The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 298

The room was very quiet, even the sound of footsteps was a little abrupt.

Gu Zichen went to the bed, but the bed was empty. The pillows were lying in disorder, and the pillows of the hammock were lying on top of the bed, which was wet.

Gu Zichen's heart beat rapidly, as if someone was beating hard in his heart.

What about Su Niannian

The light in the room flashed, and he felt dizzy. Gu Zichen swept around. The articles in the room were neatly arranged and the windows were closed. No one should come in to take Su Niannian away.

Unless it was, she hid herself.

The ward is not big. There is only one place to hide people - under the bed.

Gu Zichen squatted down and lifted up the sheet.

Sure enough, there was a small figure under the bed, which obviously moved for a moment, and then shrunk to the corner.

Heart suddenly a pain, Gu Zichen know, Su Nian this is in fear.

Thousands of words, choked in the throat, but nothing can be said.

Gu Zichen only stretched out his hand, gently and slowly approached, and lowered his voice: "every year, it's me."

Su Niannian seemed to recognize his voice and looked up at him with black and white eyes.

All around are dark, only from the direction of Gu Zichen, the light of the stars.

It's bright and warm. It's like telling her that you're no longer alone. This man will always be by your side.

When she thought of it, she would not control it, but she would not control it.

Gu Zichen only felt a burst of sour eyes, he clearly should protect the girl, but at this time, he was afraid to be like this.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the little nurse chirped, "Hey, how is this going on? How did the patient get under the bed?"

Hearing the news, Su Niannian was even more afraid. She covered her head with a quilt and kept shivering.

"Did she get hurt?" Gu Zichen asked in a low voice.

"Who are you?" The little nurse murmured, "it's OK, it's OK. It's just that I jumped down from the second floor. Fortunately, there's no fracture, but there's a little bruise on the leg and arm. It's possible that she's scared and doesn't cooperate with the treatment at all..."

The little nurse seemed to open her mouth and complained incessantly.

"Why are you still in a daze? Get her out and give her some drops!" The little nurse stares at Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen tone light, as if afraid to disturb Su Nian Nian, "you go out first, I coax her to call you again, trouble you."

"Ah? Well, then hurry up. " The little nurse wanted to refuse, but touched Gu Zichen's dark eyes and took the words back.

What a weirdo, she thought to herself.

When she walked out the door, she was a little worried and asked again, "who are you?"

"Family." Two words, the answer is not surprising.

"Oh..." The little nurse went out, closed the door, tut exclamation, it seems that the girl's brother, is really envious ah, why she did not have such a handsome and polite brother.

The room is quiet again. Gu Zichen bends down and gets under the bed, slowly approaching Su Niannian.

The bed was very narrow, and he felt uncomfortable with his long hands and long legs in it, but he held Su in his arms without saying a word.

Su years like a bird of terror, subconsciously want to hide.

Gu Zichen patted the quilt and coaxed her in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid. I'll be with you Every year, don't be afraid... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!