There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 819: mutual aid

"Shoufu\'s wife has space (

Xiao Yue opened her mouth to deny it, but unfortunately Xiao Yu didn\'t give her a chance to speak at all, and said solemnly and sternly: "This is the first and last time, if it happens again, I will let you get out of the palace and live on your own. perish."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he didn\'t even look at Princess Pearl, turned around and planned to leave, and Xiao Yue said in a relaxed voice, "Father, you don\'t love me anymore?"

Xiao Yu turned to look at Princess Pearl on the bed, and said coldly, "If I had known that I loved a daughter with a ruthless heart, I would never have loved you at all. Your second emperor brother is my child just like you. But he grew up in Xie\'s house since he was a child, and he didn\'t get the slightest love from me, I just made up for it a little, you jumped out one by one, hated him, hated him, and plotted against him in every possible way."

"Why don\'t you think that you enjoy the father\'s love, and he doesn\'t enjoy it, so why don\'t you know to be kind to him."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, she didn\'t look at Xiao Yue behind her, turned around and took people away. In the bedroom, Xiao Yue couldn\'t help crying anymore. She knew that from this moment on, she became the person who was hated in the eyes of her father. .

Xiao Yue thought sadly, Father, it was Xiao Wenyu who killed me, why did you not want to see me in the end.

The story of Cao Yuyi\'s murder of the royal prince quickly spread throughout the capital, and everyone knew that he drugged Xiao Wenyu, the king of Ming Dynasty.

Originally, people in the capital thought that the Cao family would be implicated by Cao Yuyi, and the nine clans would be wiped out.

As a result, the Ministry of Punishment only sentenced Cao Yuyi to beheaded, and did not implicate anyone in the Cao family.

Later, the Ministry of Punishment announced that because King Ming had pleaded for the Cao family, and his words would not be blamed on the clan, so His Majesty allowed Cao Yuyi\'s guilt to be borne by himself and not to cause harm to his family.

The Cao family was overjoyed, and everyone forgot to feel sad about the beheading of Royal Doctor Cao. Wherever the Cao family went, they praised Ming Wang\'s house for being kind-hearted and the prince of Zhou Renyi.

Not only the Cao family, but even the King of Pingling who entered the capital praised King Ming\'s benevolence and kindness.

This has won a lot of praise for Ming Wang Xiao Wenyu. These news quickly spread to the people, and the people quickly knew that Da Zhou had produced a good prince who was benevolent, generous and kind to his subjects. Everyone felt relieved and happy.

The matter of Xiao Wenyu made King King Xiao Zhen extremely annoyed, his heart slowly twisted, and he hated his father.

The father did this to give Xiao Wenyu a boost. He didn\'t believe that he didn\'t know the result.

From this point, it also shows one thing. His father gave up him, and he decided to make Xiao Wenyu the crown prince of Da Zhou.

When Xiao Zhen thought of this, his face was terrifyingly gloomy, and he always felt that something was wrong.

Obviously he should be the favored son of the sky, why did Xiao Wenyu become the favored son of the sky in the end, why did this happen?

Xiao Zhen rudely smashed things on the ground, and finally Lin Jing, who had just entered the mansion, comforted her.

In fact, Lin Jing is also very distressed, all the trends in this life are different from those in the previous life.

After she was reborn, was this the result of her hard work? Obviously she is the daughter of the palace, but she entered the palace and became a concubine. If Xiao Zhen is the prince of the East Palace, she becomes a concubine, and she is expected to become a concubine in the future, but if Xiao Zhen is just a prince, she will only be a concubine when she dies. Just a concubine.

Could it be that she was reborn just to get such an ending, Lin Jing felt unwilling.

She advised Xiao Zhen: "My lord, don\'t be in a hurry, the one who laughs last is the biggest winner. Although Your Majesty is partial to Prince Ming, your Majesty is the bloodline of Da Zhou Ming\'s righteousness. Your Majesty has not done anything wrong, so His Majesty has no reason to go over it. The lord is going to confer Prince Ming as the heir of Da Zhou."

