The Villain's Light (BL)

Chapter 132 - 128

Reif gave them two choices but they weren\'t much of a choice. The first one is to die and be unable to step out of this restaurant forever and the other is to become an eternal slave

What kind of ridiculous choices were these?

As people of high status and power, these ten never thought that one day, they would be forced into slavery

After all, every single one of them came from respectable backgrounds and achieved whatever they have now

For people like them, they all think that other people are beneath them. They are the ones that turned people into slaves and not the other way around

Hearing the two ridiculous choices that Reif gave them, the natural reaction was naturally to be enraged

"Bastard, what did you say?!"

"Presumptuous! How dare you utter such ridiculous words!"

"If you don\'t remove this pressure now, I would surely kill you!"

"If you want your corpse to be intact, stop whatever you are doing now!"

None of them planned on either dying or becoming slaves. Unfortunately for them, those are the only choices. Reif won\'t give them another one

To make an example, Reif grabs the man nearest to him, and without much effort, he crushed that man\'s throat causing blood to splatter around

Silence instantly reigned inside the restaurant as blood trickled down. The silence was so oppressive everyone felt as if they would be the next one to die if they were to utter even just a single world

A man perfectly alive just moments ago had his throat crushed while he was still alive and the killer didn\'t even flinch

It was plain to see that Reif doesn\'t value human lives. Everyone can feel that the way Reif looks at them were not the way people look at a fellow human

It was like they are nothing but tools in Reif\'s eyes and all of them regretted even meeting him

"The two choices are still valid. I want the answer now" Reif spoke in a cold and merciless manner

Everyone in the room can feel the threat of death. The smell of blood and crushed organs wafted in the air that adds to the fear that they already have

"M-Mr. Nameless, y-you\'re putting us in a spot. L-let\'s talk things in a nicer way" another one from the remaining nine people spoke and Reif didn\'t waste any time

He had that man float towards him and he crushed that man\'s head. An additional corpse was thrown aside by Reif as he continued looking at his \'tools\'

"Choose" Reif muttered and the remaining eight people looked at each other before they decided to attack Reif at once

All eight of them charges at Reif but the first three of them died from a single strike

It was them that didn\'t leave an intact corpse. It was either their heads were crushed or their heads were ripped off their necks

It was a very gruesome sight. These people are all used to bloodshed but not the bloodshed of a person that more or less has the same status and power as them

This was their first time seeing something like this. Reif is simply beyond unreasonable

He made his words the law that no one can defy the remaining five were filled with even more fear

They didn\'t dare say even a single word. Heck, even their breathing was controlled as if breathing louder than normal would spell their doom

Reif stood up from his seat and stretched out his arm. "Since none of you want to be my slave then I won\'t waste any more time with this nonsense. I\'ll just kill you all" he said and he was about to turn his words into action when the five shouted


"Mr. Nameless, have mercy!"

"I surrender! I surrender!"

The five after seeing Reif\'s cruelty and power was forced to surrender. All of them are people in power than enjoys the life that they have

A life that is extremely lavish and a life that any person would enjoy having. As such, that became more of a reason why they don\'t want to die

They are already perfectly aware of the situation and they know that the only way for them to continue living is to surrender

Hearing their words, Reif waved his hand and five seals appeared in the air

"Accept the slave marks, only then would I let all of you live" Reif ordered, and the five look at each other before gritting their teeth

If they were to accept the slave mark, they would be in Reif\'s control. They wouldn\'t even be able to kill themselves even if they want to

However, what could they do? They were too foolish! If they didn\'t covet Reif\'s power,  they wouldn\'t be put into this kind of humiliating position

Without a choice, the five accepted the slave marks and from now on, their lived and actions would be determined by Reif, their master

"Tell me the estates of these five idiots and who their most likely successors be" Reif ordered and the five immediately spilled whatever they know

Now that they have the slave marks, they became even more obedient. If Reif willed it, these people would die any time from now. It was as simple as ordering their deaths with his mind!

These five has to work hard into pleasing their new master if they want to continue living

After getting the information that he needed, Reif places the five idiots\' corpses inside his spatial ring

"I will call for all of you soon. For now, lay low and deal with today\'s aftermath!" Reif ordered

The death of the five idiots would naturally cause an uproar and Reif\'s new slaves are the ones responsible to handle it

Reif didn\'t pay his slaves much attention as he head out of the restaurant


Reif went to the estate of one of the five idiots that he killed. It was a Noble\'s home and a Marquis at that. Nobles with the Marquis title are second in terms of Nobility, only lower than the Duke and of course, all Nobles are lower than the Royal Family

A Marquis\'s Residence is heavily guarded and most of the time, no one should be able to sneak inside

However, that is not much of a problem for Reif. He might not have confidence in infiltrating the Imperial Palace without getting caught but a Marquis\' residence is a completely different story

Reif\'s eyes stared at the estate, searching for a way to enter when he saw some servants

The servants were pulling some wagons and they became Reif\'s target

Before the servants could reach the Marquis Residence\'s gate, Reif already made a move

He appeared like a shadow and no one notices his presence

Reif was behind one of the servants that he killed by breaking their throats while putting his palm into their mouths to prevent them from screaming

Reif\'s movements were terribly fast and he even casts some hallucination magic so that no one would detect him

After that, he puts the servant\'s corpse inside his spatial ring before disguising himself as that servant

Reif followed his fellow servants while pulling the wagon and after his identity was \'verified\', he manage to enter the residence

The servants\' destination was the kitchen but Reif merely made a puppet to act as himself or the servant that he killed

Fortunately, he studied all sorts of magic out there. They might not be useful in combat as he has certain specialties but they were extremely useful at times like that

Reif sneaks inside the Marquis Residence. Fortunately, no one managed to notice him

After all, only S ranks can find him but it\'s not like they are everywhere. Even if the residence has an S rank inside, they might still not notice Reif as long as he doesn\'t make a commotion or if the S ranks don\'t deliberately try to search for him

As such, Reif managed to easily infiltrate and he even learned of where the Marquis\'s son was located

Reif immediately head towards the heir\'s chamber and entered the room

"Ah... ahhh... y-young master!" A woman\'s loud moan of pleasure instantly entered Reif\'s ears as soon as he entered

Turns out that the Young Master of this Noble Clan was actually having sex in broad daylight

Reif shook his head before he sent a single red beam towards that woman and killed her

That action of his immediately alerted the Young Master but Reif is already behind him

Reif prevented the Young Master from calling for help by covering the man\'s mouth with his palm

Reif even pointed his finger into the man\'s neck to threaten him. One wrong move from the Young Marquis would spell his death and his whole body trembled in fear

"I will remove my hand but if you try to scream or ask for help, I will kill you on the spot. Do you understand that?"