There is Room For the First Wife (First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space)

Chapter 557: shameless woman

"Shoufu\'s wife has room (!

In Lu Jiao\'s family, Xie Yunjin had thought of this question for a long time, so he cleaned up the study. In his study, there are not only agricultural affairs books, policy theory books, but also books related to water conservancy and laws, as well as various answer questions. For example, questions on agricultural affairs, questions on policy theory, questions on laws and questions on water conservancy, and there are also questions on exams that cut down on the vassal.

In this way, even if the emperor sent secret agents into the house to check, at most, they thought that they had guessed many kinds of exam questions, and made various estimates for the exam questions of the palace.

It\'s just that Lu Jiao didn\'t know what was going on at the Liu family\'s side. Liu Ziyan had been in the study for three days before. If he wasn\'t prepared to deal with it, the emperor would have sent a secret agent to investigate the situation.

At that time, the emperor will definitely take advantage of this incident to get angry, suppress Liu Shoufu, and clean up Liu Shoufu.

It\'s nothing to clean up Liu Shoufu, but this matter will definitely involve Liu Ziyan, and even Xie Yunjin.

Because Liu Ziyan was saved by her, they have a good relationship with the Liu family. If Liu Ziyan gets the exam questions, they will definitely give them to Xie Yunjin.

Thinking of this, Lu Jiao urged Tong Yi anxiously: "Go quickly, remember, if the Liu family\'s study is messy, you can help clean it up."


Tong Yi dodged and left.

In the private room, Lu Jiao was a little anxious, but Si Xiao only saw Lu Jiao\'s appearance and said worriedly, "Mother, what\'s wrong with you?"

Lu Jiao woke up. Today was supposed to be a happy day. Everyone was happy. She made the four little ones worried.

Lu Jiao immediately smiled and said, "Mom is thinking, your father has been admitted to the top spot. Let\'s prepare more dishes tonight to celebrate. Your father is the champion, and he will be awarded an official soon."

As soon as Lu Jiao said it, the four little guys laughed happily: "Daddy is going to be an official."

As soon as Lu Jiao finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the private room, and then someone pushed the door and walked in. It turned out to be Lin Ruyue from the Chengde Mansion.

Lu Jiao didn\'t expect Lin Ruyue to come here, her eyes suddenly darkened, she looked at Lin Ruyue coldly and said, "Why did Miss Lin come here?"

Lin Ruyue said with a light smile, "Come here and say congratulations to Mrs. Lu, and congratulations to Mr. Xie\'s high school champion."

Lin Ruyue thought of the man she had seen sitting on a horse earlier, her heart could not help thumping several times. She didn\'t expect Xie Shoufu, who was wearing the robe of the champion, to be so good, even a woman like Lin Ruyue who had been married would be so handsome when she saw it. He couldn\'t help but his heart beat like a drum.

Seeing him like that, she became more and more determined to get rid of Lu Jiao and win this man.

Now she came here because she wanted to have a good relationship with Lu Jiao\'s four children.

Lin Ruyue thought so, and smiled at the four little guys in the room: "Are these your four children?"

She finished speaking, and without waiting for Lu Jiao to speak, she smiled and greeted the four little guys.

"Hello, we met again, do you still recognize Auntie?"

The four little guys frowned slightly, glanced at Lin Ruyue, and then the four of them stepped back at the same time and retreated to Lu Jiao\'s side.

They could see that Mother didn\'t like this woman, and they naturally didn\'t like her either, and looking at the woman\'s smiling face, the four little guys felt uncomfortable and didn\'t like it for some reason.

Dabao said with a serious face, "I don\'t know, I haven\'t seen it, who are you?"

Lin Ruyue\'s face froze, and after laughing twice, she smiled again and said, "Last time you met robbers in Beijing, I had someone rescue you, have you forgotten?"

Si Xiaozhi actually knew her, just because her mother didn\'t like this woman, so she was unwilling to talk to her.

The four little guys kept their faces straight and said nothing.

Lu Jiao said, "So Miss Lin came here to ask for kindness from us?"

Lin Ruyue was slightly annoyed when she saw that the four little guys were unwilling to get close to her, but when she straightened up and looked at Lu Jiao, she smiled again: "Miss Lu thinks too much, I just like the four little guys, talk to them, Madam Lu, don\'t think too much."

Lu Jiao said with a half-smile, "I don\'t think much about it, but what Miss Lin has done and done is really hard to make people think too much."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lin Ruyue with a mocking smile, then continued without waiting for Lin Ruyue to speak.

"I want to ask Miss Lin one thing, is the Lanyang County Master a smart person or a stupid person who is used but doesn\'t know?"

Lin Ruyue\'s heart sank slightly, and her face changed slightly. Did this woman know that she was the one who plotted against Lanyang County Master last time? how is this possible? Isn\'t this woman a country woman?

Lin Ruyue was slightly shocked, but she didn\'t show it on her face. She looked at Lu Jiao with a smile and said, "I don\'t quite understand the meaning of Lady Lu\'s words."

Lu Jiao sneered: "No, you understand, but I would like to advise you that as a daughter in Beijing, it\'s better to have a bottom line in doing things."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she turned around and left with the four little guys. Although the four little guys couldn\'t fully understand Lu Jiao\'s words, they could still hear something. That is, this woman has a bad idea and is a bad person.

When the four little guys passed by Lin Ruyue, they all glared at Lin Ruyue, and then said with their lips.



"Do you want to be my father\'s concubine?"

"Dream, bah."

Si Xiao is only six years old this year. After careful teaching by Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin, they are very smart. Because Lu Jiao and Xie Yunjin taught them not to be rude to others, even if they hated Lin Ruyue, they didn\'t show it on the spot.

However, this did not affect their sneaky contempt for Lin Ruyue.

Lin Ruyue naturally did not miss the meaning of the four little guys, her face was instantly ugly, and her black eyes stared gloomily at the few people who went out.

When the person left, she couldn\'t help but raised her hand and knocked over the things in the private room.

I don\'t know what to praise. When I marry your father, I\'ll see how I deal with you.

Outside, Lu Jiao naturally heard the voice from the private room, but she only thought that Lin Ruyue was angry with her, and didn\'t think about the four little guys.

At this time, the people in the restaurant basically dispersed, and the people watching the lively on both sides of the street also dispersed.

But there are still some people who are talking about the three people who are parading across the horse today.

"The champion is not only talented and learned, but also handsome. It\'s a pity that he has a wife and children, otherwise he will definitely be recruited as a son-in-law by a high-ranking member of the court."

"It\'s a pity, it\'s a pity."

"If you can climb to the top of the Xie Zhuangyuan will climb extremely fast."

When Si Xiao only heard these comments, his face immediately turned bad. Hmph, his father didn\'t want to be someone else\'s son-in-law.

His father liked them so much that he didn\'t care about any high-ranking officials at all.

Afraid of what the four little guys would say, Lu Jiao quickly greeted them: "Okay, let\'s go back."

The four little guys angrily followed her to the carriage in front of the house.

After the group got into the carriage, the four little guys looked at Lu Jiao and said angrily, "My father doesn\'t care to be someone else\'s son-in-law, he only likes us."

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