The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 444

More than a dozen people looked at her covetously, so she picked up and drank every year.

A glass of wine makes her a little dizzy.

Doudou continues to play the game calmly, losing and winning. Every time she loses, she makes Su drink every year. Nuo Nuo and murongshan refuse to drink.

"What are you doing, Doudou? What if you get drunk every year Murong Shan pulls the waxy sleeve nervously.

Nuo Nuo was also confused. He thought that Doudou was bullying Su Niannian. Suddenly, he was blessed to his heart and understood it all at once.

Su Niannian is a typical cup pour, anyway, she will be drunk after drinking one cup, and drinking ten cups is almost the same, so Doudou gave her all the wine to drink.

Doudou said that to bet should also be delaying time, I have to say, Doudou usually teases a little bit, but the key time is still very reliable.

It's just that Su Niannian is innocent

Sure enough, ten minutes later, there was a agitation at the door of the bar, and a girl screamed: "Wow, is this a star! How handsome! How do you feel I've seen it before... "

Doudou snatched Su Nian's wine and said with a smile, "sorry, our brother of every year has come to pick her up and go home."

The second brother frowned and looked at the door. A boy of about 188 was coming towards Su Nian.

He helped Su Nian, who was drunk, in a low voice: "what's going on?"

Doudou said with a dry smile: "I'm sorry, I drink too much every year, er, it's OK, just three cups."

Tang Yu's eyebrows wrinkled up, and he lifted Su every year and left.

The second brother held out his hand and stopped him: "is this the way to go? You don't pay attention to us? "

Tang Yu said with a sneer: "I have already called the police. Do you have any questions? Why don't you go to the police station and talk to you directly with my lawyer? "

The second elder brother heard the word "police", his momentum suddenly weakened. A low curse, let Tang Yu take Su Nian Nian away.

Doudou's three people followed behind and walked out of the bar. Tang Yu's voice was cool: "soybeans, how can you come here?"

Doudou replied with a guilty heart: "er We're just going out and looking for a place to have a good rest. "

Tang Yu frowned and obviously didn't believe her words. Su in her arms struggled all of a sudden and murmured, "well I'm going to throw up. Where's the trash can... "

Tang Yu quickly helped her to the garbage can on the roadside. Su retched twice every year, but she refused to let Tang Yu touch her.

"Go away, blame the corn The legs are so long that you think you are the attacking giant Su murmured about something year after year, and finally held the electric pole by the side of the road and said, "honey, I want to be with you forever, and never separate again."

Doudou three people help forehead, sad standing on the roadside.

They knew that it was terrible for sue to go crazy every year. They didn't expect to be so terrible!

Tang Yu doesn't want to use brute force. Su struggles so hard every year that she is afraid of hurting her. She can only comfort her by her good temper.

Su Nian suddenly turned around and blinked, "to embrace, to kiss."

Tang Yu's movement was obviously stiff for a moment, and he held Su in his arms.

Doudou patted his thigh: "lie trough, stop quickly. I also sent a short message to Gu Nanshen in case he saw..." Her voice froze in mid air.

Because she clearly saw that Gu Zichen came. , the fastest update of the webnovel!