The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 17: 17 Genetic Disorders In The Osborne Family

Chapter 17 17 Genetic diseases in the Osborne family

   "Alien civilization...Mr. Rorschach, are you an alien?"

  Norman heard Rorschach mention alien civilization, but he didn\'t think Rorschach was joking.

  After all, in this world, the rich second generation put on a steel armor to beat criminals, and the scenes of the Hulk fighting against the abomination appeared on the streets of New York.

   Even Norman Osborn, as a partner of the military, knows some insider intelligence than ordinary people.

   There are indeed extraterrestrial civilizations in this world, and in the last century, aliens secretly descended on the earth!

  So Norman Osborn was only a little surprised when he heard the news from Rorschach that the alien civilization was about to invade, but it was not unbelievable.

  Rorschach shook his head: "Of course I\'m not an alien, I\'m a young earthling!"

  Norman had an expression of I believe you a ghost, but he didn\'t dare to say it out of fear of death.

   "Mr. Rorschach, what do you need me to do for you?" Norman asked back.

   "I want to form an alliance to lead those stupid people on the right path. I wonder if you are interested in joining?" Rorschach looked at Norman Osborn and showed a kind smile.

  Norman Osborn\'s mouth twitched, and he instinctively wanted to refuse.

  Of course, if it is changed to the Green Goblin personality, there may be a strong interest. After all, when Rorschach said this again, the style of painting looked very much like a villain trying to persuade the protagonist to surrender.

  However, Norman Osborn knew that maybe he had no choice at all.

   "When...of course I am willing to join. I am very willing to join. I don\'t know the name of the alliance you formed?"

   "Emperor Organization!"

  The name is taken from the movie Godzilla, which is an organization in the monster universe.

After Rorschach named the \'Emperor Organization\', he continued to explain: "As I told you before, this world is about to be invaded by alien civilizations. The meaning of the existence of the Emperor Organization is to gather all Power, so that this world has the strength to independently resist alien civilizations."

  It is unrealistic to simply fight for technological strength.

  Even the technology of the Chitauri who invaded New York a few years later surpassed that of Earth today in some respects.

   Not to mention the technological level of the advanced civilizations of the universe, such as the Cree, Shia, Soverin, etc.

  The current situation of the earth, it is not an exaggeration to call it "precarious eggs". Only by establishing and carrying forward the advantages of small groups of superheroes to fight, and forming a people\'s war with a mass line like a vast ocean.

  It is possible to overtake on curves and survive in the cracks.

  Of course, in this country that advocates \'freedom\', if you want to unify your will, you must have a strong external enemy and a little trick, otherwise those superheroes will be the first to stand up against themselves.

  Rorschach formed the Emperor Organization for this purpose.

"Excuse me, Mr. Rorschach, I don\'t understand what the emperor organization has the obligation to resist those alien civilizations, shouldn\'t this be what the military or the five overlords mainly do?" Norman Osborn puzzled asked.

  Rorschach smiled: "Norman, every war will be a big reshuffle. If the Emperor Organization becomes the savior of this world, you are a businessman, and you should understand the commercial value."

   Hearing what Rorschach said, Norman instantly understood.

   Yes, business opportunities!

  For Norman, an old and cunning businessman, he prefers to talk about interests, rather than saving the world.

  If the Emperor Organization can become the savior in the invasion of alien civilization and always have a strong force, then it will have more say in dealing with the wreckage of alien civilization, technology, and even captives.

   Even, decision-making power!

  For the Osborne Group, as a biotechnology company, being able to analyze alien technology will undoubtedly bring huge business opportunities that ordinary people cannot imagine.

   It can even be said that this is the only shortcut for the Osborne Group to surpass Stark Industries.

  Thinking of this, Norman suddenly asked again: "I understand what you mean, Mr. Rorschach, I want to know if Tony Stark has joined our Emperor Organization?"

   "I don\'t plan to invite him yet..." Rorschach said.

