The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 113: What a loach killer!

In this group, only Tangtang is younger than him.

Huo Zekai wanted to be a mastermind again and play the destructive power of the bully, but it was difficult.

Thinking about it, Mo Yun held back a smile, "Kai Kai, except for Tangtang, it seems that you have to be called brother and sister."

Huo Zekai looked unlovable.

Yu Xiaoxuan didn't understand Huo Zekai's helplessness, so she stood on tiptoe and patted Huo Zekai's head with a serious face: "My little brother, my sister will take care of you!"

Huo Zekai: "..."

Mo Heng and Shishi finished the finishing work and came up with a small red bucket.

Tangtang yelled "pigeon" when he saw it, and dashed up and rushed towards Moheng.

Mo Heng's hands were muddy, and he hadn't had time to wash him. He couldn't hold the child, so he squatted down and caught the little guy with his shoulders: "Don't run, what can you do if you fall~~"

Tangtang happily hugged Mo Heng's neck, "Dove pigeon~~ where is the meat?"

For a long time, it's not enthusiasm for him, but passion for flesh!

Mo Heng put the bucket in front of the little guy, dumbfounded.

The little guy poked his **** and squatted in the little red bucket. The little fat man lit his loach head and counted: "One, two, three~~~"

What is coming after three?

The distressed little guy tilted his head to look at Gu Tingwei, and asked for help: "Brother Tingwei~~"

Gu. Mathematics master. In charge of enlightenment. Ting Wei walked over, squatted beside her, and patiently helped her count together.

Yu Hao stood beside Gu Tingwei silently, also helping to count.

As he was counting, Yu Xiaoxuan suddenly ran over and asked Yu Hao, "Brother, how many have you counted?"

As soon as Yu Hao finished counting, she forgot to be interrupted by Yu Xiaoxuan.

He looked at Yu Xiaoxuan depressedly, a black line on his forehead.

Yu Xiaoxuan giggled, innocent and innocent: "Brother, are you ignorant of numbers?"

Yu Hao: "Don't all blame you!"

Yu Xiaoxuan smiled heartlessly, and asked crisply: "What is it to blame? I don't know how to count!"

Yu Hao sighed: his silly sister!

At this moment, Gu Ting did not raise his head: "There are thirty-two in total."

Mo Heng and Shishi looked at each other and were very surprised: "You actually caught so many?"

Yu Jianrong came over with the red bucket before: "More than that, there is more!"

Gu Ting did not come together and counted them together, and reported to Mo Heng: "The two buckets add up to sixty."

Yu Jianrong smiled and hugged Yu Hao's neck: "Okay, you guys, what a loach killer! I have fished out the upper and lower three generations of the loach family!"

Yu Hao frowned in disgust: "Dad, your body is so dirty, you are all on me!"

When Yu Jianrong heard this, he changed his mind and hugged Yu Hao tightly: "Blessed to share, and mud to act together, none of us can be clean!"

After speaking, she also incited Yu Xiaoxuan: "Xiaoxuan come here, hug your brother~~"

Yu Xiaoxuan happily held hands with Yu Jianrong, trapping Yu Hao in the middle, rubbing the mud on Hao's body together.

Yu Hao: "..."

The loach catching group ended the mission amid the noise of the three at home.

Mo Heng carried the two small red buckets to the bald director: "Director, how about? How much food can I add?"

Xiao Cai stood by and deliberately helped: "Director, do a group complete the task by catching ten? Now they have caught sixty, which is over 40!"

The secrets have been exposed by Xiao Cai, what else can the director say.

With a big wave of his hand, he looked very generous and refreshing: "I'll give you a snack at noon!!"

Mo Heng's eyes lit up: Is the director finally willing to pluck his hair?

Just listen to the bald director saying: "Forty excess items, you can take it for a snack!"

Mo Heng: "..."

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.