The Star Knight

Chapter 37

Ten cosmic days later, liexing, the mercenary union of daylight city.

Opal: "I almost lost my life there! A search mission! Do you know how I feel to rush to the pirate's nest and get a laser

Clerk: "we can only negotiate with the employer! How much more do you want! Please give me a number

Ramon pushed up and said, "no, no, no, money! Listen, the employer is bankrupt! You can't squeeze any more money out of it! Now what we want is promotion score, score

Clerk: "not a point! This is a fixed assessment of the trade union! It has nothing to do with us! Only money! Waiting for us to negotiate with the employer! Don't say how much extra money to go out! There are still people waiting in line at the back! Wish you a long life

"This task is not the right version at all!" roared opal

Behind him, a handsome man said, "there are more tasks for the wrong version, OK! Last time, I received the entrustment of a bodyguard, and finally turned into fighting 3000 fighting robots!! Save it! I can only blame myself for my bad luck! Get out of the way

Opal: No, it's so bad? Man, are you serious? "

The handsome mercenary said, "of course! The eldest lady said she was going to get married. She was depressed and wanted to find a bodyguard to relax. Do you know what to do? She just let her elope! Elope!! The bridegroom's family runs a robot factory, do you understand! Who wants to elope with her! I'm still waiting for the labor union to arbitrate after half of the sales task! A group of robots chased after me, almost sent their lives there. They are so handsome that they can be used as birds! Let's go! I'll give the commission! "


Raymond: --

Two hundred and forty points, Raymond said, "wait, one more thing. Begonia said that do not assist the Commission Commission, this part will not be deducted from us. "

A word, noisy hall quiet.


"Iron hens don't want your Assistance Commission?" Asked a mercenary in disbelief.

Everyone looked very strange. Opal said, "of course! She still owes us two lives! I'm going to charge her 200000 yuan per life! "

The whole hall took a breath of air.

They walked out of the union, and the scores of the last greenhouse guard were settled. Opal and Raymond got together to read the mercenary's diary. Ramon was still D, opal was e +, so he was fast catching up with him.

Raymond: "check the accounts, buy things, contact repair."

Opal: I'll see Sid

Raymond: No, we're going together

Opal: two people for shopping

Raymond: I have lost my communication ear button. How can I find you when I lose it

Opal said, "cut, do I look like I'm going to get lost?"

"Very likely," Raymond said with a smile With one hand on opal's shoulder, he walked down the commercial street.

The bright sun shines on his body, and opal has a warm feeling in his heart. When they walk through the entertainment goods store, opal is attracted by a large poster with colorful paintings and stops to have a look.

Raymond: one for you


Nothing to do with so many new models! The advertisement is also playing like a playground. Opal growls silently in his heart. Every time he is attracted by attention, he thinks there is something new. In the end, it is a fantasy movement. The company really likes to circle money.

With an embarrassed face, opal said, "no need! Thank you

Raymond bought a pair of new ear buttons in the next store. He put the other one on his ear. Opal was still looking in the mirror. Raymond said, "don't stink. You can roll. Roll away."

"I'll go and see SID," opal said

Raymond's mouth was slightly cocked. He looked down at the new product and chatted with the salesgirl casually. Opal squinted at him, and his heart was a little sour.

Shop assistant: "handsome boy, what do you want to buy?"

Raymond bent down in front of the goods counter, turned to look at opal, raised his eyebrows, and made an inquiring expression.

Opal said, "I really get out of here."

Raymond: Well, get out of here


Opal came out of the shop and headed for the hospital. He asked at the information desk and went directly to the third floor ward. Sid was sitting by the bedside. His father was still awake.

They both spoke at the same time.

Sid: what about Raymond

Opal: how about fast


Sid: "it's

Neither of them answered each other's questions. Opal touched Sid's father's hand and asked, "how is he doing?"

Sid was a little haggard and said, "I can't wake up. The doctor said that the result of over anesthesia was permanent damage to his brain Maybe they want to transplant their father's brain to the back of the ant, and they are afraid that she will be rejected, so the anesthesia is overdone

Opal didn't say anything.Sid added: "if I had known, I shouldn't have rushed to find him in my spaceship. If I had entrusted you three years ago, maybe..."

