The Pirate Family

589 Chapter 579: The World's Most Poisonous Poison

The trend is over, this is something everyone knows.

"Hahaha, it\'s over, everything is over, we lost." Anna, who was a captive, suddenly yelled. After the defeat of Sanchuanqi, she already knew that she would never have a chance to avenge Ron. .

This woman is crazy.

After losing the fig leaf of Sanchuanqi\'s ability, Elinis and the others\' weaknesses of their own strength were exposed, and even Jody could solve them cleanly.

After Sanchuanqi\'s left hand was cut off, all the people he locked with his left hand returned to normal, including Poval.

Her face turned red because of congestion, and because of the splitting of the skin all over her body, she was completely dependent on Sanchuanqi\'s ability to survive. After Sanchuanqi\'s ability was lifted, her whole person became Very weak and dying.

But there was no trace of fear in her eyes. Instead of lingering like this, it would be better to die on the battlefield upright, which is what every pirate pursues.

It is also what she is after.She didn\'t want to go back to the Charlotte family and live a routine life. Then, at the right time, she found a suitable husband and was married by her mother as a tool for marriage, just like sisters.

That kind of life is too boring, it\'s better to die here.

"Sister, is this the pirate?" Poval murmured to herself as she died. Ironically, as the daughter of the pirate, she didn\'t know the color of the sea half a month ago.But the experience of just a few days was even more colorful than the previous half of her life combined.

"Am I a pirate now?"

"As long as you are brave with dreams, you can be a pirate." Lorne, who walked out of the Void Gate, walked in front of Poval and gently stroked the girl\'s head.

"Your pirate road will not end here!" Lorne gently stroked the girl\'s head, a layer of light enveloped the girl\'s body.Poval\'s whole body was cut and twisted by Sanchuan Qi and the skin slowly healed like a rose.

"The fruit of the operation!" Seeing this scene, San Chuanqi\'s pupils shrank, and he recognized the ability that Ron was using.

"It turns out that the fruit of the operation stolen by the Navy before finally reached your hands!"

Previously, the Navy bought the legendary operation fruit from a pirate through a reward of 5 billion Baileys, but it was robbed by a group of mysterious forces during the final transaction. Only a few people know about it, and Sanchuanqi also learned the inside story after he controlled the high-level navy through Elinis.

But I didn\'t expect that this fruit actually appeared in Ron\'s hands. Seeing his skillful methods, the time to obtain the fruit would not be too short.

In other words, the force that robbed this fruit was the Vennhill family?!

"But, why can you eat two devil fruits?" Sanchuanqi shouted. Lorne is a devil fruit capable person. There is no doubt about this. They are using Lorne\'s devil fruit ability to connect and advance into the city. All the prisoners were able to escape.

And it is impossible for one person to eat two devil fruits. This is common sense in the entire sea!How could Lorne possess two devil fruit abilities?

San Chuanqi\'s head was almost short-circuited, but after seeing the two Lornes, he had some guesses.

"I lost, I completely lost to you." Sanchuanqi finally lowered his arrogant head.Lorne possessed two Devil Fruits, which he did not expect, and Poval was rescued back, which meant that his last method of threatening Lorne had failed.

"But I didn\'t lose!"

At this time, Elinis, who had been silent on the side, suddenly yelled, staring at Lorne, his eyes full of hatred.

"The one who really wins is me!"


Jody gave Elinis a punch, and the white-haired man was directly blown into the air and hit the wall of Pangel Castle. Several armors that were used as decorations scattered on the ground.

"When you step into this place, I have already won!"

Elinis struggled to stand up from the ground, even if it was dripping with blood, he straightened his waist.

"Really a tenacious will." Even as an opponent, Lorne had to admit this. To him, Elinis\'s strength was really insignificant, like a candle in the wind, which could extinguish the flame of his life at any time. .

But even if it is swaying in the wind, the candle is still burning tenaciously, and what has supported it to burn to the present is hatred.

It is the hatred that crawled out of hell.

The flame ignited with hatred is the flame of revenge.

Elinis\' eyes filled with the flames of revenge.He said softly to Lorne.

"Avenger, you are not afraid of death. When I was ready to want you to take revenge, I had already made the consciousness of dying somewhere."

"And now, you will accompany me to death!"


Jody frowned, rushed to Elinis in a flash, and then hit Elinis\' abdomen with a heavy fist.

Cough cough cough.

Elinis spouted a big mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on Jody\'s body, but this man, until now, has not screamed any pain, a weird smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Lorne and the others.

"Did you forget something,"

"Where you are now, but Mary Joa!"

Boom boom boom!

At this time, Pangel Castle suddenly began to shake violently, and cracks appeared on the ground.

"Earthquake?" The clone Lorne hugged Porval to prevent her from being thrown out, and then said coldly.

"No, it\'s not an earthquake, but someone is welcoming us."

Lorne said slowly, at this time, a huge crack appeared in the ceiling of Pangel Castle, and the sun shined into the castle through this crack.

"Hahahaha! Go to death, Lorne, waiting for you will be the most poisonous poison in the world!"


Elinis said frantically. At this time, the chandelier of Pangel Castle fell off, and the huge chandelier directly pierced Elinis\'s body. The man with the Hongda plan, the flame in his eyes finally went out. Up.

His life came to an end, but he had no regrets, because he knew that Lorne would come back to accompany him not long after.

In the hall on the other side, the group of Tianlong people who were tied up seemed to understand something, desperately trying to escape, but because they were tied up all over, they could only wait in despair for the arrival of fate.