  Tony Stark is a very conceited person, and extremely egotistical. Rorschach told him that there was an imminent alien invasion, and he would not believe it unless he had full evidence.

   will only regard Rorschach as having ulterior motives.

Lanoman-Osborn\'s goal of joining the gang has been achieved. Rorschach intends to end this conversation. He pointed to the personality fusion potion that he had just injected, and said: "There is still a little potion left in it, you can study it. This can provide a reference for you to improve your physical strength enhancement potion..."

"I know that you are so persistent in wanting to study the biological gene transplant project and the project of physical strength enhancement medicine, in order to treat a certain genetic disease of the Osborne family. The perfect physical strength enhancement medicine can indeed effectively resist this genetic disease. But if you want to completely eradicate it, you still have to start from the genetic aspect, and I can help you with this."

  Hearing Rorschach\'s words, Norman was excited and incoherent, "How do you can really solve it completely...Mr. Rorschach, I don\'t know how to thank you."

At present, Rorschach has not seen the corresponding gene therapy plan in the system mall. After all, the system mall is not a panacea, but with the \'super brain\' ability that Rorschach has acquired, he can become a genetics expert in a very short period of time. expert.

   Therefore, it is not difficult to help the Osborne family completely solve the genetic disease.

Rorschach continued: "Don\'t be in a hurry to thank, you killed so many people in public today, the police and Fobole will investigate you, but what you really need to be careful of is an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. No compromises, even your own people... But as long as you perfect the physical enhancement potion and regain the support of the military, then all of this will not be a problem."

  If he can regain the support of the military, he can help you suppress public opinion, not to mention killing a few shareholders of the Osborne Group in public, or dropping a nuclear bomb on Raccoon City.

   After all, this is the land of the free!

  How much money you have, how much freedom you can enjoy.

  Norman Osborne thought for a moment, nodded and said: "I understand, Mr. Rorschach, it\'s just that the Osborne Group has a little financial problem now, and we are a little short of funds..."

"Money is not a problem. Tony Stark just used 10 billion to acquire the technology and patents of my new elements. I can lend you 5 billion first. This money is enough for you to complete the research on physical enhancement potions. "Rorschach said.

   "Rorschach, sir, in fact, it is enough for you to spend a few hundred million. I can transfer all the shares of the Osborne Group to you, including those of other shareholders." Norman Osborne said excitedly.

  Rorschach not only provided ideas for perfecting physical strength enhancement drugs, but also promised to solve the genetic disease of the Osborn family, which undoubtedly gave the Norman family a second life.

   The Osborne Group is so small that the lives of yourself and your family are not as important.

Regarding Norman\'s proposal, Rorschach shook his head: "You can keep the shares of the Osborne Group for yourself. Since you have joined the Emperor Organization, everything you own belongs to the Emperor Organization. Since I can save your life, Nature can end it easily, and I hope you don\'t do something stupid."

   "I will definitely not let you down, Mr. Rorschach." Norman Osborn said to Rorschach sincerely.

   "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the daily task, \'Change the course of the world\'. Because of the intervention of the host, the fate of the Green Goblin Norman Osborn was changed, and 20,000 task points are rewarded."

  Hearing the system\'s beep, Rorschach couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

According to the trend of the main plot, the Green Goblin Norman Osborn will die in the battle with Spider-Man soon. He helped Norman solve the Green Goblin personality, and then pulled him to join the Emperor Organization to work for him. This intervention After coming down, he directly obtained 20,000 points.

   After 20,000 points were credited, Rorschach was delighted, and after a few more instructions to Norman, he planned to leave.

   At this time, Norman stopped Rorschach again: "Wait a minute, Mr. Rorschach, can you not tell Harry what happened today?"

   "Don\'t worry, as long as you don\'t appear as a green goblin from now on, no one other than us will know what happened today."

  Rorschach said, walking to the window.

   Reached out to open the window, then jumped.

   "Mr. Rorschach, you... what are you doing?" Before Norman could react, he saw Rorschach jump out of the window.

  His president\'s office is on the top floor of the Osborne Group!

  (end of this chapter)