Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1196

Christmas Eve, night, eleven thirty.

Feng unconsciously lands in the thriller Park in sleep mode.

After going online, he first looked at the list of friends, and found that there was only an Yueqin online in the community besides himself.

Seeing that the other party is not in the "in the game" state, Feng unconsciously immediately sends a communication request to the past.

"Eh? You're online early. " Two seconds later, an Yueqin's voice sounded from the communication channel, "have you finished writing the manuscript?"

"What's up with that?" Although he didn't talk to each other face to face, brother Jue instinctively blurted his eyes and replied, "haven't I dragged the manuscript for months?"

"Well, don't rush you." An Yueqin replied with a smile and then said, "but seriously, you shouldn't have been online so early this day, right?"

"Why not?" Asked Feng unconsciously in turn.

"You and Ruoyu have no activity?" An Yueqin doubts, "Xiaotan and Xiaoling have said hello for a long time, saying they won't go there today."

"Oh, that's what you're asking." Brother Jue read, "there are activities." for some reason, his tone sounded a little uncomfortable. "This noon, I went out for a meal with her. In the afternoon, she drove me to several sales offices to see the market."

"ha?" An Yueqin was stunned. "You two chose to go to the house on December 24?"

"What happened to the day?" "It's not a national holiday. Even if it's a national holiday, the sales office doesn't take a rest."

"Ha ha ha" an Yueqin chuckled a few times, "well, after all, I'm a normal person, and the way you get along with each other is not understandable to ordinary people like me."

"Then normal people, do you want to arrange the books together?" Asked Feng unconsciously.

"Just the two of us?" An Yueqin replied, "what if it rains?"

"She's sleeping in my room now." When Feng didn't know how to answer this question, he showed his obvious unhappiness, "and I was lying in the only game cabin in my family."

"I always think there are many slots in your answer." an Yueqin also heard some subtle information from this.

"In short, she spent the night in my room to match her parents' two person world." "I'm here anyway, and her family is at ease," Feng said

"Although I don't know whether to say it or not," an Yueqin reminds me of what he thought, "I still want to ask you that on such a special day, under such a rare opportunity, you are online to play games. Is it really good?" She paused. "Don't you try to knock on the door or something?"

"Ah," Feng replied in a state of lovelessness, "it's obvious that I've tried all the things you're talking about, the things you haven't said, and the ways you can think of, and the ways you can't think of."

"It all ended in failure?" An Yueqin can guess the answer from each other's attitude.

"Isn't that bullshit, or the dialogue between you and me won't exist at all?" replied Feng in a hoarse voice.

"Ha ha ha ha" did not expect that a second later, an Yueqin burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Brother Jue asked.

"Gloating." The four words "an Yueqin" are used appropriately, which sums up her mood at the moment.

"Alas" Feng didn't feel that he used a sigh as a cover up, and quickly suppressed a few harmful words, and opened the anti irony mode. "I know that you are just using a smile to cover up your sad situation, because you also log in the game early on such a day." he paused for half a second, chanted, "the way is to ask how much you can worry, just like a single dog."

"Yes, I am a single dog." Anyuqin said in a long voice, "but I don't have any worries. I'm on the line this morning because I've made an appointment with someone else to play the treasure hunt script. So, you can play alone tonight. I won't accompany you."

"Eh? Who are you in line with? Take me with you. " I can't feel the way.

"Sorry." "I'm in line with the sisters of Hongying first team. I'm just six people, so I don't have your position," an Yueqin said decisively

"Hey, when did you hook up with Hongying? And have already begun to call each other sisters? " "Don't you want to quit your job and become a professional player with them?" Feng asked

"I just arrange the books with others. Do you think of that?" An Yueqin said, "don't you often play with professional players? I haven't seen you join any studio At this point, she paused for a moment. "Oh, no, that's the news. Bye."

Hurrying to say goodbye to brother Jue, an Yueqin stops communication.

Feng can't feel standing in front of the touch screen for a few seconds, then shrugs: "then I'll just row."

In fact, he doesn't mind a person's platoon, but he can't enjoy the group gain of members of the same club.

Crazy, level 51

please select the game mode you want to join.

Because the mood is not very high, brother Jue didn't deal with the mail or scare the box to see the goods.

He plans to brush a treasure hunt script first, warm up and change his mood.

You have chosen treasure hunt mode. Please confirm.

It has been confirmed that the random number of team members has been generated: three.

You are in the queue, searching for other ready individuals or teams.

Matching completed, neural connection is being coordinated, script generation

loading started, please wait a moment.

The basic setting of this treasure hunt mode is the same as the team survival mode of ordinary difficulty. Therefore, Jue Ge will join the queue alone, at least there will be one teammate, and at most there may be five.

Here you should also vaguely think of a problem: in this mode, team up with strangers is likely to produce some interest disputes.

In normal times, in the team living mode, similar contradictions are not very prominent, but in the context of the "Christmas treasure hunt" limited time activities, players will naturally become more utilitarian some conflicts in the sharing of stolen goods, and even in the process of script, which is not impossible.

Of course, it's very easy to solve this problem. It's OK to gather six people to start a black game. Most of the game studios do the same.

This means that almost all professional players will brush the script of treasure hunt mode in the form of six player team.

Let's be clear. It's almost impossible that the team-mates that brother Jue is assigned to at present are unfinished players in the studio.