The Villain Has Been Coveting Me for a Long Time

Chapter 21: The secret of time

Entering the dream world again, he is no longer alone, and what comes into view is the peaceful sleeping face of the youth.

The young man lay on his side with his head in his arms and closed his eyes. The long, curled eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, creating a nice arc, like sugar in his dream, and intoxicating sweetness in the arc.

The whole person is like an angel who accidentally fell into the world.

Shen Fengyue squatted next to the angel and shook the other party without any response. The angel slept like a pig. Shen Fengyue secretly said that the angel\'s heart was quite big, and he could still sleep under such circumstances.

The young man\'s chest rises and falls regularly and his breathing is long. Shen Fengyue finally couldn\'t stand it anymore, and pinched the angel\'s nose, trying to hold him awake.

Unexpectedly, people used their mouths to breathe, and they were still asleep.

Shen Fengyue silently covered the youth\'s mouth by the way.

The nose and mouth are covered, and people who sleep no matter how dead have to wake up. With a grunt in the young man\'s mouth, he waved Shen Fengyue\'s hand away and sat up, his eyes half-open, his sleepiness still deep.

He turned his head to the culprit who forcibly awakened him.

Shen Fengyue curled her mouth, her tone stern: "I should wake up, when is the time."

Hearing this, the young man opened his eyes slightly, blinked three or four times before expelling his sleepiness, his eyes were clear.

"Hey, that..." Shen Fengyue said when he was awake, just about to call him, but suddenly realized that he didn\'t know the other person\'s name, so the conversation changed, "I can\'t sign language, can you write about you? Your name?"

The young man nodded, and then took Shen Fengyue\'s hand to write on it.

His speed was too fast, and Shen Fengyue hadn\'t even reacted to it, and the youth had already started writing in his hand.

There was a warm and delicate touch from the palm of the palm, and the young man wrote stroke by stroke with the tip of his index finger. As soon as he wrote a horizontal line, he listened to the scream of Kamikazetsu, and then frantically twitched his hand.

Shen Fengyue was very ticklish, almost itchy, she couldn\'t stop laughing when she touched her palm.

The young man\'s eyes moved slightly, and a wicked look formed in his heart, and he deliberately stroked his hand slightly when he pulled it back.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" As expected, Shen Fengyue burst out a series of laughs.

A strong itch went from the palm of the hand to the brain and reached the laugh point. Shen Fengyue couldn\'t control her laugh, and the laugh lasted for a very long time, and she didn\'t stop until she burst into tears.

"I\'m very ticklish, don\'t touch the palm of my hand." Shen Fengyue said with a serious face, reaching out to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes, "You write on the ground."

When this man laughed, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of amorous feelings, his eyes were blushing, the corners of his lips were raised high, and the white and neat teeth were faintly revealed, which is rare. The young man thought, with a smile on his face, writing his name stroke by stroke on the ground.

After he finished writing, he sat facing Shen Fengyue and nodded.

Shen Fengyue didn\'t recognize it, so she poked the system privately: "What did he write?"

The system felt inexplicable: "Ask me what I am doing. I was in a daze just now and didn\'t notice."

"..." The system is reliable and the sow can climb the tree.

I can only rely on myself.

"You write more slowly, I didn\'t see it clearly just now." He said to the young man.

The young man\'s patience was surprisingly good, and he wrote to him again, slowly.

Repeat this process with one horizontal, one vertical, one stroke, and one stroke.

Shen Fengyue recognized it: "This is\'Lin\'?"

The young man nodded and continued to write, one horizontal, one vertical, one stroke, one stroke, another stroke...


The young man nodded and said he was right.

"Lin Bai, hello, my surname is Shen, my name is Feng." Shen Fengyue did not want to reveal her real name, so she said a fake name, "It seems that I am a little older than you, so you can call me Brother Shen."

Lin Bai was kept in the dark, but he didn\'t know at all, and was happy to exchange names with Shen Fengyue.

The system sighed: "Do you want to take advantage of the fake name by the way?"

"Oh, what do you know about the data." Shen Fengyue was justified.

After exchanging names, Shen Fengyue no longer wasted time, planning to go out and continue looking for clues. He also brought Lin Bo. According to him, for safety reasons, he must put Lin Bo under his nose to be relieved.

In a temporary team, the duo with different minds explored outside, stop and go.

There is always some fate in this world that makes you unable to escape, but Shen Fengyue did not expect fate to come so soon.

Nie Yuan.

They met crazy women again.

Shen Fengyue was leading Lin Bo, he was walking in front, Lin Bo followed behind him, stepped on his footsteps, followed closely. Along the way, he was talking to himself and compared with Lin Bai, blowing himself into the air. A familiar voice cut through the air and reached their ears.

Shen Fengyue\'s scalp was numb, and the wounds on her body were aching.

It was a laugh, like a pair of pointed scissors, sharp enough to cut everything. And obviously, the only person who has this kind of laughter and can make Shen Fengyue\'s scalp numb subconsciously is the crazy woman.

Shen Fengyue really feels that her physique is very lucky. He almost heard that voice, and subconsciously glanced at the location of the mad woman.

The woman turned her back to them, she was laughing idiotically while looking at what she was holding. A cold light flashed by, and Shen Fengyue could see that the woman was holding a long knife in her hand.

Shen Fengyue raised her hand and compared it with a gesture to stop moving forward, signalling Lin Bo not to move. Lin Bo also noticed the existence of the mad woman and obediently leaned close to Shen Fengyue.

Turning around and pushing Lin Bai back, trying to avoid the mad woman, Shen Fengyue just walked a step or two and felt a sharp line of sight behind him!

not good! The woman noticed them!

