73 Chapter 73: He’s Too Clever

Evette thought, frustrated. Why isn't he interested in me? Why can't he see how beautiful I am? Huh! Heartless.

Watching Evette's twisted face, Anne gently warned her, "Evette, we'd better not mess with Spencer Davidson. He's not someone we should cross."

He's frightening. How he's plotted, everything is scary. And the necklace! He's ruined Carter's reputation as well as Evette's. He's too clever.

Evette understood what Anne meant, but she couldn't accept it. "So, we will just forget about it?!"

She had always been granted what she wanted, and now she had lost both her virginity and dignity. How could she just let it go? She couldn't.

An angry voice thundered, "Go and pack. Tomorrow you are going to Italy, and you are staying there for a few years." Frank demanded. He had been silent, and he looked extremely cross.

Evette was shocked. What does that mean! Do I have to leave?!

"No, dad, I'm not going!" she said abruptly. Why do I have to leave? I am the victim!

Frank realized for the first time that his little princess only knew to cause troubles and was useless. Anne watched Frank's face. It gave her a shock. She quickly persuaded Evette, "Evette, be good. Listen to your dad. Do what he says. When things die down, you can come back."

Tears ran down Evette's face. "But..." She knew it was the best choice, though her heart was filled with anger, and it tortured her. "But, dad, Nathalia humiliated you in front of everyone. How can you just let her go?"

Frank looked even sterner. "Don't you worry. I know what to do. She can't run away."

Though he sounded self-assured, he was worried. What Nathalia said bothered him very much. If anything happens to her by the age of twenty-five, I'm not going to get anything from her, but if I don't handle it well soon enough, who knows what will happen to the money. Neither way is easy.

He had never expected his daughter to be so clever. He thought he had everything under control, but he had been fooled all this time. I wish Zack was as clever as Nathalia. However, daughters are useless anyway.

Frank looked frighteningly serious, but Evette paid no attention and cried, "But how long do we have to wait?! I don't want Nathalia to get engaged to Spencer."

Anne watched her husband's face carefully and let out a long and deep sigh, "Honey, if they get engaged, it will be a great obstacle to us. Nathalia isn't a forgiving person. I didn't expect her to be so calculating at all. I mean she's young, but she's too clever. She's set us all up this time."

Anne knew exactly what to say, and Evette had learned a lot from her. Evette sneered and supported her mother, "I'm sure what happened last time was set-up by her! She's so mean!"

Anne and Evette exchanged an understanding look.

She grew more and more emotional as she went on as if she'd been unfairly treated and tortured. She was in tears and looked terribly upset.

Evette commented hatefully, "She's ungrateful and selfish. Dad, she hates you. She hates me. She hates mum, and she especially hates Zack!"

As expected, to mention Zack was the best way to incite Frank. Instantly, he stared at Evette and yelled, "How dare she!"

Evette and Anne looked at each other and smiled triumphantly.

Though Frank had done a lot of work to finally stop the police from investigating Evette, he couldn't stop the media reporting the whole incident at the school.

The public read and condemned the Carters' selfishness and brutality while showing pity for Nathalia, who had to fight to survive in her own family. Even her own father will do anything to hurt her just to get her money! Luckily, she has help from Spencer Davidson.

Somehow Spencer started to enjoy a better reputation from the public after the incident, and he had gained himself more fans and admirers.

The Carters' stock price was again dropping pathetically. It hit the lower circuit limit for the eighth session in a row, and the news hovered above the Carters like a dark cloud.

On the second floor in a quiet café sat Lisa Watson, attired in a white suit, hair tied up in a bun. She had her usual confident and elegant look.

"Nathalia, the Carters' stock price is still dropping this morning. Do you think we should buy more?"

Last time, they made a great amount of money buying in and selling out the Carters' stocks. This time, they had already bought ten million-dollars-worth of stocks. Lisa was planning to buy a little more.

She trusted Nathalia, and whatever Nathalia said, she would do so. It had proved that Nathalia made the right decisions. Every time Nathalia suggested new trends for The Trend, it turned out to be a great success, and so far, in less than a year, they had made several billion. For a new company, this was very promising.

Nathalia thought for a few seconds and nodded. "Sure, let's buy-in as many as possible. Before long, the price will go up a lot."

As many as possible? Lisa was a little bit surprised, but seeing Nathalia's confidence, she didn't voice any doubts. "Sounds good." She agreed and smiled.

She's a very clever girl, but also very sensitive. I wonder how she's doing after leaving the family. Is it for better or worse?

Lisa was worried about Nathalia. It must have been a very difficult decision for her to make.

However, Nathalia was looking calm, like nothing had happened or nothing could affect her. Lisa passed her the milk and asked affectionately, "Nathalia, are you sure you want to get engaged to Spencer Davidson? Is he good to you?"

She's had a hard life. I really hope she can find someone who really loves and cares about her, someone who can look after her. But, Spencer Davidson... he doesn't look like someone genuine. He's earned himself a reputation with girls. Does he really love Nathalia?

I doubt it. Also, they have only been together for less than a month. And now they are getting engaged. It's too quick.

These thoughts and worries had been haunting Lisa, but she didn't want to express them as she understood that Nathalia was a sensitive girl, and she didn't want any pressure on her.