The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 140: 139, sun dimension

Chapter 140 139, The Sun Dimension

   "All interstellar motherships, activate the main guns, and blast all the star thieves in the void!"

  In the fleet of the Kerry Empire, the high-ranking commanders roared frantically.

  Facing the powerful Scarlet Witch Wanda, they can only hope that the strongest main gun of the starship can blast that woman and the entire Void Fleet into scum.

  After a brief adjustment, the Kerry Empire fleet re-lined up, and the main guns of the starships that had been prepared for a long time were fully charged, aiming at the front battlefield and the direction of the void, all the guns fired!

  The dark cosmic starry sky became as bright as day at this moment.

  All the main guns of the Kerry Empire fleet fired energy cannons at the same time, and the terrifying energy gathered together, and even the entire space fluctuated.

  Although the Kerry Empire shuttle fleet, which is in close contact with the Void Fleet, is also within the range of these main guns, the top commanders of the Kree Empire still issued an order to fire the main guns.

  Because in their view, as long as they destroy powerful enemies for the empire, the sacrifice of these soldiers is worthwhile.

   Facing the falling beam of energy like a meteor shower, Wanda took a deep breath, and a trace of sweat appeared on her forehead.

  Really counting, she has only studied magic for less than two years.

  In just two years, she has grown from a magic novice to such a level that she is a little powerless.

   Casting the shape of Aikon is a great test of magic and spiritual power. Up to now, Wanda\'s mental power is no longer enough to control the powerful chaos magic, and there are signs of loss of control.

   But in the face of the bombardment of thousands of main cannons, Wanda still supported his body, waving his hands like butterflies again.

  Spell - Hogarth\'s ancient body!

  Wanda\'s magic enveloped the entire battlefield. The moment thousands of energy beams fell, they all turned into dancing blue butterflies, forming a gorgeous landscape in the dark night sky.

  The Kerry Empire fleet was all stunned.

  Even across the vast void, you can feel the shock of the opposing fleet commanders.

  The fighters of the Void Fleet also fell into a sluggish state. The situation that they thought would surely lead to death was resolved by the Scarlet Witch alone.

  It takes time for the ship\'s main guns to recharge.

  During this time gap, the second space annihilation cannon on the Mir carrier sounded the horn of counterattack again.

  Accompanied by the harvest of the second space annihilation cannon, the Kree Empire fleet shuttles came out in full force, and the firepower bombing except the main gun of the ship also spared no effort to pour out.

  The strength gap between the two sides still exists.

  The huge firepower output of the Kerry Empire fleet once again pulled the Void Fleet into the quagmire of the interstellar war.

Every second, a large number of shuttle machines in the void are blown to pieces. Every second, Terminator robots go offline from Tianluo\'s data connection. Every second, there are star robbers who were talking about the future before. , turned into dust in the starry sky outside the void.

  Wanda wants to use Hogarth\'s ancient body again, or the mirror space, to pull the entire Cree Empire fleet into the mirror space.

   But her mental power is consumed a lot, and if she forcibly casts chaos magic, it may destroy everything touched by her magic indiscriminately.

   Right at this moment, a golden sun suddenly appeared above the battlefield.

  Everyone\'s mind was attracted by the sun that suddenly appeared.

  The entire universe brightened up, and the star thieves in the void felt the golden sunshine on their faces, and there was a burst of warmth.

  Under the warm sunlight, the star thieves in the void land were pleasantly surprised to find that the wounds on their bodies had healed, the nerves tensed due to the high-intensity battle were relieved, and they became full of energy again.

   In contrast, the Cree Empire fleet.

   This round of golden sun is like a flame in purgatory, and it seems to be roasted on a stove, constantly pulling away the vitality of the Cree.


  Wanda is also like the star thieves in the void, her spiritual power is also replenished in this sunshine, which is the power of the soul gem.

  Rorschach is the only one who possesses the Mind Stone.

   Sure enough, when Wanda looked up at the illusory sun in the sky, Rorschach\'s figure fell beside her.

   "I\'ve only been away for such a short while, how could such a big thing happen... But fortunately, you are here, otherwise, my place of nothingness would not be able to be kept."

  After capturing the sun, Rorschach entered the dimension he opened up, and used magic to reconstruct the laws of that dimension, so that his Kryptonian blood can continuously absorb the star energy of the sun in this dimension.

  Even Rorschach intends to continue to expand the dimension and capture more suns to come in.

  First set a small goal and catch a million suns!

  In this vast cosmic starry sky, one million suns is not too many.

   As a result, just as Rorschach left his solar dimension, he sensed that something happened in the void.

"Did you pull the whole war into your dimension, or did the dimension come to this world?" Seeing that Rorschach had returned, Wanda did not continue to pay attention to the fleet of the Kerry Empire, but curiously studied the one in the sky. Unreal sun.

   After all, there is nothing to be concerned about a group of people who are about to die.

Luo Xia looked up at the sky and explained: "Actually, it\'s not. I used the space gem to weaken this space barrier. It just so happens that my sun dimension is on the other side of this space barrier, so in this area At the halfway point between the real world and the solar dimension."

   Having said so much, the effect is actually similar to that of the mirror space. The only difference is that the scope of influence of the sun dimension will be much larger than that of the mirror space.

  And the power of the sun dimension penetrates in, and this area will be applicable to the laws of the sun dimension.

  The most intuitive point is that Rorschach can use the power of the Infinity Gems to modify reality and nullify all the firepower bombings launched by the Kerry Empire Fleet towards the Void Fleet.

   Belonging is to add an invincible buff to my soldiers.

   This is why Luo Xia still has the leisure to chat with Wanda.

"I see."

  Wanda looked at Rorschach, and couldn\'t help sighing: "Obviously we learned magic together, but compared with you, I seem to be dumb."

   "You\'re already pretty good."

   "Is it just nice? You\'re so shocking, Rorschach!"

  Wanda took Rorschach\'s hand unconvinced, and took a bite so hard that she almost gritted her teeth.

   This is Rorschach\'s intention.

  On the Mir ship, after the collector saw Rorschach\'s figure, he finally let go of his hanging heart. Before he could be happy, he was fed a mouthful of dog food by live broadcast.

   And it was still in front of the two fleets, showing their affection in public.

   Adding an update tomorrow, the war of the Kree Empire will be updated at once, please ask for a ticket!



  (end of this chapter)