolves the incident or provides help can get a reward of up to 20000 satti.

A few days ago, we got reliable information from a bounty hunter. The perpetrators of the disappearance were the "criminal" descendants, the perpetrators... "

The text stops abruptly here, and the next content is unknown.

"What's the matter Is this news or fiction? " The clippings on the seal's handle turned over, trying to prove it by the information on the other side. Unfortunately, the handwriting on the opposite side was illegible. But judging from the material of the paper, it should be that the newspaper is correct.

"Well It's still an overhead plan for a long time. This world view has the wizard Association, demons, and bounty hunters Satti should be a currency, but it's unclear how much purchasing power there is for 20000 yuan. The date calculation method is also unknown. Although there is the concept of month, it is impossible to determine how many days they have in a month, how many hours they have in a day, let alone how many meals they eat in a day How long does the score on the wall of cell zero represent? It's hard to say... " A series of deduction has been launched in Feng's mind: "this paper is undoubtedly explaining the plot. If there is no accident, this place where I am now is where those missing people are imprisoned. And the little guy in CG at the beginning of the film is the main culprit of the disappearance, that is, the last generation of "criminal clan" in the newspaper

Feng unconsciously sat on the ground and thought excitedly: "since it's such a setting, it's not surprising that he can drag me to move with one hand. Maybe it's because the strength of the criminals is naturally greater than that of the ordinary people, or the" ordinary people "in the world have such strength." He touched his chin: "well It's hard to say what the so-called "people" in the world look like. Maybe they all have three eyes, both men and women have beards, and their faces may be covered with hair... "

Normal people's thinking, at this time, should be thinking: this should be a script of the technological level of Western magic civilization after the industrial revolution, right?

But it's something else that Feng can't feel the thought of breaking through the sky So far, he has only seen one person in CG, and no face. From a scientific point of view, the only individual can't be used as the basis for confirming the theory. He has to see at least 100 people in the world before he can make a preliminary conclusion about who are "ordinary people". Before that. For any "never seen" things, we can make assumptions.

He doesn't see anyone's face in the script world, so he can assume that this group of people has any appearance; he hasn't seen people in the world have done addition and subtraction, so he can also assume that these people use the dodecal system; he hasn't seen the appearance of satti, so maybe this kind of thing is made by the tongue of animals

In a word, the world is limited, the imagination is infinite, and what imprisons people's thinking is only the thought itself. In the eyes of Feng Wujue, "world outlook" can be anything. Countless crossing novels. Both depict the traverser going to another world dominated by human beings, but with different civilizations or histories. But in the eyes of those who don't realize it, if people can travel in parallel universe, it's normal for them to travel to the place ruled by a group of orangutans or rhinoceros.

He sat on the ground for a long time, and through the limited content in the newspaper, combined with what he saw and heard after entering the script, he made a new thought.

Those daily necessities, the size of the bed. Door size, plastic bucket size It's all based on him.

"Well There is still no clue. " Ten minutes later, Feng unconsciously shrugged and smiled: "interesting."

He put away the small newspaper. He took out the first drawer from the small wooden cabinet, checked it 360 degrees, and confirmed that there was no writing or lettering in the drawer before he opened the second drawer.

The contents of it can make people cry with joy.

[Name: key of cell 2]

[type: story related]

[quality: normal]

[function: disappear immediately after use. After that, the door of cell 2 can be opened or closed freely. ]

[can I bring out the script: no]

[Note: a very easy key to start with. ]

"I always feel that this remark has no guiding significance, just mocking the players..." Feng unconsciously recited a sentence and put the key away. The second drawer was carefully examined, and then the bottom drawer was opened.

The drawer is empty, but there are two Arabic numbers written in blood: 38.

"According to the general riddle solving routine This should be a part of some password. " Feng didn't realize he was saying this. He took out the drawer and checked it. After confirming that there was only this prompt, he stood up and searched the whole room again.

Before leaving the room, he had a new discovery, that is, the inner side of the iron door, facing the room, was drawing an arrow. The arrows, like the numbers outside, are painted.

The line segment of the arrow is not straight, but an upward raised arc with the arrow pointing to the right.

"Oh In this way, I seem to have understood. " Feng unconsciously looks at the prompt and laughs.

After that, he went to cell 2, the same small wooden cabinet, with another newspaper clipping in the top drawer, but its content was not consistent with that of cell 1.

"As Mr. Carr, the sheriff, was killed in the pursuit, the rumors about the" criminal clan "were further confirmed. At last, the Royal Army of alchemists made some moves. Now it has sent three armed alchemists and five military officers of the mechanical corps to the town. The amount of private reward has reached an unprecedented 100000 sati. According to the sources, the mysterious reward hunter who uses black magic, fearing magpies, has also appeared in the town. "

"Ah It's getting more and more interesting. " Feng unconsciously commented.

Similar to cell 1, this small wooden cabinet in cell 2 has the key of cell 3 in the middle drawer and Arabic numerals in the bottom drawer. This time it's 69. The inner side of the iron door of this cell is also painted with an arrow. The arrow is to the left, and the line segment is also raised upward in a semicircle arc.

The next three, four and five cells are of similar design.

Three snippets are as follows

"Fear magpie and the bodies of three armed alchemists were found on the outskirts of the town. The official refused to comment on the matter. Panic is spreading in the town. This morning, the new sheriff announced the emergency deployment of the forces of the Pro Town forces and the iron blade knights to support, and issued a night time curfew. Whateve