The Tale Of Three Sisters

Chapter 141 - Dominate The World

Inside the castle, in Ivy\'s prison room.

She was dreading Maxwell\'s presence and every night that passes by without seeing him was heaven to her. She was relieved that he seems to be already forgotten about her. But she knows that she was just dreaming. Maxwell will return and God only knows what he will do to her the moment he returned to the room.

She sat on the edge of the bed thinking what she\'s going to do when he returns and hurt her again. If she will fight him hard, he will only hurt her again. Even though she already accepted the fact that he can claim her body anytime, still she dreaded thinking about it. She was praying to God earnestly that he won\'t do something like that to her.

She only wants to offer herself to her husband on the night of their wedding. She doesn\'t want any man to touch her body intimately. She will surely feel dirty afterward. She will have no more dignity left to face Zemeth. She will no longer feel clean if Maxwell will claim her body. It\'s killing her!

Every time she thinks about Maxwell, her heart was filled with dread.

Then her mind wandered to Zemeth. Was he alive? Was he dead? She has lots of questions running inside her mind. If only she could leave the castle, she will be on Zemeth\'s side right now.

She can only pray to God that his life was spared. She wanted to see him again. But as long she remained inside the prison room, she will be blind to everything that happens outside.

She was wondering where is Ella residing now? She hopes that she returns to the village right away so that Aunt Margie and Kate won\'t worry much about her. The only consolation she can think of right now...was the happy reunion between her siblings and Aunt Margie. It must be a happy occasion.

If she can no longer escape the castle, at least her sisters were already out there enjoying their freedom.

She was just hoping that the villagers won\'t ridicule Ella\'s physical transformation so much. Because if they do, Ella would be devastated. She can very well imagine how it will shatter Ella\'s self-confidence and self-worth. She will seldom get out of their house wanting to avoid the stares and questions of their neighbors.

She can\'t also blame the neighbors because they were simply curious due to what happened to Ella which is a big mystery. It would be the first time that they would be able to witness such a mysterious occurrence that a young healthy girl was transformed into an old woman... complete with gray hair and wrinkled skin.

The transformation is horrific it will blow the villagers\' mind after seeing Ella in her current condition. Therefore, questions and stares can\'t be avoided. And her sister will be the one to suffer the most.

If only she was not captured by Maxwell...

She might already be in Zemeth\'s place right now together with her family. It will give Ella a new place to live away from the prying eyes of their neighbors. The people in the new surrounding will see Ella in her current physical form. It\'s easier to just lie that she was born with a mysterious condition since the day she was born, therefore people will no longer ask questions since they would just accept Ella\'s inborn defects.

The emotional and psychological burden that Ella was carrying on her shoulder right now made her heart grieved for her sister\'s condition. She was simply not there to comfort her.

The more she thought about Ella the more she was desperate to see the outside world again. It\'s hard to accept that she was already outside of the castle for a few minutes yet her freedom was short-lived.

Then there is Zemeth, her husband to be. Her excitement for the wedding evaporated after she learned that she was back inside the castle. And worst, Maxwell had discovered what her blood can do to the blazing barrier. Now, he will never let her go. He will make a slave out of her body. It would be impossible for her to escape this time around. Only her death can free her from Maxwell\'s grasp.

Should she just end her life right now? Before Maxwell can have his way with her body? At least in her death, he would no longer desire her dead body. This way they can\'t use her blood to unleash the terrifying monsters into the masses. She can\'t accept that her blood will become an instrument of the slaughter that\'s going to happen to the people living in nearby places around the castle.

Those thoughts are making her depressed.

The idea of ending her life seems more attractive as minutes pass by. But she was also thinking of the possibility that if Zemeth survives his ordeal... he would surely enter the castle to rescue her.

Should she wait for him? Until when?

Until when she can hold on?

She rose to her feet and looked at the window. The make-believe garden was still outside including the fake sunshine and the fake flowers. Although she knows they\'re just illusions made by Maxwell, the fake scenery somehow comforted her and make her feel better a bit.

