The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2416


The martial arts of the Han Dynasty ended here, even if it was a success.

In the imperial capital city, outside the green dragon gate, there was a roar of people.

Countless people gathered in a pile and looked up at the list on the gold list. Their necks were sore.

In the crowd, there were bursts of exclamations from time to time:

"Xue Rengui, the No. 1 scholar in martial arts, Wang Fuchen, and Dugu Sheng in flower exploration!"

"It is said that Wang Fu Chen is a disciple of Lord Zeng. He is the first general in the Qing Dynasty. His arms have the power of dragons and tigers!"

"Wang Fu Chen is a feather! Dugu Sheng, an unparalleled swordsman, is famous for his victory. It is said that a dark iron heavy sword swept through the swordsman of the Song Dynasty and won an invincible reputation. He may be expected to enter the nine sword God of the dynasty in the future!"

"Hehe! It\'s still a little short of the time to explore the flowers at the top of the list. Xue Rengui is really powerful. My distant cousin\'s son is in the Longxiang camp. It\'s said that he defeated dozens of fierce generals in the army that day and defeated hundreds of thousands of Han troops with the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand. Even Marquis Wen and Lv Bu praised him. The holy emperor appointed the number one..."

"This man will become a general of the dynasty!"


Liu Haoqin selected the number one scholar, Xue Rengui, and once again became the center of heated discussion among the crowd.

Because the top scholar in the last article was too bright and dazzling.

Wang Meng, Wang JINGLUE!

As soon as he was born, he made great progress. He led his troops to sweep and calm the Sui Dynasty, breaking the city and destroying the country. He was even praised by the holy emperor. Recently, he was named on the Shangshu platform, which caused a sensation all over the world.

Xue Rengui, the No. 1 martial arts scholar this time, doesn\'t know what kind of surprise it will bring.

However, there were also many poor scholars of the dynasty who secretly clenched their teeth, clenched their fists and sighed: big husband, when so!

Because both Wang Meng and Xue Rengui, the two top scholars in both civil and military disciplines, are from poor families.

Now the fish leaped over the dragon\'s gate and swayed on the green clouds.

"The number one scholar is coming!"

I don\'t know who had sharp eyes. First, I screamed, and the whole imperial city was boiling in an instant.

The majestic Han military music plays like a golden horse and an iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

Xue Rengui, the No. 1 scholar in martial arts, put on a Silver Lion armour, held a halberd painted by Fang Tian, rode on a Thor colt, as powerful as the God of heaven.

The second ranking King\'s assistant minister has a tiger back and a bear waist. He rides a claw yellow flying electricity, wears a gold inlaid elephant nose helmet, wears a red brocade robe and a gold bear tiger armor. He is also majestic.

Tan Hua Lang Dugu Sheng looked calm and calm, carrying a dark iron heavy sword, and his handsome face seemed to be covered with Millennium ice.

Where they passed, many Huaichun girls screamed one after another.

Originally, Liu Hao was the perfect lover in the dream of a big man and a girl.

However, Liu Hao is a dragon among people, ranking high in the jiuzhong tianque and close to God. If there is no chance of blessing, he has little hope to marry into the Dynasty and become a concubine. Naturally, he has to lower the standard.

At present, on Qinglong Street, no matter the number one scholar Xue Rengui or tan Hua Dugu Sheng, they are rare handsome men. Even Wang Fuchen, who has a tiger back and a heavy waist, is favored by people.

Ding Jia\'s three men are successful in martial arts. They are full of masculine charm. They are still the No. 1 scholar of the dynasty, the second in the list and the flower exploration. They have a bright future as officials in the dynasty.

Xue Rengui was filled with emotion. He came from a bad family and had a wife and children at home. However, from the very beginning of climbing the Baiyu stage today, he knew that his destiny had changed.

Wang Chaowu champion!

When this glorious name fell on his shoulder, Xue Rengui felt as if he had become the center of the world.

All this is because of Liu Hao, so he is full of admiration for Liu Hao from the bottom of his heart.

Fresh clothes and angry horses, one day to see all the imperial flowers.

After the street patrol, the emperors of the dynasty became lively again.

When the Ministry of war held a banquet, Xue Rengui and others were naturally present.

After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere was warm. Zhou Yu, the Minister of the Ministry of military, raised his glass and said in a loud voice: "you will receive the appointment document from the Ministry of military tomorrow. There will be a war in the dynasty in the near future. At that time, it is time for everyone to make contributions."

To pass the martial arts examination and come here today is equivalent to thousands of troops crossing the single wooden bridge. Everyone has strong strength.

The Shangshutai has long drawn up the will. The top martial arts scholar is the third rank martial arts, the second rank martial arts and the fourth rank martial arts, and the other top three have obtained the entry rank martial arts.

When they heard of this opportunity, they all showed their eyes and rubbed their hands. They wanted to immediately pick up knives and guns and fight for Liu Hao.

At this time, a sharp cry came out in the night: "Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Zhou Yu put down his wine glass and took the lead in going out to greet him. The candidates of the martial arts examination also knelt down together and respectfully saluted the monarchs and ministers.

Liu Haolong walked into the door and said with a smile, "you are all the pillars of the dynasty. Flat yourself."

The presence of the emperor pushed the atmosphere to a climax in an instant.

"Some time ago, I dreamed that the Western blood was all over the sky and millions of barbarian troops were standing in front of me. Suddenly, a young general in white robe, holding Fang Tian\'s painted halberd, fell from the sky and killed a river of blood and bones like a mountain... This should be a dream virtuous minister. It seems that he is Aiqing."

Liu Hao patted Xue Rengui on the shoulder with an undisguised reward in his eyes.

Xue Rengui looked excited. He pushed Jinshan and fell on his knees. He hugged his fist and said, "whenever the king\'s life lies, the end will be willing to lift his head as the precursor of the holy emperor!"

"Good! Good!"

Liu Hao helped Xue Rengui up, and his dignified and deep eyes fell on the people. He said, "I will launch the final offensive against the Western Roman Empire in two months. During this time, I hope you don\'t waste your martial arts. At that time, there will be millions of barbarians on the battlefield who will speak according to their own abilities."

in an uproar!

There was an uproar on the field!

Liu Hao\'s words were golden. What he said at this time was the top secret military aircraft of the dynasty.

Another war!

And it was a war of subjugation to destroy the Empire!

Xue Rengui, Wang Fuchen and others have red eyes. What they see is not a Million Roman troops, but credit!

Great credit!

Within reach, right in front of you!

I\'ve been practising martial arts for decades for the sake of such an opportunity right now?

Wang Fu Chen bowed down and said bluntly: "Wang Fu Chen has a rotten life. Thanks to the grace of the emperor, today, he will repay his majesty with death. The barbarians in the West will not perish for a day, and he will not return for a day