The strongest bear system in history

2 Chapter 2 Kodiak Brown Bear!

Chapter 2 Kodiak Brown Bear!

The bright sunshine shone on the vast mountain forest covered by heavy snow, and the breeze blew down the snow that was oppressing this ancient pine.

This is an ancient pine tree that is as high as ten stories. I don’t know how many years it has gone through. The rough bark on the body is like dragon scales. Under the sharp and hard dark green pine needles, there are half of them. A huge pine cone the size of a baby\'s head.

This ancient pine is very large, with luxuriant branches and very high appearance. It has the quality and form of proud snow and snow. If it is placed outside in a prosperous metropolis, there are three or four ancient pine like this, it can almost support a small Botanical garden.

But in this vast mountain and old forest with countless treasures, although this ancient pine is very mysterious, it is nothing. If you look for it carefully, it is not difficult to find an old pine that is larger and even older than this ancient pine.

Even on the top of the hill opposite this ancient pine, there is a larger and more imposing pine. It is an old pine that is as high as twenty or thirty stories, with luxuriant branches and protruding branches. The roots of the tree are like dragons pierced, and the rough bark is like dragon scales. Looking from a distance, it seems that a dragon is about to rise into the sky, and under the dragon, countless dragons and snakes hover and look up at the dragon, which makes this Ke Gu Song has an unspeakable miracle!

And under that magical old Panasonic, a vast white snow covered everything on the surface. The northern snow is heavy. I don’t know how thick this layer of snow is. No one knows what the next step is. Is it a flat and sturdy ground, or fell into the void, falling into an endless pit of snowfall.But I have to admit that the snow in the north is beautiful, and the beauty is suffocating.

In short, looking around, apart from this endless pine forest, the sky and the earth are vast.

But there is no absolute thing. Under the roots of this old pine pine, there is a half-covered dark tree hole, just like the entrance of Jiuyou, full of aura that makes the surrounding beasts fear and fear. The huge Cordelian brown bear, and today is the day this female bear gives birth.

The birth of a female bear is the weakest time of the female bear, but it is also the most dangerous time of the female bear. You never know how terrible an angry female bear can burst out for its cubs!

No wild beast dared to approach here. During the period when the mother bear gave birth, the surrounding was a restricted area of ​​beasts!

In fact, it\'s not just this female bear. At this time, in the surrounding forests of nearly a thousand kilometers, at least nearly a hundred brown bears will give birth during this time.

This is a kingdom of bears!It is desolate, savage, and full of the bloody cruelty of natural laws!

When he knew he was a bear, Ye Qingshan\'s mood was quite complicated.

According to Ye Qingshan\'s rich theoretical knowledge combined with his barren practical experience, Ye Qingshan believes that his mother is a standard Cordelian brown bear, or a strong and unbelievable Kodiak brown bear.

The reason why Ye Qingshan can be so sure that his mother is a Kodiak brown bear, rather than an ordinary brown bear, is because his mother’s size is a bit too large. Although it has not been accurately calculated, Ye Qingshan estimated that his mother’s shoulders It is about two meters high, and stands up as a brown bear over five meters or nearly six meters high.

The weight is between 1.5 tons and 2.5 tons, that is, three kilos to five kilos.

As one of the largest carnivores in the world, the brown bear is the largest in the world, the Kodiak brown bear is the largest. The adult male Kodiak brown bear is even stronger and larger than the polar bear, so the Kodiak brown bear is Deservingly the strongest bear, no one!

It is precisely because of this that a mother with such a huge body, and the hair conforms to the brown bear\'s tan, and the body characteristics are basically in line with it. Ye Qingshan can only think of the largest brown bear of this kind.

It\'s just that my mother is a bit special.

Because a normal brown bear, even a Kodiak brown bear, is huge and can easily reach more than a thousand catties. At its peak, an adult individual can maintain a large body size of about 1,500 catties, but it is more than that of its own mother. With a body size of three kilograms, even an adult Kodiak male brown bear feels like an ungrown child.

You should know that under normal circumstances, female bears are much smaller in size and weight than male bears, generally between 20% or 30%. Even if they are relatively good individuals, they are at least 10% lighter than adult male bears. One part.

And my mother?

It is difficult to use words to describe how the other party grew into such a behemoth.

As for how did Ye Qingshan know?

There are three evidences. One is the pine needles in the tree hole. For things like pine needles, seven or eight centimeters are not short, and ten centimeters are not long, but at most they will not exceed 20 centimeters.

