There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 918: risk

Two men in shabby clothes rushed out and blocked Xie Yunjin\'s way.

Xie Yunjin looked at the other party in astonishment, then touched his head and said with a rogue face: "I, I touched the wrong door, maybe I drank too much."

After he finished speaking, he staggered and turned to leave. The two people behind looked at each other and rushed over to grab him: "Stop, who are you?"

Xie Yunjin shook his head as if he didn\'t want to say anything. One of the young men suddenly pulled out a soft sword from his waist. With a shake of his arm, the soft sword pressed against Xie Yunjin\'s neck. He could easily feel the cold breath of the sword tip. .

Xie Yunjin dared to break in alone because he had a lot of medicines made by Lu Jiao, one of which was Ruanjinsan. As long as he sprinkled it out, the two would not be able to use martial arts, and he would be able to escape.

However, Xie Yunjin didn\'t plan to use the soft muscle powder until it was a last resort. The reason why he came in was to see if the prince was in the hands of these people, and then try to rescue the prince and find out who was behind the scenes of these people.

So when the person on the opposite side pointed his sword at him, he didn\'t immediately let loose, but stepped back with a face full of fear, took a step back and stammered, "You, what are you doing? I\'m just touching It\'s just the wrong door."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the hand of the other party holding the sword. The little finger seemed to be a little abnormal. It was so short. Xie Yunjin immediately thought of the characteristics of the person who was looking for her cooperation that Xiao Yue once said, and he understood it all at once. The prince is in this man\'s hands.

OK, that\'s great.

But even so, he did not dare to act without authorization, for fear of annoyed the other party, he killed the prince in anger.

The young man across from him shouted impatiently, "Tell me, who are you?"

Xie Yunjin said quickly: "I\'m Zhou Yu, my neighbor, I\'m going the wrong way. I\'ll go now, I\'ll go now."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but the people behind him shouted coldly, "Stop, I dare to walk again and kill you with a sword."

Xie Yunjin quickly stopped and looked at these people with a pale face.

The young man on the opposite side calmly ordered a man in black beside him: "Go and check nearby, is there a young man named Zhou Yu around here, maybe?"

He glanced at Xie Yunjin on the opposite side and said, "Young man in his twenties, he looks good."

The subordinates dodged out, and with little effort, dodged in again to report: "There is such a person around, I heard that he is an illiterate gambler who is lazy, and likes to steal chickens and dogs."

The young man opposite looked up and down at Xie Yunjin, looked at the greasy hair, the worn clothes, and the appearance of being unable to stand up straight. This is a waste.

The men beside him quickly asked for instructions: "Master, do you want to kill him."

The young man opened his mouth: "You trash, kill it."

Xie Yunjin said quickly: "I\'m useful, I can help you run errands and do things, you can do whatever you ask me to do, by the way, I can also join you."

He looked at the person opposite him eagerly: "Who are you, you look amazing."

He looked at each other with admiration.

The young man on the opposite side saw his admiration, and the anger in his heart was a little less.

The young man was obviously smarter than his subordinates, and he said coldly, "Will he come back after going out? Are you mentally ill?"

Xie Yunjin spoke again: "I\'m not going out, I\'ll help you with your work, help you clean up, and cook for you."

This sentence is in line with the other party\'s mind.

There are four people living here at the moment, but none of the four of them can do housework and cleaning, and they can\'t go out of the city right now. This place is very dirty. It really needs such a person to do things, but this person can be used to do things.

The young man thought, quickly took out a medicine bottle from his sleeve, took out a pill and handed it to Xie Yunjin: "Take it."

Xie Yunjin took a step back nervously: "What is this."

"Poison, I will give you an antidote every five days. If you don\'t take the antidote, you will die, but if you don\'t take it, you can die now."

The young man on the opposite side looks good, but there is a deep scar on his chin, which looks hideous.

Xie Yunjin had a reluctant expression on his face, but he was afraid that he reached out to get the poison, but the speed was unspeakably slow.

"Yes Yes."

Xie Yunjin was startled and quickly reached out to take it, but when he got it, he hesitated and didn\'t dare to swallow it. It took a long time before he raised his head and asked, "This won\'t kill anyone for the time being, sir, we have no grievances in the past, but recently we have no enmity. , don\'t hurt me."

The young man lost his patience with him, raised his hand and put the pill in his hand into his mouth.

Xie Yunjin instantly exclaimed: "I, I am poisoned, I am poisoned."

He said and jumped up.

The young man shouted angrily: "Shut up, I will kill you if you dare to snort again."

These words caught Xie Yunjin\'s cry very well. The young man was impatient to deal with Xie Yunjin, walked towards the three main rooms in the middle, and dropped two words: "He San, take him to do something, tell him He, the main house is not allowed to enter."

"Yes, master."

The guy named He San was a man in his thirties with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. When facing young people, he bowed his head and bowed his waist. When the other party walked away, he straightened his back and said flamboyantly, "Follow me, remember. Do you live with my master? You are not allowed to go to the main house, you are responsible for cleaning the kitchen and the yard, and helping with the laundry, by the way, can you cook? "

Xie Yunjin knows how to cook. Over the years, he and Lu Jiao have nothing to do with Lu Jiao, and he has also learned how to quickly said, "I can do it."

"It will be fine."

He San took Xie Yunjin around and told him what to do every day, then he ignored Xie Yunjin and went to rest.

This person thought that Xie Yunjin had taken poison and dared not leave.

Xie Yunjin let out a long sigh of relief when he was gone. It was difficult for him to act for so long, which was much more tiring than facing those officials in the courtroom.

But he stayed anyway, and he had guessed that the prince was in the three main rooms without incident, but now he can\'t get close to that room, what should I do?

It seems that it is impossible to get close to the prince in a short time.

Well, just wait and find a chance.

Outside the small courtyard, Zhou Shaogong and others, who were lurking, were very worried.

Tong Yi and Ruan Kai looked at Zhou Shaogong and said worriedly, "Uncle Zhou, what should we do now?"