The Pirate Family

1305 Chapter 1278 The Wienhill Family Are All Crazy


Lorne didn\'t realize what Roger meant for a while.But he quickly understood.

Those skeletons crawling out of the sea, like a group of troops, attacked in the direction of the palace.Then, a group of skeletons also rushed out from the palace, people on both sides, fighting in the ruins.

"This is the scene of the war that year. These undead who died in Lovelu are not reconciled. After a period of time, they will wake up and restore that scene."

Roger looked at Lorne and told him what he knew.

He stayed in this place longer than Lorne, so he knew something inside that Lorne didn\'t know.The two ships run side by side.Roger stood on the deck and spoke slowly to Lorne.

"The man hidden in the palace should be the man who overturned the ancient kingdom."


Lorne frowned, then said the name.

This man can almost be said to be the driving force behind everything in this world.Lorne almost immediately thought of this man.

Because Im was not found in Mary Joa, and Joey Boye told himself that he was waiting for him at Lovedrew, so Lorne could almost conclude that Im was also in this sea.

And the most likely place is this palace.

"It seems that you know a lot more than I thought."

Roger glanced at Lorne, a little surprised.

"Have you read the entire historical text, and then saw the hidden history?"


Lorne nodded without denying.After hearing Lorne\'s words, the crew on Roger\'s ship hissed.

They know very well how difficult it is to gather all the historical texts, especially some historical texts, which are still in the hands of all the strong.

Therefore, the strength of this young man may be much stronger than they thought.

"The purpose of my coming here is to kill Yim and answer some of the doubts in my heart."

Lorne said slowly.

"It seems that all the answers are in this palace."

"Are you going to go in?"

Roger looked at Lorne with a little astonishment. As a capable person, he decided to enter without hesitation, knowing that the Devil Fruit Mother Tree had a powerful restriction on all capable persons.

How confident is this?

"Stay here is no way." Lorne nodded.

"Besides, there is an unprecedented war going on outside. It would be a shame if I were absent from this war."

At this time, when the war was in full swing, the two skeletons fought into a ball, and the Golden Proverbs drove slowly in the direction of the palace.

Any skeleton that stood in front of the Golden Proverb was blasted into powder by the thunder falling from the sky.

Lorne, finally stood in front of this magnificent city gate again, there were countless skeletons on the sea.

These skeletons stopped their movements, turned their heads all together, looking at the Golden Proverbs.

The entire sea was extremely silent and weird.

Then, Lorne punched the palace.

The space was shaking, and the palace gates collapsed.

Then, a bar was exposed that had not been submerged by sea water.The deep passage.

"You finally came."

At the end of the passage was a towering tree, and a thin man stood in front of the towering tree, looking at Ron with his indifferent pupils.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Those who rebel against fate."

"Wynhill Lorne."

Next to the man, stood the remaining five old stars. These people were not the gray-haired old postures of the outside world, but their peak periods.

The powerful aura, for an instant, pressed on Ron\'s body.

"This is, have you hidden the secrets of the world for so many years?"

Lorne looked at Eam with a trace of pity in his eyes.


"Nonsense wait until you can live."

Im sneered, he directly cut open his palm with a knife, and the blood irrigated the root of the devil fruit mother tree with his palm.

"Do you think that... the scope of the devil fruit mother tree is only the entire palace?"

In an instant, Lorne felt a suffocating sense of oppression, which spread from the depths of the palace, and in an instant, it enveloped the entire sea.

No... It should be said that it has enveloped the entire Ravdrew!

"Now, the abilities you are proud of are already ineffective, right?"

A cold light flashed in Eim\'s eyes, and Ron, a person with multiple devil fruit abilities, was almost invincible under the combination of different devil fruits.If there is no special solution, it is indeed quite difficult to deal with.

But unfortunately, he was too proud.

Im thought that he had seen through the essence of Lorne, and Lorne was too proud.

And this pride will kill him!

Not only Lorne, but the other capable people on the Golden Proverb, all were surprised to find that they had lost their ability.

And the sword-bearer under Yim, and the burly old man.He was expressionless.

They are pure swordsmen and powerful physical skills, and the Devil Fruit Mother Tree has no effect on them.

"I heard that I will lose in your hands in the future."

The young man with the sword first took a step forward and drew out the bright long knife, the light of the knife flickering.He looked at Lorne.

"It seems that I will not be so good in the future."

If the future old man with a sword is a sword that has been warmed in its scabbard for hundreds of years, then he is a sharp sword at this time.

Just standing there, Lorne felt as if his pupils were stung.

The other burly young man was like a mountain, unattainable.

This is their peak strength as the five elder stars.

"Are you ready?"

Lorne looked at Ainilu next to him and said with a smile.

"You are such a lunatic."

Ainilu shook his head helplessly. Lorne was a complete lunatic. He knew that Yim had arranged a trap here to wait for them, but he still jumped into it without hesitation.

But, is he not a lunatic?

Ainilu smiled, madness is contagious, after spending a long time with Lorne, he also caught his madness.

Only a madman can get along with a madman.

The entire Wienhill family are all lunatics!

This is a family composed purely of lunatics!

After saying these words, Lorne took a deep breath and rushed directly towards Yim, while Anilu followed closely behind and followed Lorne\'s pace.

They directly confronted the two five old stars in their peak period!