She continues gazing at the flower garden...what else she can do?

If she keeps thinking about her current problem, she might get depressed and desperate, then she will commit suicide at the earliest possible time.

Suddenly, the door opened, and the vampire woman named Zonora who guarded the room brought her some food in the tray. She put it on the table and left the room without even saying a word to her.

She eats her meal in silence.

Minutes went by.

The vampire woman returns and brought another dress for her to wear, it comes with a black cloak. "Lord Maxwell wanted you to wear these clothes. I will take you to him after you change into this dress," she said and left the room.

Ivy examined the clothes. It was just a black ensemble, a plain long black dress that touches her ankle, partnered with a black cloak with a hood.

She went to the toilet and took a long bath.

After bathing, she exited the bathroom and donned the new clothes on her body. Then she wore the cloak around her clothes. She sat on the edge of the bed, terrified of seeing Maxwell again. She was feeling nervous all of a sudden, her knees were trembling.

What he\'s going to do to her?

Why he summoned her?

Was he going to force himself on her again?

"God, please help me!" she said aloud. Her whole body was trembling with apprehension. It would be a miracle if she can still walk properly when all her defenses are crumbling down due to fear of what Maxwell is going to do to her. She remembered so well how ruthless he becomes when he was trying to force himself on her.

The door suddenly opened and the vampire woman motioned her to come forward. "Time to go!" she said.

Ivy released a deep sigh and rose to her feet, slowly, moving forward and left the room. She was escorted by the vampire woman as they passed the hallways going to Maxwell\'s room.

What did he want from her this time?

When they arrived at the door of Maxwell\'s room which he opened himself, the vampire woman left. He opened it himself and smiled at her as if what happened between them the last time was no longer registered in his mind.

"Come inside my room, my dear, Ivy," he spoke gently.

Ivy hesitated to enter the room afraid of what he\'s going to do to her.

Maxwell sighed. "Come inside, I\'m sorry that I hurt you the last time. You are making me angry because you refused to submit to me, that is why I got physical with you. I promise you as long you will obey me and won\'t annoy me then we will have no problem," he said.

Ivy avoided his gaze and stared at the floor instead of his face.

"I will never hurt you physically but you are fighting me and it made me mad so I lashed at you. You know me well when it comes to you... I\'m gentle and considerate, but sometimes you ignited my wrath and ignited the fuse that can unleash the beast side of me. I suggest that for your good, don\'t ever do something that would anger me. Or else you\'re going to regret it. I may not be merciful next time," he warned her. He peered at her dangerously, trying to send a clear message in her eyes.

Ivy can only release a deep sigh as fear starts crippling her senses again. She lowered her gaze, staring at her toes.

Maxwell sauntered towards the cabinet in the corner and took out something...

Ivy followed his movement, her eyes widened when she saw the golden dagger in his hands. Ah, that is where he hides the golden dagger! If she can get the dagger, she can escape alone on her own! Her eyes were flashing with excitement. That\'s it, she now has a plan! Something to focus on... in the days to come.

He went to her side..."Look, did you recognize this golden dagger? This is the dagger that your little boyfriend used to open the blazing barrier. It will be useful to us to dominate the world!" he grinned evilly.

Ivy\'s brows furrowed. "W-what do you mean?"

"With your blood and this dagger, I can open the blazing barrier and released the hungry monster in the pit...I will release my dark armies as well and they will terrorize humans. I shall rule the land of the humans and they will submit to me and worship me! Isn\'t that great? You and I will become the King and Queen of Darkness... and we will rule this world!" Maxwell released an evil grin.

Oh no! Ivy shivered in fright. One of her greatest fear was finally materialized! Maxwell was going to use her blood to release the terrifying monsters in the pit! He used to threaten her before, that he will throw her into the monster pit if she won\'t behave well. He told her a dozen times that the monsters in the pit love eating human flesh the most.

This is not good!