"SID, look at me, hey, look in my eyes," opal said

Sid raised his eyes and looked at opal. Opal squinted and murmured, "don't say you knew it, understand?"

Sid nodded blankly. Opal sat back in a chair, his hands on the back of the chair, and said in a deep voice, "never say that I knew what I had done. If I had been what I had been like, don't say it at any time or for a lifetime. You can't change the past that has happened, but you can decide your own future."

"Now I tell you, he can wake up, you have to be more happy, and when he wakes up, his mood will not be in vain?" Opal looked into his eyes and said seriously.

Sid's eyes were distracted for a moment, and then he said with a smile, "yes, I believe he can wake up."

"That's good," opal nodded

The ward was empty, and opal thought that he had come to visit empty handed. He forgot to buy a bunch of iris flowers.

Mercenaries rarely suffer from serious diseases that must be hospitalized. Large regiments are equipped with medical X-ray equipment, which is very useful for the treatment of trauma. If they are seriously injured, they will die directly on the outer planet, and the rest will be brought back to bury. Those who stay in the local area have any minor or serious diseases. They can come directly to stimulate the regeneration of the body with radiation. One or two courses of treatment can be finished in a few days.

It's quiet outside, but Sid's father is in a coma all the time. He has to pay for hospitalization and nutrition every day.

Sid: by the way, Xun is on the tarmac. I'll repair your spaceship

Opal nodded thoughtfully and asked, "do you have enough money?"

"It's OK at the moment. I still have more than 10000 credit points, enough for me and Xunhua," said Sid

Opal got 200000 yuan from SID, but he became a friend with him. He always felt that he could not spend the 200000 yuan. The employer lost his fortune and entrusted the task. Although he recovered his father, he was a vegetable. Sid was in a bad situation, and opal always felt guilty about spending money.

"What about you? There must be some planning. " Said opal.

Sid: "yes, I have a plan. I've got a plan. I've got a plan."

Opal's face changed. He thought that they would not go to the pit together and do the job of cleaning a spaceship for 3000 yuan.

Opal: you'd better not listen to him

Sid: why, Xun is a good man. I'm going to be a mercenary

Opal: you're not kidding

Sid: "I'm serious! Even if you take dad back to the mother planet, spark company has paid off the money in one time, and it is impossible to pay medical expenses again. However, if you become a registered mercenary in liexing, you can enjoy the welfare of the country of mercenary, and the medical treatment of relatives is free. Of course I can make my own living. Xun also plans to register, we will work together

Opal's mouth twitched, and then said, "with all due respect, your little lover, he I don't have a good character. "

Sid frowned and said, "you, no, know, Tao. You don't know anything at all

Opal raised his hand to surrender: "if you like, I have no right to interfere, and I do not intend to hypnotize you."

Sid said, "he didn't like to be a mercenary very much before, because he Because of his father's relationship, he hated this occupation. Later, he accepted it and went to the training school for recruits. It is said that there is a course of will training. His fear of rejection I can't accept it every time. I can only interrupt the course. "

"Oh." Opal nodded, thinking that it was excusable, but he was still a little dissatisfied with Xun. Even if he had any difficulties, he should not pit the outsiders. It was just like a bad guy.

Finally, opal said: "it sounds like a good idea. Come on. If you don't understand, you can ask us, but there are some things you need to experience in person, such as the mercenary stage I think Raymond might Well, you won't be recruited after the recruit exam. Maybe in the future

Sid said with a smile: "of course, I know that there is no room for Raymond between you. He said:" self help measures have been involved in the field of independent thinking. I don't think that E7 can only be "primary."

Wrench: "well, no matter what impression it gives you, we can only call it" junior "for your personal safety, and I don't think E7 will mind."

Opal was a little surprised: "Raymond, do you know the category of autonomous thinking? What is that? "

Raymond nodded: "know a little, it means a robot with self will."

The wrench took a deep breath, looked at E7 and said, "there is no doubt that all non intelligent life beings with the ability to think independently will be completely destroyed. But you know what? Small robots like E7, strictly speaking, they can't do with it. "

"Well, the biggest difference between a robot and a human is not in quantitative production and biological cell activity, but in the basic stagnation code formulated by the ethics society. In a simple summary, it is about what it does when it is bored."

