Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1249

"This poor man......" Just at the moment of Fang's astonishment, a man's voice had already sounded on his side, "your knife seems unusual."

When Fang tried to turn around, his blood was cold.

Until the sound of words sounded, he didn't notice anyone approaching at all.

However, when he looked back, he found that there were two more people at the table in front of him.

The two men's dress is quite ordinary, and their age seems to be about 25, but at most 30.

People around, including the owner of the tea shop They didn't realize when they appeared, just like They sat there from the beginning.

"Two......" After all, Fang Ju is a powerful character. Even though he is scared in the heart, he can still be quiet on the surface. "Do we know each other?"

This question, in fact, is a nonsense.

But sometimes, nonsense makes sense.

It can give you time to think, it can help you test the response of the other party, and it can also be used to avoid the previous question asked by the other party.

"I don't know." [sashimi] with his slightly wooden expression, he looked at Fang Jin, and then said, "but I think since we've sat together, we might as well know each other."

"Hum OK. " Fang gave a sneer and said, "I'll call Fang."

He only said his own name, but he didn't disclose anything else, and he didn't even use such modesty as "I'm here, I'm sorry".

"My name is fish fillet." Sashimi didn't give a complete nickname of the game. Even if the system could help him to correct the sense of violation of that word in NPC consciousness, he thought it was strange.

"Burp I'm going to dream about Zen. " At this time, has been drinking beside the "bring your own wine" Chan brother, timely gave a sound, but also a belch.

Fang's eyes swept the faces of the two men again, and then he read in his heart: "Yu lied Meng jingchan Um... I haven't heard of it... "

Although Fang is not a person in the Jianghu, he knows a lot about things in the Jianghu. If there is an expert among the younger generation who can approach him quietly, he will at least know the name of the other.

"Then Brother Yu, brother Meng...... " Fang thought for a few seconds and asked, "I don't want to go around with you, please Why did you come to me? "

"Just a few small things." "One of them..." said the sashimi As he spoke, he turned his head and glanced at the woman who was walking farther and farther along the road, wearing a pair of knives If I'm not wrong Brother Fang has noticed that she is not an ordinary person, and intends to go forward to test... " He paused, "and the two of us came here mainly to persuade you "No,"

"Oh?" Fang made a choice at the tip of his brow Do you recognize her? "

"Yes." Sashimi way.

"Who is she?" Fang asked again.

"The one who comes to take the sword spectrum." Sashimi way.

"There are many people who come to take the sword score." Fang tried.

"A lot." Sashimi way.

"How is she different?" Fang tried.

As soon as the words came out, the sashimi didn't respond, and mengjingchan put on his slightly drunk expression, like joking: "brother Fang, can you kill more people in this town?"

Asked such a question, Fang did not get angry, not only did not get angry, but his attitude became more calm: "not much."

"Well..." Dream Jing Zen nodded, picked up the white wine he had with him and took a sip, "now it's much more."

"You mean She can kill me? " When Fang asked this question, the woman's back had disappeared on the road.

"Yes." Dream Jing Chan said with a smile, "not only her, but also us." He said, and with a very relaxed gesture, raised his finger and pointed to himself and sashimi.

This may seem like a joke to a modern man, but it is undoubtedly a very serious provocation to fall into the ears of people in the Wulin.

"Oh?" Fang Jin is also a martial artist. Hearing this, his blood is surging up.

Almost He said the second half of "let's try".

But sashimi snatched before him and said quickly, "don't be angry, brother Fang. I'm a drunk. I don't mean to offend you."

Fang as heard the words, his face changed several times. After about five seconds of silence, he hummed: "hum Just... "

In other words, others may not see it, but the sashimi which takes "listening" as its skill is clear about the other party's psychological activities.

In those five seconds, Fang thought of a very important thing - since these two people can get close to this distance without any observation and sit down safely, they will kill him It's not hard.

What's more, as long as the two poisoned the tea bowl quietly, he would be a dead man.

