The Mind God

110 Punishment - Chapter 110

"I would like to give you a punishment, because of what you did the Moon Woman and child"

"So, do you have any idea, for punishment ?"

Brion just smiled and looked at the face of Faalen with an evil grin on his face. At that time, Faalen could not think anyway of saving himself.

But, even himself did not effect from the energy came from the man in front of himself most likely because the man protected him, he did understand that he was only alive because the man did not want to kill him.

Brion saw that the Faalen was silent. He then nodded his head, then turned his head, a flat-rocky place, there were not much of different shaped big rocks on this area, after that, he just shook his hand and, other rocks small in size just cleaned,

A completely flat-area made up from the gray rock formed on the right side of Brion. Faalen did not understand, why he did do that. He right now had no time to think about how he doing this kind of thing at all.


After Brion made the area, he just flowed the area with the Faalen,

Faalen had no control over his body at all he just flowed as Brion wanted, after five seconds, they were on the flat-area, and after, that Brion just shook his hand again and took a deep breath.

After, Brion shook his hand a pillar made of grey stone and looked like the and extension of the floor created from his mind power.

Brion then used his mind to add energy to the pillar itself. About after, one to two seconds later, the top of the pillar created by the Brion changed into a needle-shaped top after, that three bindings made from the iron manifested on the pillar.

Faalen did not understand what was going on what this man was doing, but after one second later, he found himself at the top of the pillar. He was locked on the pillar with a binding that manifested because of the power of Brion.


Faalen was scared shit of straight, himself he could not move, can not close his eyes, or cannot look around at all. At that time, Brion has flown and came in front of him then he got close to his face and started whispering.

"You will be kept in here, until the end of time or end of the life of these dimensions. After, you first die, from any kind of reason,

you will be restored and to your normal form, and then you will be not going to die because of the same reason until all the other death reason were, over this means you will die from not finding to drink water, hunger, breath, because of not moving, or eaten by the creatures,

only then you will have your chance to die from the water, This is the punishment I gave you,"


When Faalen turned into a madman as he imagined what was going to happen to him, Brion just flows over his house, then took a deep breath.

"I did what I need to do, killing and raping children, women and other things, deserves to harshest punishments, when the time comes he will be going to killed by, fucked by other monsters, the pillar will going to end when the time comes to that or eaten by monsters"


Old Man, finally finished his drink which is the Moon-Wine, then he started thinking.

"A power like, like this before can only be seen in the people or beings from the ancient times, they are no different than god, this being who did show the power of itself is most likely from another dimension entered, here,

If his purpose is capture and kidnap the Moon-Humans, he will going to do so, But I have my trump card on my, as long as I have that, I could still save myself and my people, Moon-Humans,"

This Old Man was the emperor of the Moon Empire and most of the Moon-Humans other than Dark-Bandits, he was a proud and smart man, he was feared by the Dark-Bandits and loved by the Moon-Humans,

his duty was the protect his people, this mission given him by the ancestor of Moon-Human named Firiala, this man was the third-generation of the Moon-Humans, his grandfather was the first Moon-Human created by the humans named Verialo,

he did not have chance to live free and escape like Second Generation Moon-Human which is his son Farkos, but he was the one who gave the chance of his son and his race to escape from the original humans.

Old Man, was named Felindar, and he was one who knows this secret of that they were created by the humans,

Other than Felindar, only people know this secret was "Three Secret Guards Of Empire namely Moon Sword, Moon Spear, Moon Mage, and leader of the Dark-Bandits Garil

Even, the Garil himself who wanted to take the throne from the Felindar, did not disclose this matter to Moon-Humans, he could try to do that create an invasion from the inside, but it is not that possible thing to do, because after he gave the news the common people of Moon-Humans, the race itself may completely turn into a race of nomads, the Moon-Humans will feel like they are not real and just a product of Original Humans,

they will not have any kind of loyalty on their emperor and create more events and wars in the Emperor Moon Caves

Garil wanted to be an emperor of the Moon-Humans for the greater good, he did not want to destroy the Moon Human Race