"At this time, for example, it's on standby." The wrench pointed to E7, and there was no light on its top: "but when you call it" E7. "E7 lights up a red light above his head and beeps.

Neither opal nor Raymond understood what he meant. The wrench explained, "the voice keyword starts, it recovers from standby mode, starts to examine the surrounding environment, searches the CPU for matching words, and is ready to recognize your command."

Opal: so what

Wrench: "what would it do if you didn't give it instructions? Do nothing, just keep the data flowing. That is to say, when there is no command, it will just be in a daze and don't want to think about anything

"Now let's make a hypothesis and replace it with a human inner core. Will it still be in a daze?"

Opal shook his head and said with a spanner, "if E7 is a person, then he will think," what is he asking me to do? What will I do? Oh, the troublesome master always gives a lot of messy instructions. Can't you make it clear? Tell me to play heart searching? The little girl robot on the next street looks good. I'll steal some time to have a look at it later My track axle is a little loose recently. I need some oil... "

Opal and Raymond laughed at the wrench and said, "this is the fundamental difference between robots and humans. Even if a program has rich ways to deal with it, it is also thinking passively. As long as it does not go beyond the bottom line of "active" thinking, the society of machine ethics will not be able to take us. "

Raymond nodded slowly and asked, "what's the difference between passive and active thinking?"

"This is a subject that has been completely destroyed after the intellectual revolution, but I once saw in a mission that scientists before the dark ages believed that the state of thinking originated from the stimulation of multiple hormones secreted by brain cells. You can understand it as an aspect of emotion," spanner said

"Boring, for example." "Being full and holding on is one of the motivations for human beings to think independently; love makes people pursue beautiful things; anger makes people abandon reason and make a decision regardless of reality and environment; the production of these hormones is traceless, and its composition is very complex, and its randomness is so strong that it can not be simulated by photoelectron signals."

Raymond also said: "so artificial life is to install the human brain on the robot body, so is it a human or a robot?"

"It's hard to say There has been a long debate before the intellectual revolution, but no definite conclusion has been reached. However, I'm not going to give E7 this kind of play, it will play bad. Let's stop this topic. It's obviously not good to discuss too much. "

Opal thought of another thing - Azeroth bought a batch of mecha made by the Empire.

This means that mercenaries will be able to touch mecha in the near future It doesn't matter. Azeroth decided to go to the Empire?

Ramon pulled out something and put it in front of the wrench: "do you know what this is?"

It was a little bit like a ring. It was inlaid with a red gem. The wrench took a look at it, took out the equipment for testing, and said, "wait a minute."

Opal: where did you come from

Raymond: from the ants

Opal: how come I didn't! When did you steal it? "

Raymond: at that time, you were already on the spaceship. The elder ant ant gave it to me. He said, "this is what their gods left to give them.". The human God also taught them a lot... "

"The human God of ants." The wrench murmured, "this is a very interesting thing." Holding a finger long cylinder mirror, he began to analyze the composition of the gemstone embedded in the ring.

Opal thought of the question mark man in the guild mission. He vaguely felt that there must be some unknown relationship among these things.

He said the mysterious man's question to the spanner. The wrench focused on analyzing the composition of the gem and said, "you have to ask Azeroth. He has lived thousands of years on this planet, and knows the most things and witnesses history..."

"But he didn't have time to see me," opal said

The spanner murmured, "there's going to be time, you know, he's even seen colouring, the king of meteorites."

Raymond moved and said, "have they ever played?"

Spanner: "that's not clear. I just heard that he almost never talks about anything about Colin. At least we know one thing Wang is not afraid of him. This is really not afraid, unlike some people who say they are not afraid, and their hearts have been shaking This ring has a very special function. "

"Good thing?" opal said

Spanner: "let's just put it that way. There is a very small chip cluster in the gem, which is activated by the stress of biological waves. If you put it on your finger and the inside of it is attached to the skin, it will sense the wave of your thinking. When you fall into a state of near death intuition that transcends your physical strength This kind of time is usually not far away from death, this ring will send a distress signal to the universe

Raymond: --


Raymond: where is it going

The wrench shrugged and said, "I don't know. Do you want to try it now? Get a gun out and we can do this test. It's better for you two to choose one and shoot at the other. I'm only responsible for watching. I don't want to get into trouble hereOpal: , the fastest update of the webnovel!