Even the ancient pine trees in the north that are said to be hundreds of years old, have never seen pine needles exceeding 20 cm.So for comparison, these dry pine needles and weeds in the tree hole, you can roughly calculate the size and height of yourself and the bear mother.

In addition, there is a comparison of their own body shape.Don’t look at the huge creatures like bears. An adult brown bear can easily kill lions and tigers. Even an armored vehicle can overturn you. It is the strongest carnivore on land, but the newly born cubs are very small. of.

More than a pound?About two catties?No more than three catties to death!

Anyway, normal humans, even the old, weak, and disabled, can completely choke a newly born bear cub with one hand. It is hard to imagine that such a little guy who can slap to death will become the top of the food chain in the future. Predator.

Imagine how big a bear cub weighs one or two catties?

You only need to compare the bear mother\'s palm with your own body shape, and Ye Qingshan can estimate the bear mother\'s body shape.

In addition, the most important basis is snowflakes or water droplets.

The earth is gravitational. Grab a handful of snow, and then melt the snow with the temperature of your palm. Although the size of a drop of water has not been accurately calculated, it is certain that anyone with life experience knows that a drop of water is on. The size of the drop when it falls, and then based on the size of the drop, it is not difficult to estimate the size of yourself and the bear mother.

Mother Xiong is very big, because she is too big, it is difficult to estimate. Ye Qingshan can only estimate conservatively. Mother Xiong should be more than five meters tall when she stands.

As for yourself?

He is now a slap-sized bear cub. It is not good to say that a Teddy can lay himself down!

But when he grows up, Ye Qingshan believes that with the genes of the bear mother, he will become the overlord at the top of the food chain!

However, these are all things that happened a long time later, and Ye Qingshan doesn\'t want these now.

Because a brown bear wants to grow to its peak, it takes a long time, and there are a lot of dangers in it.

According to incomplete statistics, the probability that a normal cub successfully survives its juvenile period and can survive independently is only 10% or less.

The remaining 90% will be killed for various reasons, and more than 40% of the cubs are killed by male bears.Another part is due to natural and man-made disasters and other reasons, such as lack of food, bad weather, or beast attacks such as wolves, etc., may cause the death of the cubs.

And this is not over yet, a cub will live by the bear mother for two to three years until it can survive independently, and then will be driven away by the bear mother and live an independent life from then on.

But this does not mean that the brown bear after independence will become the overlord of the jungle. Because of hunting skills, territorial disputes and other factors, the brown bear after independence may also be killed.

Although independent brown bears can be regarded as the little overlord of the jungle, they can deter all beasts, but adult brown bears, and even the most powerful bear king, they are the so-called little jungle overlords who deter and dominate.

Ye Qingshan didn\'t worry much when he was a bear cub, because the mother bear was very powerful. He estimated that at least 90% of male bears would not dare to attack after seeing the mother bear, because the size of the mother bear was too scary!

In addition, beast attacks are almost negligible. This is not a civilized society, and there will be no such thing as going to the hospital for stitches if you lose a fight or fight.

Injury in the wild means death. If there is not enough benefit, no one would want to provoke a terrifying female bear, especially if there are cubs beside this female bear!

So Ye Qingshan believes that in the next three years, he should have a fairly stable and even happy life. As for three years later?What should Xiong Ma do after she kicks herself out of the house?

Ye Qingshan didn\'t know, this was very helpless. In short, one step is one step. The most important thing now is to maintain your body shape, try to make yourself stronger, accumulate more fat, and increase your chances of survival.

It is snowy winter. Except for a few animals such as wolves, foxes, elk, etc., most of the wild animals in the mountains are hibernating or have already migrated to warm places, so Ye Qingshan is safe at this moment.

But waiting for the coming spring, when everything recovers, when the bear mother will take her to hunt and migrate, Ye Qingshan cannot guarantee that he will not drag the bear mother, but at least he must ensure that he will not drag the bear mother.

So from now on, Ye Qingshan must absorb enough nutrients, that is, drink enough bear milk, only in this way can he be healthy and strong, and that he will not be too bad in the following spring.

Just when Ye Qingshan finished his plans for the next three years, an accident happened!

With a "ding", a very human voice appeared in Ye Qingshan\'s mind.

"Hello, welcome to use the strongest XX system in history!"

"The system is loading..."

"The system is analyzing..."

"Ding! Loading is complete, analysis is complete, welcome to use the strongest bear system in history!"

Huh?system?Goldfinger?What the hell is this Nima?(O_O)?