Shen Fengyue pushed Lin Bo forward hard, then looked back quickly, and found that the mad woman had turned around some time. She waved the knife in her hand twice, reflecting a cold light in the sun.

The woman lifted her chin, and the sun shone into the eye socket and half-blind eye she had dug out. The arc of her mouth widened, like a hunter found a plump prey, and her laughter was bloodthirsty and cruel. Aspirational confidence.

"Run separately!" Shen Fengyue roared, and ran to the left, Lin Bai ran in the opposite direction from him.

As if seeing the signal to initiate an attack, the woman ran towards them with the knife on her shoulder.

"Chong Ya, Shen Fengyue!!!" The system shouted.

Shen Fengyue said: "Don\'t patronize and shout for cheer, help me!"

System: "Oh." Silently turned on the accelerator.

Relying on the system\'s accelerator, Shen Fengyue ran far away like a godly help. After seeing that the distance was almost enough, he stopped to take time to see Lin Bo\'s situation.

Lin Bo ran ahead, followed by the mad woman. There was only fifty centimeters between them. The woman was chasing and swinging a knife, trying to reach the person in front.

Lin Bai wisely chose to shuttle among the bushes on both sides of the green belt, using snakeskin to walk around and terrain to walk people.

Because the mad woman was wearing a long robe, when she was walking through the bushes, her robe would always be hooked by the branches of the bushes, causing her to stop to a certain extent, which greatly increased the distance between her and Lin Bai.

Maybe it was a long time after Lin Bo could not catch it and the crazy woman caught up. She gradually only noticed Lin Bo and chased him desperately.

Lin Bai went around, just when Shen Fengyue thought he could always get a mad woman down and escape.

The sharp blade slashed his back, and blood quickly poured out from the wound and stained a small patch of color on the white shirt.

Anything on a white shirt is very conspicuous, so the red is also very conspicuous.

"Damn!" Shen Fengyue noticed, and ran in their direction after swearing.

After a few steps, she caught up with Shen Fengyue and fell behind the woman. At this time, Lin Bai had already ran out of the bushes towards the tall building.

The building covers a very large area. There is a decorative fountain in the center. Ten people need to extend their arms to form a circle to surround it.

In the middle of the fountain stood a statue of a little angel with a water bottle in his hand, and a gurgling column of water flowed out of it into the pool below.

Lin Bai used the unfailing and tried-and-tested method of King Qin to run around the fountain in circles.

At this moment a very ridiculous picture appeared

——Lin Bai ran at the forefront, followed by the mad woman, and finally Shen Fengyue. The mad woman was chasing Lin Bo, and Shen Fengyue was chasing them.

All three people ran around the fountain.

This picture looks really funny, the system endured for a long time, the data line was stunned for a few times, and finally couldn\'t help it. Thousands of words all turned into a chuckle.

Shen Fengyue accused it: "What are you laughing at? Do you think I want to do this?"

System: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha youha

Shen Fengyue: "..." This system is 80% silly and hopeless. It can make so many tricks and sounds with laughter.

With a fire in his heart, he turned his anger at the system at his jokes into kicks.

The kick was extremely heavy, full of grief and anger, and kicked on the woman\'s waist. The woman screamed. Shen Fengyue seized the opportunity to kick her knees and directly let the woman kneel.

Shen Fengyue folded the woman\'s wrist, grabbed the knife in her hand, slashed the back of the knife on the woman\'s neck, and fell down with one blow. The woman rolled her eyes and fainted.

"I\'m sorry." Holding the knife in his hand, Shen Fengyue withdrew her foot, and ended the long and ridiculous chase with her own power.

Lin Bai, who was running ahead, finally stopped, with dense beads of sweat on his forehead. He slowed down and walked towards Shen Fengyue, adjusting his breathing.

Shen Fengyue couldn\'t help but look at him a few times. He didn\'t expect the little chicken to look weak, running so fast and so long.

"Oh, you just got cut by a knife, are you okay?" Putting his hands on Lin Bai\'s shoulders, he turned him around so that he could see his wounds.

A small hole was marked behind the young man\'s white shirt, and Shen Fengyue opened the hole with his hand to look inside. It can be seen from the remaining bits of this person that this person is very white, then he will only be whiter.

The skin was so fair that she was a bit feminine. Shen Fengyue thought how many girls envy this skin and wanted to have it. Of course, he definitely didn\'t need such a rough man.

There is a wound on the white leather, which should be a little shallower, and it has stopped bleeding and crusted.

Shen Fengyue breathed a sigh of relief, and even said a few words that it was all right.

Lin Bai smiled.

"Laugh! Fool? You can still laugh when you are injured. This time you are lucky. Don\'t do this next time. Be careful." He babbled, and Lin Bo\'s mouth was raised up.

After taking him for a while and still nothing, they returned to the cabin.

Lin Bai looked at Shen Fengyue\'s hand, his eyes filled with the desire to write.

Shen Fengyue seemed to know that when Lin Bai raised his finger, he received Shen Fengyue\'s warning eyes, and he had no choice but to put it down and write on the ground instead.

【what\'s your plan? 】he asks.

Shen Fengyue moved her wrist joints and replied casually: "Go out."

"In any case, I have to go out, and I must go out." He asked rhetorically, "Don\'t you want to go out?"

The curvature of Lin Bo\'s mouth collapsed a little, and he wrote:

[What if someone obstructs you? 】

Shen Fengyue laughed loudly: "That\'s not easy. People block killing, and Buddha block killing Buddha. Who else did I fear for Shen Feng?"

Lin Bai stopped moving, and the smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared cleanly. He lowered his head and his eyes were full of thought.

Finally he wrote slowly on the ground:

【understood. 】


Lin Bai\'s actions:

[I want to go out too. 】