The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 479

"Gu Li! Don't go too far! " Night Qingya can't help but get angry.

Gu Li was very satisfied with her reaction, "isn't what I said true? Is not a woman who is willing to trade her body for the benefit of her family

The night is elegant, and her chest fluctuates violently, which has been taken to the extreme by Gu Li's sarcastic words.

Yes, she did.

That person is not someone else, is in front of Gu Li.

This originally wanted to hide in the memory of the secret never mentioned, but was so bloody exposed.

What's more, it's the scar that is poked by the person you like, who can't feel uncomfortable?

Night Qingya clenched her fist, and her nails were almost trapped in the flesh, so she kept calm, "those are all over, aren't they?"

So don't mention it again, OK

Gu left Mou son dark a few minutes: "but really happened, didn't it?"

"What do you want?" Night Qingya's face became cold and clenched her lips.

Gu Li looked like a dandy boy. "Don't you want to cooperate with your family? Stay with me for another night, and I'll agree to whatever you offer. "

Night elegant heart a little bit cold.

What did he think of her? Do you want to move the plaything that comes?

Why did the boy with a dazzling smile disappear and become what he is now?

"I'm sorry, I don't think there's anything to talk about with you." Night Qingya has already despaired of Gu Li.

Gu Li is not willing to give up, saying more hurtful, "night elegant, what are you pretending to be? Didn't you enjoy that evening? Oh, I see. I'm afraid to give your fiance a green hat, right? I can't believe you're really sentimental and righteous! "

That night, he was entangled with Gu Li. Mian's picture flashed in her mind intermittently at night. She felt that her brain exploded with a bang.

Night Qingya, ashamed and indignant, stood up and staggered a little. "I still have something to do. Take a step first." She picked up her handbag and left in a hurry with an almost desperate gesture.

Gu Li goes to a table of delicacies, but has no appetite at all.

Remove the camouflage of elegant night, should not be happy?

Why can you feel heartache?


the temperature in Yucheng is dropping at an incredible rate. In the first week, you can still run around wearing long sleeves in your shirt. In the next week, if you don't wear down jacket, you will be frozen into a dog.

Su wrapped herself up in the shape of a polar bear to go to class every year. Doudou was worried about her walking.

Sure enough, when climbing the stairs, Su was stiff every year, just like an old man in the twilight, struggling to climb to the fourth floor and panting.

Several people looked at her sympathetically. Su said angrily every year: "Gu Zichen, this annoying ghost! Obviously, it's not so cold, and I have to wear so much! "

Three people collective black line, mother egg, why do they think this is a show of love that is visual sense?

But then again, Gu Zichen is really interested in raising this pig. He has everything in his mind. No, when others were still rubbing their hands and stamping their feet in the cold classroom, Su Yannian had pulled out a warm hand treasure from his backpack, which made Doudou three envious.

After class, the four went downstairs together. Many girls were pointing at a figure in the distance. It was Gu Zichen standing under an holly tree.

He bowed his head. Playing with the mobile phone, his face was like frost. Only when he saw Su Niannian, who came to him, did he slightly pull the corner of his lip.

"Gu Zichen, it's snowing!" Sue exclaimed in surprise every year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!