The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 440

This is so easy to use? Su Niannian secretly murmured in her heart and chewed her fingers for a moment. In this case, don't blame her for her impoliteness ~

when Gu Zichen came back from shopping, she opened the door, and felt that she had gone to the wrong door.

Although the area of this apartment is small, the decoration style is simple and capable. The part-time workers know that the owner of the house has a habit of cleanliness, so the cleaning is more clean and tidy.

But now, a slipper is lying in the middle of the floor, one is left in front of the sofa, the pillow on the sofa is one by one, and the things on the tea table are in a mess. It's like a thief at home.

Su Niannian, the initiator, even gnawed at Apple and watched TV. Seeing him back, he complained: "you are slow, I'm starving to death."

Gu Zichen is not angry, but fixed on watching Su Nian Nian.

Her tone just now was like a newly married wife waiting for her husband to return at home, and then she complained like a coquettish.

Gu Zichen felt for the first time that this room had the flavor of home.

Because someone in the family is waiting for him to come back.

Su year after year chews joyfully, in the heart floats a cloud of doubt: she makes the home so chaotic, Gu Zichen can endure? It's not scientific!

Gu Zichen did not notice her careful thinking, put the bag in his hand on the tea table, took a bag of potato chips and stuffed it to Su Niannian. He turned around and went to soak instant noodles for her.

Every year, Su only felt that her chin was going to be startled. She forced her chin up and down and yelled: "I don't want to have pickled food. I want to have boiled one, with a poached egg and green vegetables."

Gu Zichen eyebrows do not blink, picked up instant noodles to the kitchen.

When he opened the refrigerator, his expression finally relaxed.

Every year, Su said, "Oh, yes!" in her heart But she also messed up the refrigerator, Gu Zichen this obsessive-compulsive disorder will do?

Who knows Gu Zichen frowned, turned to say seriously: "no eggs, add ham OK?"

Su Niannian: "it's just

She looked at the man in the kitchen cooking in a pink apron, and from beginning to end she had the illusion of floating in the sky.

Full of food and drink, Gu Zichen is looking, a pair of things to say. Every year Su tactfully changed to the animation channel, "when I finish watching the cartoon, this episode is not over, don't talk to me!"

Gu Zichen jaw head, silent in the side with.

Su Niannian was a little nervous at first, but later he completely watched him and laughed happily.

After watching it, Su was not afraid to die every year, and asked for all kinds of requirements, such as eating yam porridge from a far away Hotel, doing weight-loss exercises and practicing yoga by the way. In a word, playing small to the extreme, Gu Zichen all do.

In the end, she was tired, lying on the sofa and said, "I don't want to talk to you. I want to go back to school."

Gu Zichen's eyes narrowed, lazy, like a cat.

"Do you want to leave after getting on the boat? Are you a pig

Sue jumped up from the sofa every year. "What do you mean! Ah, hey, if you bully me like this again, you will call the police! "

Gu Zichen pursed her lips and looked hurt. "Who bullied who..."

Su Niannian felt guilty and coughed: "that If you want to say something, say it quickly. "

See Gu Zichen did not move, she went forward to kick his calf a foot, urged way: "say ah."

Words did not fall, Gu Zichen quickly hands, put her on the sofa, the body then pressed up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!