The Law God - Artic

137 Artic - Chapter 137 - The Reflection Mirror - Peak Origin Level

Artic knew that after his Mystic Mirror Portal Creation ability, he had to create another skill.

Right now, as an attack, he only had the skills in the Glass Law.

He wasn't very happy about all this.

His trouble was simple. He didn't have a general ability to attack. Hunter Glass Spears was a good skill he could send to the people who escaped.

But in a one-to-one close-range battle, It was useless. What he needed was a skill he could use in terms of attack at close and medium range.

He also saw Brio watching him. Brion didn't say anything when he saw Artic teleported using the use of mirrors. He just started sweating from his head.

This sweating wasn't caused because he was afraid of Artic. That's because Artic got stronger too quickly. Just a few days ago, he came here as Origin Level 1, and the young man, who was only 21 years old, was now almost in a position to fight himself.

Brion was 8,000 years old. Artic, on the other hand, at the age of 21, was not difficult to tell the difference.

That's why Brion felt strange inside. But he wasn't saying anything to keep Artic's concentration.

After thinking about it for a while, Artic began to feel that he could not use the Mirror to create a pure fighting force.

For this reason, he was starting to feel like he had to do something different. This thing was pretty simple.

Artic whispered lightly.

"I can create a skill that uses the reflection of the mirror and reflect the enemy abilities themselves."

That's exactly what Artic thought. He could also use a simple mind image to turn his abilities in different ways.

Artic started to close his eyes again and think.

For a few minutes, he was starting to think about the kind of talent he wanted. But after a while, he stood up and started stirring his head.

What he wanted was simple. He wanted the attacks to be reflected and influenced by the other side. But as far as he understands, it wasn't that easy.Or he needed more power and imagination. That's when Brion caught his eye.

And then a big smile appeared on his face and he started talking.

"Lord Brion, may I ask you for something?".

Brion was constantly studying Artic. When Artic asked himself a question, he regained consciousness and looked at Artic and started talking with a smile on his face.

"Of course Artic what do you want ?»

Artic first created a mirror in front of him. And then he looked at Brion and talked to him.

"Lord Brion, would you attack this mirror. You don't need to use a technique that's too powerful».

Brion understood what Artic wanted to do. But at that time he only confirmed with his head and after lifting his hand, he sent a hard ball of sand to mirror Artic showed him.

Artic began thinking when the ball began to move into the mirror. He closed his eyes and started thinking.

"The attack from the mirror will hit the reflection of the other person. In this way, the other person will have taken the damage.»

After Artic finished his remarks, the Sandball that Brion sent smashed into the mirror and shattered it.

At that time, Brion flew straight backward. Brion didn't know what was going on in the first seconds. But once he up. He just said one thing.


Brion was a former warrior. He was also quite strong. He didn't have to think much of it to understand something like that. That's why he understood the Artic's technique.

Artic's technique was simple. He used the mirror to influence the attacks on the other side.

That meant. If you falsely attack one of the mirrors artic has created, you have a chance to hurt yourself.

Because of this technique, artic's enemies could almost carry out large-scale attacks around him. Because the mirror would focus on the attacks and cause damage to the person who did it directly, the person would take the entire attack.

With Artic's acquisition of this ability, Brion's view of Artic had completely changed.

He used to have the look of a young man in his eyes.

That's when Artic started hearing warnings from the system in his head.

«New Tech»

«Mystic Mirror Reflection»

«If this mirror attacked by an enemy attack.The attack damage reflected into the attacker as %100 »

"Mystic Mirror is one of the Basic Techniques."

«Does not use any energy»

«+100,000 Mystic Mirror Law»

«+1x Mirror Law Power»

Artic was looking at the warnings with a big smile on his face. The system gave itself a status update. With this status update, Artic did everything he had to do.


Origin Power = 7.0

Origin Energy = 7,000,000

Origin Level 7 -

((New)) - Journey to Godhood Started (S3 Level - God) (3 Abilities At God Level

Battle Power = Origin Level Peak (Origin Level Peak)


Law / 1

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Glass = 1,00,000 Law Points


Glass Power (Hardness) = 300x from Normal Glass

- Techniques - (Glass Law)

- Hunter Glass Spear -

- The Glass Domain (I changed it is name (Author note))

- Priem Glass Bomb -

Law / 2


Mirror = 300,000 Law Points


«Catoptromancy» (First God Realm Technique)

« Mystic Mirror Portal Creation (God Realm Portal Technique)

Mirror Power (Mystical) = 6x


Artic came out of the test room with Brion with a big smile on his face. The system told him he was now capable of fighting Brion.

The system didn't have to tell to himself. Artic knew that he was more powerful than many people and beings with his techniques on Mirror Law.

The Portal Creation technique, in particular, was an odd skill. He could look at places at a serious distance with his mirror and teleport there.

At the same time, if he saw someone, all he had to do was imagine them. That way he could teleport them

After teleporting he can use a sudden attack right after he teleported to the enemy. Or he'd never attack. He would cover himself with the Reflection ability and let the other side kill himself in an attack with astonishment.

In short, Artic was one of the most powerful people in the Star System right now.