The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 77 Breaking Up Happily

While Jacob was lost in the passionate kiss, Emily's stomach lurched suddenly, as the vile spew forced its way out of her mouth.

Although, Jacob stepped back as fast as he could, a bit of projectile vomit overshot and hit him, as the foul-smelling liquid dripped down his clothes. In an instant, Jacob's face turned purple with rage.

Zola, the house maid, who had been watching them secretly since they stepping into the house, immediately ran towards them, looking to wipe Jacob's clothes. She suggested,"Sir, the lady is very drunk. How about letting me take care of her..."

Jacob pushed her hand away and said,"No. Go away."

Zola felt a twinge of envy. "Okay," she replied, with her voice down and left.

Emily's stomach kept contracting violently and forcing everything up and out, as she heaved again and again. Her face was pale and dripping bile, sweat and tears. She sank to her knees and retched on the floor. She looked so sick that it broke Jacob's heart as he just stood there watching her, helplessly. Ignoring the vomit on his clothes, Jacob squatted beside her and gently patted her back.

Jacob wiped her drooling face with a towel and handed her a glass of water.

"Thank...thank you." After she drank some water and retreated to lie down on the sofa, Emily did not even have the energy to finish a complete sentence without retching. She looked at the man beside her and muttered,"Jacob?"

Jacob threw the dirty towel into the trash can with a calm facial expression and turned to her.

"I'm going to sing," she said. Emily did not wait for Jacob's response and began to sing,"Fool, fool. I was a small fool, and then I became a big fool..."

Jacob frowned at her shrieking and pleaded,"Stop singing."

Completely inebriated, Emily ignored him, and continued to sing in an extremely high-pitched volume,"Breaking up happily. Wish me happiness. I can find a better boyfriend."

Jacob softened his countenance and caressed her hair. He joined her in the song and sang with her,"Breaking up happily."

Feeling encouraged, Emily sang louder and louder until her eyes reddened and her voice became hoarse.

"No. I don't want to sing anymore. I want to watch TV."

Jacob, who had been putting up with her incessant babbling, rubbed the part between his eyebrows and said,"No, you need to go to sleep."

'It's already past midnight now. I can't allow her to keep going on like this.'

"No, I don't want to slee

heart every time he laid eyes on it.

When he did try to wipe it off, he realized that Emily's name had become a tattoo in his heart. Jacob was no longer able to wipe her off from his life.

'Well, I never thought that I could love a woman so deeply.

But she is as blind as a bat. Why did she even love Jack, instead of loving me?

It's unfair. Why do I love someone who doesn't love me back?'

Deep in thought, Jacob hugged the woman who was sleeping next to him tightly.

'I will make Emily like me and fall in love with me, so that she will never leave me.'

Although, Emily's mind was still muddled, being hugged by Jacob gave her a sense of security she hadn't felt in a long time. It seemed as if Jacob was the one who could mend the hole in her heart.

They held onto each other naturally and intimately, like a couple of many years.

"Jacob," Emily said suddenly. She paused and then continued,"Will you be as good as your are right now to me, all the time?"

"Yes. As long as you are with me."

'Well...well, then how about a makeshift relationship? We can get together..."

Emily just thought that since Jacob was so good to her, she also wanted to be good to him. Therefore, they could be together to be good to each other.

'It would be much more convenient to stay with someone who is good to me.'

"Emily, I want you to know that, I'm not your Plan-B."

The next moment Jacob planted a long, open-mouthed kiss on Emily's mouth. Then he said,"Okay. We can be together, but it's not going to be a makeshift relationship."

Emily asked blankly,"Then what is it?"

"A match made in heaven."