Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1205

"Ah, since you've said that," Feng thought for a few seconds, and then said to the swan with a mean expression, "I'll try my best to be a little more serious."

I don't know why. When I saw the look of him, the following four words appeared in his head: "this is back to stability.".

And Jue Ge didn't disappoint his teammates. His voice didn't fall and his figure moved.

After the change of mind gathering technique, the body shape of the blind suddenly becomes a red light.

He shuttled back and forth on the deck, and no one could stop him. The blood fog rose and his head flew across the road.

The war situation, which was originally balanced, was changed into rolling under the influence of one person, i.e., "ah, although it is an unexpected development, it seems to be a good thing." standing at a high place and looking at the black beard, I also showed a smile.

On the other hand, mad eye's reaction was the opposite of black beard's.

"Damn it! What's that? Who is that! " Crazy eye was so shocked by the sudden change that he shouted and grabbed a crew member beside him and shouted at him.

"I don't know" the sailor lay down his gun without any reason and was completely at a loss.

"MMM" was so mad that he grinded his teeth, but he still didn't lose his mind. So after a little depression, he let go of the other side and said, "please come out quickly! Tell him we'll be wiped out if he doesn't come! "

"Yes!" The sailor rolled in response and turned to run for the cabin.

Just as the minion was staggering away, suddenly something changed and came back!

It's late, it's fast.

The red light flashed and the figure appeared.

In a flash, the seal that just put his head back on the deck had come to crazy eye, and he cut it with a knife.

"I can't help myself!" In the face of the raid, crazy eyes did not show any fear or panic.

The reason is very simple. As a pirate captain who can compete with Blackbeard, his fighting ability is also very excellent. Even Jue Ge, who has the skill, can't get rid of his dynamic vision.

Next second, only one clap will be heard.

Crazy eye unexpectedly to feel elder brother to move "empty hand enters white blade", and also succeeded.

"Trough?" At this time, there are no teammates around, so the swearing of Feng unconsciously blurted out, "yes, you can."

"Boy" crazy eye didn't catch brother Jue's words, but asked himself, "is this Dao made by zhuanjie Zun?"

"Oh?" Feng didn't realize there were some accidents. The other side recognized the origin of the kitchen knife at a glance. "Can you see that?"

"Ha!" Crazy eye dry smile, drink, "that old thing's enchantment seal is separated by several tens meters I can recognize!"

Along with his gradually increasing voice, he killed it in a cold stroke.

Because crazy eye's two palms are so dead that they grip the blade that must be broken, he can't pull the knife back. In a hurry, brother Jue can only release the weapon in his hand and turn back.

In this way, although crazy eye lost his foot, he succeeded in taking brother Jue's weapon.

It seems that Feng can't be sure yet. He has come to a conclusion that "long before I got close to you, you already knew the characteristics of this knife"

this second, brother Jue realized later. In order to avoid the special effects of the blade that must be broken, he chose "empty hand into the white blade" to take the move, and from the beginning, he had plans to seize the knife.

"Of course." Crazy eye flicked the kitchen knife and grasped the handle of it, saying, "if you kill so many of my men in front of me, I can't even see this."

then he said half of it, and suddenly made a surprise move for brother Jue.

But see, crazy eye will kitchen knife a horizontal, two hands each clamp a section, force a depression.

Then, there was a "bang" from the blade, and the perfect equipment broke in response.

"Then am I still crazy?" It took two seconds to finish the cutting, and the second half of crazy eye's sentence just finished.

Standing in front of him three meters away, Feng did not feel it, and was stunned for two seconds.

Two seconds later, brother Jue seems to have come back to his taste. He looks up in vain, puts on a ruffian look, and says in an angry tone with a smile, "how can you dismantle my equipment?"

Meanwhile, in one of the cabins of Queen Anna's revenge.

"Ah ah ah," the hunchback man who called himself "Ken" looked at a wall and said with a smile, "crazy eye has done something irreparable"

"ha!" On the other hand, crazy eye didn't know what he had done. He still used a provocative attitude to Chueh Ge, "what's your knife? I want to take your life "

" don't be verbose! " "Life has a fart to use!" Feng said immediately

His subtle lines made crazy eye's brain a little unable to turn around. The latter thought that he had heard it wrong.

"Are you out of your mind?" Crazy eye didn't worry about it. He quickly drew out his sword and prepared to kill people. "Well, since you don't think your life is worth a knife, I'll send you on the road as soon as possible."

Finish saying, he lifts the sword to cut, the blade straight takes to feel elder brother neck side.

Without thinking, Feng raises his hand and uses two fingers to clamp the other side's blade.

