The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 67

Xia yachong nodded to doksha, and then handed the two dragon balls to him: "there are two dragon balls here. You can arrange someone to study it immediately. I hope you can make the Dragon Ball radar as soon as possible!"

Although the original book does not mention how long it took bulma to make the Dragon Ball radar, Xia Ya believes that with the extraordinary wisdom of the fidaya people, there should be no much difficulty in making the Dragon Ball radar.

"Yes, I\'ll arrange someone to do the research right away."

Doksha looked serious and took the dragon ball from Xia ya. As soon as the two dragon balls met, they immediately "hummed" and flickered.

Doksha had never seen such a magical thing before. A burst of curiosity flashed in his eyes. Then he summoned the best scientists on the ship to study the dragon ball.

Although doksha didn\'t know what the two dragon beads that Lord Xia Ya gave him were, he saw that Lord Xia Ya was very concerned about it. He understood that it was no small matter. Therefore, doksha attached great importance to this research and decided to go to the battle in person to participate in the supervision.

After all, the fidayas are now under the protection of the xiaya adults. They must play their role at the critical time, so as to reflect their value.

So after getting the dragon ball, he immediately called the scientists to carry out day and night research, hoping to submit a satisfactory answer to xiaya as soon as possible.

In the study of all fidayans day and night, the time passed by 15 days. Fidaya people are worthy of being a cosmic civilization famous for science and technology. In just a few days after getting the dragon ball, they put forward a series of research directions for various characteristics of the dragon ball. After discussion, they decided to start the research from the two aspects of wavelength and optics.

This research direction is very close to the idea of bulma\'s invention of Longzhu radar.

Meanwhile, Xia Ya came to inspect the manufacturing of Longzhu radar. Seeing the fidaya scientists\' appearance of forgetting to sleep and eat, he quietly left.

Finally, on the 22nd day, the good news came that the Dragon Ball radar of the fidaya people had been successfully developed.

After hearing the news, Xia Ya immediately blinked to doksha\'s research room.

However, when Xia Ya came to the research room, she was startled by doksha\'s appearance. She saw a group of fidaya scientists with disheveled hair, thin body, two blood filled eyes and sunken eyes. At first glance, she was racking her brains.

"Lord Xia ya, this is the Dragon Ball radar you need!"

Doksha\'s tone was very excited. Holding his hands, he handed over the newly developed Dragon Ball radar. The cyan on his cheek became deeper due to excitement.

Xia Ya nodded, took the Longzhu radar and looked at it. It was a detector the size of a bowl. On the cyan display screen, light green squares were drawn with fence lines, and each square represented an area.

It is worth noting that the detection map displayed in the display is not a plane, but a three-dimensional spherical projection. As the finger moves on it, the spherical simulator above the display will start to rotate like a globe. There are two buttons at the top of the central axis of Longzhu radar, which can adjust the size of the detection area.

"When we studied the dragon balls, we found that when they were placed together, they would radiate a specially coded electromagnetic wave. Through the capture of this electromagnetic wave, we made this dragon ball radar. However, considering that the distribution range of the dragon balls may spread all over the whole planet, we designed it as a star projection when designing the radar display mode."

The detection results are displayed on a three-dimensional spherical simulator, and the spherical simulator can also change direction with the movement of fingers, which is a very humanized design.

Press the switch on the Longzhu radar, and the spherical simulator immediately lights up. With the continuous enlargement of the map, the spherical pattern is closer and closer to the plane, and finally two bright spots appear at the central origin of the void.

It is the two dragon balls in Xia Ya\'s hand.

"Clearly in the universe, but the Dragon Ball radar still defaults the environment to a planet. It\'s a small defect, but it\'s harmless! With this detection radar, the speed of collecting dragon balls can be increased by hundreds of times." Xia Ya thought silently.

He was very satisfied with the performance of fidaya people, so he praised doksha: "you have done a good job. I am very satisfied that you can manufacture Dragon Ball radar in such a short time!"

Doksha and other fidaya people accepted Xia Ya\'s praise. It was like eating an iced watermelon in dog days. Their pores suddenly opened. They immediately decided that the hard work of these days was not in vain.

"Lord Xia ya, you\'re welcome. It\'s our honor to serve you!"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll remember your credit!"

With that, Xia Ya smiled at these fidaya scientists, nodded at them, and then disappeared from the spaceship with an instant movement.


Xia Ya\'s figure appeared in a vast plain with jagged rocks.

Bamboo shoot like rocks protrude from the ground to form hills. The middle rock blocks are gradually weathered in the wind and frost to form a special hollow shape.

After coming to the earth, Xia Ya couldn\'t wait to take out the Longzhu radar and press the button, followed by the sound of "beep", and seven shining light spots were displayed on the ball simulator of Longzhu radar.

There are two bright spots together at the origin position representing the radar itself.

"There is a dragon ball 500 kilometers east!" After looking at the light spot displayed on the radar, Xia Ya soared into the air, turned around and quickly disappeared into the sky.

It is a plateau with serious soil erosion. Due to poor conditions, there is almost no grass around. It is not suitable for a large number of lives to survive, but some lives can survive here.

"Roar!" With an angry roar, Xia Ya saw a gray dinosaur running after a wild dog. The huge volume ran like a hill knocking on the ground, making the earth tremble.

"It\'s full of unrestrained primitive wildness!"

Glancing at the dinosaur, Xia Ya walked away uninterested. Now he is more important to look for Dragon beads. Unless he is hungry, he is not interested in the dinosaur.


Xia Ya\'s figure shook falsely. Her body had appeared 100 meters away and soon came to a bush.

"It should be nearby." Xia Ya looked at the surrounding environment and looked for the place where the dragon ball might hide.

However, after searching for a long time, no trace of the dragon ball was found, so a wind blade crossed. Xia Ya cut off the dead shrubs and went deep into the bushes. After splitting nearly half of the shrubs, Xia Ya saw a flash in a cluster of shrubs.

"Found it!" Jump into the bush. An orange red dragon ball is sandwiched between the branches of the Bush, reflecting the brilliance of the sun. Pull open the branch of the tree and take the dragon ball into his hand. Xia Ya looked carefully and found that it was a star dragon ball.

"Graduation is smooth. This is the third dragon ball!"

Xia Ya happily put the dragon ball into the dimensional space, took out the Dragon Ball radar and prepared to search the location of the next dragon ball. There were two beeps, and the signals of the other four dragon balls were displayed on the radar.

The nearest dragon ball is more than 1000 kilometers away from here, but Xia Ya uses her instantaneous mobility to arrive in the blink of an eye.

A quiet mountain village.

"Quack!" Crows were crowing among the branches and puffing through the air.

The small mountain village is surrounded by mountains. Due to the relatively low terrain, there is still a thin mist in the place with insufficient sunlight. The breeze blows on the cheeks with a trace of coolness, and soon moistens the tip of the hair.

The search for the fourth dragon ball was very smooth. Xia Ya found a six planet in a bird\'s nest.

Put the four Dragon beads together, and the golden light flashes at a certain frequency, just like the stars in the clear night sky.

"By the way, it seems that there is a dragon ball in Guixian!" Xia Ya patted her head and suddenly woke up.

In the original work, bulma and monkey king first looked for a dragon ball, that is, they exchanged * * for a five planet dragon ball from Guixian.

Because time has passed so long, he has forgotten this detail.

Xia Ya took out the Dragon Ball radar and looked. He might have to go to the turtle fairy house to take the dragon ball from the turtle fairy\'s neck.