The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 135 - 131

After a few more days, Reif forces more people to become his slaves and the best part of it was that all of them were loyal to him

They would be forced to do whatever Reif orders them to do. That is the kind of \'tool\' he needed to make his plans work

Currently, Reif is on his way to continue changing the church\'s image. Instead of having a pure white image, the church starts to accumulate some stains here and there

Although many people still think that the church is innocent and pure, there are already some people that are thinking differently

Reif\'s first target was the entire Mesha City. It was the unsupervised city without Salamander in it and it was the city that the Church is trying to completely take over before starting to fully conquer the capital

Reif wouldn\'t let them do that easily. If they conquered the Mesha City, the church would have an additional arm and Reif couldn\'t let that happen

In the slums of the city, Reif arrives while hiding his presence. If people are going to do bad deeds, the easier place would be a place like the slums

It was an area that is almost lawless. The poorest of the poor resides there and the people aren\'t protected by anyone

If you want to do illegal and horrible acts, the slums are perfect for that. Even if an unfortunate witness stumbled into your little dirty secret, you could just kill them

After all, who would care for the poor and the weak that are neglected by everyone and already lose hope for the future and humanity?

The deaths of these people would not matter much of course unless too many of them die at the same time. And even if that does happen, the perpetrators might still not be held accountable

If Reif wants to see some more dirt from the church, the slums might be the place he could find it

Fortunately, he was not disappointed as after searching for time, Reif finally saw a plausible target

In a certain corner of the slums, a man wearing a black hood that shrouded his entire figure can be seen

A person like him is not rare in the slums as people don\'t want to recognize them when they are about to do something bad

A fully hooded man is not a strange sight in the slums and people know better than care for them

The man was surveying his surroundings while completely blending with the environment. He looks like those typical horrible people but Reif is 100% sure that he is not a normal person

That man although hiding it is not completely hiding what he really is. Reif can sense the disgusting holy power in it and he was sure that man is a member of the church

From his build, he might be a priest and Reif continued watching him

The priest walked around the slum before encountering a very pitiful scene

On the side of the road, a young and dirty boy can be seen holding his dying mother\'s body

The boy was sobbing hard with tears and snot on his face. His expression looks very heartbreaking but people in the slums are already used to it

This is not the first time that a young and innocent boy lost his mother. This scene couldn\'t be any more classic

"M-mom! M-mom! Please d-don\'t leave me!" The boy cried loudly while shaking his mother\'s body

This was the only thing that the powerless him could do. Truly being born weak in this world is a sin

The priest saw his chance as he approached the little boy and his dying mother

"Boy, do you want to save your mother?" The priest asked and the little boy immediately raises his head while looking at the priest

"C-can you help me save my mother?" He asked with eyes screaming desperation. He was pleading not only with his words but also with his eyes and heart

The priest nodded his head as an answer. "I can but only if you promise me one thing" he replied and the boy desperately nodded his head

"A-anything! I will do anything! Please! Please! My mother is kind and gentle! Please help her!" He begged with all his might and the waterworks never stop flowing on his eyes

"Good. I\'ll help heal your mother but you have to come with me. Understood?"

Although the pitiful boy don\'t want to leave his also pitiful mother, he still nodded his head while crying

As long as it would help his mother, the boy would do whatever this man wants him to do

That answer is much to the priest\'s delight as he places his hand on the dying woman\'s forehead while silently using his divine power to heal her

"Here, I healed your mother and now, you have to come with me"

The woman\'s faint breathing indeed returned back to normal and she wouldn\'t die any time soon anymore

As such, the boy was taken by the priest in exchange for his mother\'s life. Not knowing what hell he landed himself on

The priest and the boy went out of the slums with Reif trailing behind them without either of the two knowing

In the end, Reif saw the boy was brought into the priest\'s residence and he handed him to the servants

"Clean him properly and escort him into the paradise!" The priest ordered and the maids already knows what to do

The little boy was cleaned from head to toe while feeling really happy. Not only would his mother not die anymore, but he was also even being cleaned like he never did before

From head to toe, all the dirt that he has was washed away. He looks completely different than before just by being clean

After that, the boy was given some simple clothes before he was guided downstairs, in the underground

Reif followed sneakily and no one was able to find him at all

In the end, the heaven that the young boy thought he had entered was actually a hell

In the underground, rows, and rows of cells can be seen as if it was inside a prison

In the cells, tens of children can be seen and none of them wasn\'t in a miserable state

Most of them have varying wounds in their bodies, both new and old. Their eyes look really lifeless as if all hope in the world has been extinguished in front of their eyes

None of the kids was not showing fear. Their muffled cries rang around and they didn\'t even give much attention to the newcomer as if nothing else in the world matters anymore

"W-what\'s this..." the young boy cried out in fear. Seeing those children gave him a big fright and he attempted to escape but the servants made sure that he wouldn\'t be able to do that

"Behave!" They barked and the boy fearfully nodded his head as waterworks appeared in his face again

The boy was escorted into the room at the end of this prison-like facility

The room was a simple one. It wasn\'t that big but it reeks of blood

There were even rows and rows of tables that are filled with items used to torture people

Seeing such a sight made the boy even more fearful and he peed on the spot

In the room, the priest can already be seen sharpening a knife and when he saw the boy, he smiled

"Welcome, my new child!" The priest greeted enthusiastically. He was smiling yet the boy don\'t feel safe with him

The servants put the kid into a chair and chained his arms and legs so that he could not run even if he wants to

"Don\'t be too afraid. This wouldn\'t hurt that much" the priest said with a chuckle before standing in front of the boy that tried struggling

"Be a good boy and scream for me, alright?" The priest said before stabbing the knife into the boy\'s knife


As expected, the little boy wailed loudly. Being stabbed in the thigh is definitely an experience that a little boy could endure

The only thing he could do was cry and scream

"That... that is what I want to hear!" The priest said excitedly while his sadistic side was being unleashed again

"More... more!" He said before moving the stabbed knife around the kid\'s thigh that made him scream louder

"Hehehehe, be a good boy. I healed your mother. I help you greatly and now, you have to pay for that, right? I did such a good thing, it\'s only natural that you would also do a good thing for me!"

The priest that people thought as holy and the epitome is kindness was actually such a sadistic animal

He was no human at all. He was more of a monster that enjoys torturing little kids and for what? Nothing, just for him to experience the word \'fun\'