"My lord, don\'t worry, let\'s take it slow, now that King Ming is very popular, we can slowly destroy his reputation and let people know that he is unbearable, in that case, the world will cast aside King Ming, and by then, Others will feel that the prince is good, and when the time comes, the ascendance of the prince is the most justifiable thing."

"What we need to do now is to be as steady as Mount Tai, not to change our face, and not to let anyone see our gaffe."

After Xiao Zhen listened to Lin Jing\'s words, the dryness in his mind receded a lot, he stretched out his hand and took Lin Jing\'s hand: "Jing\'er, it\'s fortunate that you are with this king, don\'t worry, if this king one day ascends to a high position, I will make you the queen of Da Zhou."

Lin Jing\'s eyes flickered, and she put her arms around Xiao Zhen\'s waist and said, "My lord, Jing\'er does not force her to be the queen. As long as the prince has Jing\'er in her heart, Jing\'er will be content."

When Xiao Zhen heard Lin Jing\'s words, he was very moved. He put his arms around Lin Jing\'s shoulders and said warmly, "I believe in this king. Sooner or later, this king will ask you to sit in your seat."

Lin Jing\'s eyes flickered, and she didn\'t say anything. In short, she would do her best to help Xiao Zhen ascend to the throne. When he ascended the throne, she would not have to bear the reputation of a concubine.

After Lu Jiao left the palace, she stopped paying attention to the affairs of the palace, and went to visit Wen\'an County Lord, Mrs. General Wang, Mrs. Pei, etc. The purpose of Lu Jiao\'s visit to them was to raise funds for the disaster. After reaching her goal, they agreed to hold this event with Lu Jiao.

Fundraising for disaster relief could not be done by Lu Jiao alone, so she first brought together several powerful officials and wives in Beijing to achieve a common goal, and then raised funds.

Fortunately, the county magistrate of Wen\'an, Mrs. General Wang and Mrs. Pei gave her face very agreed to hold this fundraising event with her.

As a result, Lu Jiao\'s heart was settled, and she and Xie Yunjin talked about this at night, and tomorrow Xie Yunjin sent a post to the palace to report this matter to His Majesty.

Lu Jiao wouldn\'t try to accumulate such a reputation, she planned to let this matter fall on His Majesty\'s head.

She and Xie Yunjin are the adoptive parents of King Ming. If they accumulate too much reputation, it is easy for His Majesty to suspect their ulterior motives, so they only do things and give their reputations to His Majesty.

Xie Yunjin listened to Lu Jiao\'s words, nodded in agreement and said, "Tomorrow morning, I will enter the palace and report to Your Majesty about this."

Lu Jiao looked at the wounds on his face and body, and said worriedly, "The wounds on your face are all right."

Xie Yunjin shook his head: "It\'s okay, it\'s just scary looking."

Lu Jiao nodded and warned: "After you enter the palace and report to His Majesty, you will come back to recover. Don\'t go to the cabinet to deal with things. If you go to the cabinet to deal with things in high spirits, your majesty will doubt you."

"I know."

Lu Jiao didn\'t say more, Xie Yunjin stretched out his arms to hug her: "Jiaojiao, you have to be careful, watch out for the queen and the queen mother."

"I will, don\'t worry about it."

Seeing that Xie Yunjin was worried about her, Lu Jiao changed the subject and said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you something, wasn\'t Wubao captured by the other party before? The five treasures can actually enter my space well."

Xie Yunjin was surprised to hear this, looked at Lu Jiao and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Lu Jiao raised her eyebrows and said, "I feel like I can bring Wubao directly into my space."

Xie Yunjin listened to Lu Jiao\'s words, and his heart immediately became unbalanced: "Why can that kid enter your space directly? I can\'t."