The Pirate Family

429 Chapter 423 The Variation of Everyone's Fruit

"The shadow of the strong is so delicious and delicious." Hoo saw that after Moria swallowed Kurt, his physical strength expanded a few points, and he pointed to the red murloc Tiger in front of him and said triumphantly.

"The next one is you!"

"Surman Karate·Five-kilowatt punch punch!"

Tiger ignored Huo\'s ridicule, straddled a horse step, gathered the power of his body in his hand, and threw a punch.

The huge power penetrated directly through the black-haired boy Yaze standing in front of him.

A hollow the size of a palm was formed.

However, Ya Ze smiled weirdly, patted his body like a okay person, and then countless black air currents flowed out of the body of a pirate next to him and gathered in Ya Ze\'s body.

This terrifying wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.Then the remaining part of the black air flow poured into Tiger\'s body.

"You have killed me fifteen times, haven\'t you found it?" Ya Ze felt the surging power in his body.Gave Tiger a provocative look.


There is no need for extra words in the warrior\'s battle. The black ghost claws collided with the red fish fist, bursting out a shock wave, and the weaker people around even stood unstable and fell to the ground.

After the punch, Yaze did not take a step back, but Tiger took a few steps back.Then he held his right hand tightly, and blood dripped from his right hand.

Tick ​​tick tick.

This is the first time he has fallen into a disadvantage since the fight.

"I\'m a ghost man who has eaten everyone\'s fruits, monster species, and ghost forms." Ya Ze succeeded in a blow, and did not pursue the victory, but like a villain in a knight novel, he began to brag about himself triumphantly. .

"I can collect the souls of the weak and use these souls to replace me to get hurt."

Yaze took a quick step, appeared in front of Tiger, and said softly against Tiger\'s ear.

"Also, anyone who kills me will have weakened his own ability. The more I kill, the more weakened I will be. In the end, even ordinary people will be worse!"

Tiger felt the young man in front of him, while calculating in his heart, with his current state, he should be able to kill him a few times if he attacked.

No matter how many souls the other party reserves, there will always be a limit.

I\'ll leave it to Jinping next.

Tiger is extremely confident in Jinping\'s abilities. If it\'s not for worshiping himself and unwilling to leave, with Jinping\'s ability, he can easily pull up a group of large pirates and call the wind and rain in the new world.

But Yaze\'s next few words shocked Tiger, and even his hands about the sneak attack were stunned.

Yaze took advantage of this opportunity, a straight fist directly dignified Tiger\'s chest, and the sharp claws of the ghost hand plunged directly into Tiger\'s flesh and blood.

Then, he lifted Tiger, who had lost his ability to resist, and threw it out forcefully.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless houses were knocked down by Tiger and turned into rubble.A trace of struggle flashed across Yaze\'s face, but he soon fell into calm.He felt the breath that Tiger was about to disappear, without the slightest expression on his face.Slowly walked in the direction of Moria.

There is one of the most difficult opponents there, Haixia Jinping!

"Just kill that murloc hero?" Huo frowned when he saw Yaze coming over.

"That\'s too wasteful. You should leave him behind and cut the shadow out for Moriah to eat."

"It doesn\'t matter, he can\'t escape." Yaze shook his head calmly."Eating later is the same."

"Yes." Huo didn\'t think much, and walked over with Yaze and Moria to surround the blue-skinned murlocs in the center of the battlefield.

Jinping was covered in blood, surrounded by corpses of zombies, and a terrifying wound spanned from his left eyebrow to his left cheek, dripping with blood.

But even so, Jinping didn\'t have the slightest fear in his eyes.He took a parrying posture and hooked Huo.Said calmly.

"bring it on!"

Unlike Tiger and Aaron, he is not so extreme racism. In his eyes, the murlocs are the same as humans.

However, he couldn\'t tolerate someone daring to attack his companions!

Can\'t tolerate someone daring to hurt his beloved Big Brother Tiger!

"I thought it was just a dessert from the main course," Huo looked at very flat, his eyes a little surprised.

"But I didn\'t expect this dessert to be exceptionally delicious!"

"I want a shadow!" Moria took the first shot, and countless shadow bats split from his body and rushed towards Jinping.

Majestic, covering the sky!

"Murloc Karate: Spears hit the water!" Jinping suddenly grabbed a zombie pirate next to him, and then drew all the blood from his body.The bright red blood is like a red curtain, giving the central square an extra charm.

The blood turned into a column of water, directly hitting the shadow bat that was pouring over, smashing it.

"Uncle, look here!"

A ghost hand grabbed Jinping\'s back, and Yaze took advantage of Jinping\'s defense of the Shadow Bat, and had already touched Jinping\'s back.

And shouted.

"Screaming when you are making a move, are you reminding your opponent?!" Jinping showed a sensitivity that didn\'t fit his body shape at all. He suddenly turned around, and then pinched Yaze\'s ghost hand with his hand, like He was usually pulled over with a cloth bag.

Then, with the help of his rushing power, he took advantage of the trend and slammed it to the ground!


A round pit with a radius of three meters appeared in front of Jinping. Yaze lay in it, limp all over, coughing up blood constantly.

"On physical skills, you are still far away, young king Xia Wuhai!" Jinping directly broke Ya Ze\'s arm and said calmly.

"There is no strong person who can get to the top solely by his ability."

"Are you taunting me?" Huo\'s face didn\'t fluctuate at all.He took out a coin, threw it high in his hand, and placed it in his palm.

"Why don\'t we take a bet, if you win, I will let you go."

"But if you lose, then I will take your life."

"A boring trick." Jinping waved his hand and patted the crowd of shadow bats away, while focusing all his attention on Moria.

Moria, who had swallowed the shadow of Curt, was not what he used to be, and even he did not dare to win lightly.

But Huo didn\'t seem to see Shen Ping\'s disdain, he said softly.

"I guess the flower."

Then slowly removed his palm, and what appeared in front of them was the coin with the chrysanthemum side on it!

"Sorry, I seem to have won!" Huo\'s eyes flashed with the win-winner.

"Then your seaman is very peaceful, I will take it away!"