"Oh?" Crazy eye originally thought that the man in front of him was just a speed type expert, relying on Zhuan jiezun's weapon to kill specially and unexpectedly, he could catch his attack with his fingers in the situation of being unarmed.

Although crazy eye's sword is just a "random flick", it's not a skill or even full use at all, but it's a poss level role after all, and its basic strength is quite strong. If it is replaced by a general pirate minion, let alone a finger defense, even if you take a blade to block the sword, it will be shaken back for several meters.

Therefore, brother Jue's sharp fingers really surprised crazy eyes.

"It looks like you're better than I thought." However, this degree of surprise still doesn't make crazy eyes afraid, "I'll ask your name by the way before I kill you."

When "Crazy" said the first word, Feng unconsciously shook his hand and let go of the blade, then took a big step.

When "no" said the second word, he put his two fingers together and inserted them into his ribs.

"Sleep!" The third word he roared out, and the blood in his wound burst out with the roar.

Hearing those three words, the expression of crazy eyes changed.

He had obviously heard the name "crazy not to be aware of", and he had heard it many times.

"So it is" pauses for a few seconds, crazy eyes read aloud, "if you are not pretending, that's really the name of a person"

at this moment, he really can't guess what brother Jue's intention is, so he can only use "Crazy" to explain it.

"You like to dismantle equipment, don't you?" Feng didn't notice the words of crazy eyes. He stared at each other with murderous eyes and raised his bloody hand high. "I'll give you another chance with the God of probability."

During the speech, the blood from his wound actually flew together and came into his hands to form a weapon.

Seeing this, I think you all understand that the act of stabbing yourself unconsciously is to launch the greedy evil code.

After paying "a pint of blood" and "35 of maximum physical and spiritual strength", he can summon a "weapon of at least perfect quality" from the void.

I don't know if it's because he used his own blood. This time, the God of probability gave him face very much. Name: the devil's sword, Yan Di. Type: weapon

Quality: Legend

attack power:???

Attribute: dark

special effect: when the user's psionics skill changes to no cooldown time under the appropriate launch conditions, and the cost is reduced to one quarter of the original

equipment condition: this weapon is summoned by the "greedy evil code", and the duration is still 1:39

note: the supreme artifact of the kingdom of death, the magic weapon of "doomsday punishment".

This sword is red in color. It's boring like a wing. It's inlaid with countless gems and decorated with silver.

When Yan Di, the magic sword, appeared in Feng's hand, the clear sky suddenly changed color.

For a time, dark clouds block out the sun and the sun and the moon.

But the sea wind is at this time quietly stopped.

"What is this!" Crazy eye knows the goods, so when he saw the sword, he was shocked.

In fact, the black beard in the stern of another ship is also dignified at the moment.

Figuratively speaking, the situation is like two armies in the cold weapon era are on fire, but suddenly there is a high-tech on the battlefield.

"Good question!" Although crazy eye's sentence is not a question at all, Feng can't help but say loudly, "this is called magic sword"

before he has finished speaking, the sword has fallen.

Even if Feng didn't realize it, he didn't expect that the result of this sword would be ten minutes later.

The sky is clear again.

At this time, all three players are standing in the captain's room of Queen Anna's revenge.

It's not that the three of them want to stand, but the space in the captain's room is not spacious. There is only one chair in it, and it has been occupied by the black beard.

"In the sea of chaos, there are three legendary pirate ships." When Blackbeard said this, he sat comfortably in his chair. He didn't feel anything wrong with the present situation that the guests could only stand, "one is the black pearl, the other is the Flying Dutchman, and the third is my queen Anna revenge."

At this point, he paused and said: "besides these three ships, there are eleven ships, which are second only to the existence of legends. They are called n"

"let me guess" snow shrugged and said, "the brown algae is one of N?"

"Well" smell words, black beard out of the nose, and then, turn around, through the porthole in the captain's room outward to forget a glance.

Through the round window, you can just see the wreck of the pirate ship alginate, which has not yet completely sunk and has been broken into two pieces.

"Once was" black beard corrected Snow's s s in that sentence to s, and took the advantage of the situation to cast a complaining look at Jue Ge on the other side of the room.

"Why?" Feng didn't realize how thick his face was. Finally, he met the black beard's line of sight. He replied in a natural voice, "blame me?"

"Now in those glass bottles on the shelf behind you are all pirate ships that I conquered in the past." Blackbeard had a different way to answer brother Jue's question, "more precisely, it's the pirate ship I think has collection value." He raised his hand and pointed in that direction. "I don't know if you have noticed that there are two black pearls written on them