The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 637: Russian war plan II

"We can do this. In East Prussia, we launched a limited offensive, strived to enter the Silesian region of Russia, occupied East Prussia and leveled the front before the arrival of German reinforcements. Then, the Northwest Front and subsequent reinforcements stabilized the line of defense, and The Southwest Front Army concentrated its efforts on attacking the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Compared with Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is much weaker in terms of national strength, military power, or will to war. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire can collapse or be forced to withdraw from the war, our goal will be achieved. "Kuropatkin said his deliberate plan.

War is for politics, but also for interests. Because of the rise of Germany, France and Russia have the opportunity to get closer to each other. In the final analysis, the purpose of Russia's participation in the war is for its own security and gaining more territory.

In this case, the Russian strategy is surprisingly similar to that in history. If after the war, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire concentrated their forces to attack Russia, then the Russian troops would mainly defend against the German army. After all, the German army’s appearance in the Franco-Prussian War could be. To describe it against the sky, who would have thought that Europe's top army would be over so soon? This is the I plan of the No. 19 plan formulated by Russia in 1910 in history.

And if the German military transfers its main force to the western front and fights with the French, then the Northwest Army consisting of the Russian First Army and the Second Army will attack East Prussia, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 8th Army will form The Southwest Group Army launched an offensive against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is the so-called Plan A.

The main combat mission of the Russian Army in the southwest is to destroy the Austro-Hungarian Army in the direction of Galicia, and then cooperate with the friendly forces from the Lorpathians to cut off the retreat of the Austro-Hungarian Army in order to completely kill the main force of the Austro-Hungarian Army. The ultimate goal is to target Vienna and Budapest, the capitals of this dual empire.

In addition to these six army groups, the Russians also have two army groups ready to go. These are the sixth and seventh army groups. One of these two army groups is stationed near the capital St. Petersburg to defend the coast of the Baltic Sea, while the other army group is Deployed in the Transcaucasus region, used to defend the Turkish Army.

"It is a good idea to launch a limited attack on Germany and concentrate most of its forces on Austria-Hungary. We can get the most results with the least loss." Nicholas II appreciated this proposal very much.

"The only problem is that we don't know which German army is guarding the eastern front? Is it the Bavarian army or a certain Prussian army?" Kuropatkin said.

"Does this make a big difference?" Nicholas II asked.

"The difference is big, because the current size of the Bavarian Army should be the largest of all the German Army, and it is also the most well-funded and best-equipped. Although the Kingdom of Bavaria cannot be compared with the Kingdom of Prussia, they only armed with one army, so This group army is relatively strong, and the equipment they sold to us has been well received in the war, so their combat effectiveness will be stronger. Moreover, the prince’s wife is still the princess of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and he is likely to help the Austro-Hungarian Empire." Ropatkin said.

"So, what do you think about this army's defense of the Eastern Front?" Nicholas II continued to ask.

"Although we have done a lot of business with Bavaria, we don’t know much about their situation, but based on our experience, I think they will be equipped with a large number of heavy artillery and have strong mobility, so I hope to give The Northwest Group Army is equipped with a strong cavalry unit and a heavy artillery unit, and it is best to fire the German army to establish an armored vehicle unit." Kuropatkin said.

Although Kuropatkin did not have the prophetic foresight of Prince Ruprecht, he also knew that he would follow in the footsteps of the advanced. As a follower, he can never go wrong. Since Bavaria likes large-caliber artillery, we should also equip it. Now, since Bavaria uses a lot of machine guns and semi-automatic rifles, let's try it too, let alone, the battlefield is pretty good. Now that the Germans have decided to purchase a large number of tanks, then we should buy them as well. In short, if the enemy has something, we have to have it, um, that's it!

"Unfortunately, we need a large army with more than 1 million troops, not an elite but only 200,000 troops. In fact, in the next few years, we can only guarantee that each division will be assigned according to the organization. Enough 3-inch rapid-fire guns and 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Heavy artillery and armored vehicles are not issues that we can consider now." Witte's words made Kuropatkin's idea vanish.

"Your first suggestion can be adopted. We can strengthen the heavy artillery to the Northwest Army, or be equipped with powerful cavalry. As for the armored vehicle unit, let's talk about this later." Nicholas II also agreed with Earl Witt's idea.

"There is another problem, and that is the social problem during the war. The Poles have been seeking independence. I am worried that if we get into a long war with Germany, the Poles will have a stronger tendency to independence. So I suggest that we need to The Poles use the means of differentiation." Alexander Dlovic said.

"Specifically, we need to recruit some Polish manpower to go to the interior of Russia to complete our infrastructure construction. If the situation in wartime is unfavorable, we can move the Poles in Warsaw and other big cities eastward, just like we dealt with Napoleon. Like the army."

"This will cause resistance from the Poles. And this is not a migration of millions of people, but a migration of millions of people." Brusinov said.

"This is necessary. First of all, we can use local food to reduce the logistical pressure of our Second, to maintain social stability, of course, it can also prevent the loss of human resources. If the Germans occupy Poland In some areas, they will definitely recruit Poles to join the army.” Alexander Dlovich still insisted on his opinion.

"This is a very troublesome thing, but it is really important. If things are really irreparable, I think that even if all the Poles are moved away, it is better than leaving them to the Germans." Chief of Staff of the Army Nikolaevich agreed with the infantry general. He is a member of the royal family, coupled with the position of chief of staff, makes his words very important.

"I hope that this kind of thing will not happen, but if it is for victory, then it is possible to take some actions. I think God will forgive us. Although the Russian Empire has a large population, we must also be careful." Nicholas II Said the world.

In this way, during the five-day meeting, Russia’s combat plan on the Eastern Front has formed a basic prototype, and what is left is to slowly perfect and spend several years to make arrangements. The countdown to the war has begun, and the sea The battle for the ship has also reached a climax with the new round of shipbuilding plans!

Thank you book friends world ⅩXue. Soaring in the universe, the first guards tank brigade, Wang Yao's young guard rabbits, swim slowly, bandit = bandit army, a reward from the King of Fat Cow~~~! As well as the monthly ticket support of book friends such as flydragon, birdcheng, lazy bugs, who controls youth, and I love big pig heads~~~! Yesterday, 2 more orders were all dropped, and the level of sadness is enough--!