The Noble Lord Is So Fierce: Greeting Kiss, My Sweet Wife

Chapter 737

Mo Qi Jue didn't speak. He hooked his lips and bent over to pick her up.

Tong jiumo was scared and quickly reached out to hook his neck and looked at him in dismay, "Mo Qi Jue, what are you doing?"

Mo Qi Jue is silent, holding her to the desk and sitting down, let her sit on his lap.

At this time, he was able to review the documents with ease.

Tong jiumo looked at his serious work. She asked, "Mo Qi Jue, do you want me to come here for this?"

"Well." Mo seven Jue nods, side eye looks at her.

"It's hard for you to concentrate on your work like this?" Tong jiumo frowned and asked.

"I can't concentrate on my work without you." Mo Qi Jue said.

"Will I disturb you like this?" If a man with 98 kg of Tong jiumo sits on his leg for a long time, will his leg be broken?

Even if you don't sit down, you'll get numb, right?

She would have loved him.

"No, it works well." Mo Qi Jue looked at her and couldn't help kissing her.

Kiss, Mo seven Jue on the whole body hot.

I'm addicted.

All the papers on the desk were swept to the ground.

Put her on her desk.

Child nine foam surprised to look at him, small face red, suddenly a red, surprised to see him, "what do you want to do?"

Mo Qi Jue pulled his tie and looked at her with evil charm on his face. His hands were on both sides of her body.

Looking at his cunning handsome face, Tong jiumo propped up his desk with one hand and put the other hand against his chest. He frowned and said, "Mo Qi Jue, don't mess with me! This is your desk! "

This is his president's office.

He doesn't want to come at his desk, does he?

"Mo Mo, you are a tempting goblin." Mo seven Jue whole person deceives the body to go up, squeeze into her legs.

Child nine foam back down, Mo seven Jue but her body fixed, pressure in the body.

"Mo Qi Jue! If you dare to be in the office, I will be angry! " Tong jiumo looked at him nervously.

Looking at the dark color in his eyes, she is too clear what he wants to do now.

"Dududu, Dudu..."

There was a knock outside the president's office.

Tong jiumo was scared to push him away from his desk.

"Someone's coming in!"

Tong jiumo looks pale!

Mo seven Jue is very calm, after finishing her skirt, then holding her down from the desk.

On the boss's chair.

"Come in."

Mo Qijue's voice is deep and magnetic.

The secretary general came in with a stack of documents.

The Secretary General stood at his desk and said, "president, this is a document that needs your approval and signature."

However, the Secretary General glanced at the documents scattered on the ground. The secretary general was stunned and then glanced at the crooked tie of the president.

I understood everything in a flash.

The Secretary General's face flushed for a while, she came in like this, didn't she appear out of time?

After the Secretary General left the document, he immediately turned around and went out, "president, I'm going out first!"

When the Secretary General passes by Tong jiumo's heel, he sees a red and ripe apple.

She is a woman. It's no wonder that their president is so impatient!

In the president's office


It turns out that their president is such a president!

They always thought that the president was a abstinence veteran cadre!

Who knows It turns out to be such a president!

Is also a cannibal fireworks man!

After the secretary left, Tong jiumo stood up from the sofa in a hurry and went to the front of Mo Qi Jue. He frowned and said, "almost killed you!"

"Let's take you downstairs for a drink." Mo Qi Jue took her away from the president office.

When going out, Tong jiumo felt a strange look.

When entering the elevator, Tong jiumo said, "why did they look at me like that just now?"

"They thought we were in the office." Mo Qi Jue gave a low smile.

"What's that?" Tong jiumo asked in a confused way.

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