The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 72

Is it... Really NIMA\'s that Yin goods of Wei Zhongdao are looking for death?

Since Liu Hao\'s crossing, it can be said that he has mixed with the wind and water and found both sides of the river.

Recently, he only crippled Wei Bi. In addition, he dug the corner of Wei Zhongdao and put a green hat on him.

Liu Hao\'s mind moved. He suddenly thought of a possibility. He couldn\'t help but fuzhang and said with a smile: "I\'m worried about money and food for soldiers. Unexpectedly, the boy who sent money brought money and food for soldiers to the door!"

The smile diluted the tension a lot.

Lin Chongqi said, "Lord, what does this mean? Can these mountain bandits still give us money?"

Liu Hao smiled but did not speak. Zhang zhenniang was worthy of her intelligence of more than 80. She smiled politely: "does the Lord mean that these thieves and soldiers are orderly in chaos and can be used?"

Cao Zhengchun snorted: "hum, according to the old slave, these disorderly thieves should cut thousands of knives!"

Liu Hao is quite speechless. Cao Zhengchun\'s loyalty is loyalty, but his vision is still lower. His killing heart is too heavy. It\'s not as good as Zhang zhenniang.

At present, although he has got an official title of Yingchuan prefect, he can only start from scratch. Of course, he needs to use whatever he can use.

The barren mountain seems to be covered with blood by the sunset.

The ancient road is desolate and desolate with vegetation. It is densely covered with human figures.

It was a group of mountain bandits, up to more than 1000 people, all young strong men in rags, who surrounded Liu Hao and others on the mountain, with a wolf like light in their eyes.

Although the discipline of these more than 1000 people is better than that of ordinary thieves, it seems to Liu Hao that they are also very lax.

Most importantly, some people have no weapons in their hands, only sharpened sticks, and are laughing wildly at the mountain.

Down the hill.

"You wei\'s family have a great career, but you have to keep your word. You can\'t lose 500 gold, 3000 stone grain and one money!"

A guy who looks like the leader of mountain bandits is talking sideways.

The other person on the side is Wei Zhongdao.

He sat on the horse and said impatiently, "hum, your advantage is that the man standing on the mountain has 500 gold as long as you kill him."

Before they finished speaking, the formation of thieves at the foot of the mountain was in a mess.

In the mountains and forests, the sound of killing is shaking the sky.

"What\'s going on?"

The thief was surprised!

Liu Hao went the opposite way and directly led the people to attack the bandits at the foot of the mountain!

"The thief died!"

The first to rush out were two big men with big backs and big backs.

A man holding a double halberd, like a tiger down the mountain.

The other one waved a snake spear in his hand, with a leopard\'s head and eyes. His roar was like thunder. There were several fierce people behind him. They killed the thief soldiers together. It was unstoppable.

"Damn... These two fierce men dare to attack the array of thousands of people"

Holding the reins, Wei Bi looked at the scene in front of him in surprise and said in a deep voice:

"No matter what, you all go to help. You must kill the boy Liu Hao!"


Dozens of Wei\'s family soldiers accepted the promise and joined the battle.

However, the power of Dian Wei and Lin Chong\'s array is so great that there is no enemy of unity wherever they go!

Yellow towel rogue is like a reaped weed, falling wave by wave.

After the last battle, Liu Hao has seen the power of a peerless general.

This time, paidianwei and Lin Chong charged on the left and right wings, mainly considering their ultra-high force. They are all super generals with more than 95 forces.

How could these bandits be able to resist such courage?


The iron halberd in Dianwei\'s hand weighs more than 80 kg. A halberd sweeps across and directly kills more than ten yellow scarf thieves in an instant!

"Don\'t leave the thief\'s head. Look at Lin Chong coming to take your head!"

Lin Chong scolded angrily, and the gun danced like a dragon!

The 800000 forbidden army instructors are surprisingly good at shooting.

A shot down, the tip of the gun turned into countless sharp lights, and even killed more than ten people!

These two eight foot tall generals, desperate, rushed directly into the thief and bandit array of more than 1000 people and crushed them all the way!




Liu Hao has a great morale!

"These two savages are too powerful!"

The thief leader\'s eyes widened.

He thought he was sure of this vote. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, someone came out to stir up the situation.

Behind Dianwei and Lin Chong, there was another cry of killing. Liu Hao had led Huarong and other Chinese troops straight in and killed them.

The momentum is strong. The yellow scarf thief can\'t resist it. There is a trend of collapse gradually!

"Don\'t worry, we have a number advantage!"

The bandit leader raised his gun angrily.

Once a general of the yellow scarf army, he also saw the world of thousands of troops rushing to attack. He was not in a hurry. He just shouted: "go out on the left and kill those two brave men!"


The big thief soldiers of his men shouted before and after, and rushed over like a tide. The momentum was not small.

"Brother Dian, I joined the Lord and didn\'t make any achievements. The thief will leave it to Lin!"

Lin Chong leopard\'s eyes were wide open and ran wildly. The snake spear weighing 78 kg in his hand kept waving, as if it contained the power of unmarried thunder.

Whoever touches it will die!

Dianwei cut people with double halberds, as if he were cutting grass. He was bloodthirsty and said with a smile: "good!"


Lin Chong roared again. He swept the snake spear in his hand and turned over more than ten people.

The snake spear is made of refined steel. It can break people\'s bones and muscles every time it touches people. He remembers Liu Hao\'s order and doesn\'t kill him. He just rushes back and forth and kills thieves and soldiers.

Lin Chong was also secretly surprised: the combat effectiveness of these thieves and bandits is not so poor. It feels like they are well-trained.

Ordinary mountain bandits and bandits, who are attacked by such a powerful general, resist symbolically at most, and then it\'s like being cut into melons and vegetables.

The formation will collapse immediately. Spread your feet and run first.

Although this group of people had a small riot, it would not break up.

Lin Chong, who looked like a tiger into a flock of sheep, came directly to the Chinese army.

The thief turned pale in awe, held up his iron gun and shouted, "come, Haosheng, brave, dare to fight Liao Hua to the death!?".,,.