Thinking about it, reason conquers the impulse

Fang tried his best to think about it, including his previous reaction to the discovery of a woman with double sabres, all of which were reflected in his subtle signs such as heartbeat, breath, pulse and eyes.

And these Without exception, all escape is the eyes and ears of sashimi.

Order these two experts are the first group of players to linlu town; the experienced two people are not eager to enter the town to explore, but have been staying near the main road at the entrance of the town, waiting for the rabbit and watching quietly.

They know very well Players are their opponents and the only targets they need to guard and pay attention to.

As for NPCs with special functions like Fangjin, they are available resources


Let's have a look at the other side of town.

A lonely place.

A deserted alley.

Two people are standing face to face.

He, with a sword.

He, too, has a sword.

He is a famous swordsman in the Jianghu, Taoist cotton.

And he, just "Zhang San", a passer-by who will never see more when walking in the crowd.

"Taoist priest, you and I don't know each other. Why do you stop me here?" That's what he said, but the tone of Zhang San's asking is not like facing a "stranger".

"Legend..." Taoist Mian didn't take Zhang San's words seriously. He said selfishly, "there is a mysterious killer in the Wulin. No one has seen his real appearance or heard his real voice. No one knows how old he is or how good his martial arts are. What is certain is Every time he appears, he will become another person, even the person close to him, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false. "

When Taoist Mian said this, he paused for a moment: "to be honest, I never thought that I could meet the most mysterious and terrible killer in the Wulin here and now "Mirror."

"Oh?" Mirror sneers, "then I'm curious Since you can't tell the true from the close relatives, how can you tell Am I the mirror? "

"Coincidence." Taoist Mian only replied two words.

Two words is enough.

Mirror thought about it and said, "do you know Zhang San?"

"Yes." Cotton road humanity.

"Who are you?" Mirror path.

"He is my benefactor." Cotton road humanity.

"A hunter in the mountain is your benefactor?" Mirror doubt.

"There will always be bad luck." Cotton Taoist said again.

"I see..." The mirror didn't need to ask for more details. Instead, he asked, "how do you know I'm fake?"

"Very simple." Taoist Mian replied, "in return for Zhang San's help, I once passed him a set of unique internal mental skills."

"But on me There is no such internal skill. " Mirror path.

"No." Cotton Taoist also said.

"And my face, my voice It's all like Zhang San. " The mirror went on.

"as like as two peas." Cotton road humanity.

"Can't I be his twin brother?" Asked the mirror.

"Even a twin cannot walk the same way." Cotton road humanity.

"You never thought Maybe Zhang San lost the internal skill you gave him because of some reasons? " The mirror asked again.

"Yes." "But that doesn't explain how Zhang San got involved with Wang poor," said Mian

"Ha ha I see. " Mirror said with a smile, "you've been spying on Wang Qiong's house all the time, haven't you..."

"Exactly." Taoist Mian confessed, "so, when I see a person who has no one's own internal skill and is exactly the same as Zhang San, I know Zhang San is dead, and the person in front of me is You. "

"Well It's a coincidence. " Mirror nodded, "I didn't expect An ordinary hunter can recognize Taoist Mian, and he has an internal skill that I can't find. "

"Why Zhang San?" When asked this question, Taoist Mian's expression was very cold and his voice was even colder. "Does his identity have special value?"

"Ha ha..." Mirror smiled and said, "nothing special. That's what its value is." "It's very dangerous to incarnate as' special people 'and I only do that when the task needs to be done; most of the time, I live as' Zhang San', 'Li Si' and 'Wang Wu'." He said proudly, "you should understand the principle of hiding wood in the forest? So, identity like "Zhang San" I'll have about ten at any time. "

At this point, the mirror pauses for a few seconds and says: "ha ha However, from the current situation, the next time I "take" this identity, I have to pay more attention to it. "

"You don't have another time." At this moment, Taoist Mian's murderous and sword spirit had already come with his voice.

"Ha ha Is that right? " The mirror is still laughing, and it's very easy to laugh. The next second, his voice suddenly changes into the voice of Taoist Mian, "then I can only ask the Taoist priest Give me more advice... " (to be continued.