The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 410: Susu and the Bai family are not related by blood?

Mother Su is a woman, and her mind is more delicate and soft.

She wanted to stop her husband and ask them to think again.

But looking at the expressions of her husband and daughter, she hesitated, but still did not speak.

She respected their ideas.

Su Lingyou looked back at Chen Lihua and Bai Yuanjun and his wife, and snorted coldly: "Then you two, please cooperate with the paternity test and go back and wait for the court's summons."

Chen Lihua was at a loss.

She didn't understand why things happened like this.

She suddenly looked at Su Hexiang: "Su Su, Su Su! Are you so confused? Are you not afraid that your career will be ruined after this incident? Think about it!"

Su Hexiang looked at her coldly: "I already know it well, and, please call my name, Su Su is not something you can call."

Chen Lihua stayed on the ground, the meeting in the imperial capital was completely different from what she had imagined!

It shouldn't be like this!

It shouldn't be like this!

She turned around and took her husband to leave, but there were two people guarding the door, blocking their way.

Su Lingyou said lightly: "I said that I need two people to cooperate with my Susu for a paternity test, so don't rush away."


Jin Li sat next door, watching Bai Yuanjun and his wife being taken away by the Su family.

When several people left, she opened the door curiously and took a look in person.

At one glance, her eyes widened suddenly.

Jin Li thought she had an illusion, so she couldn't help rubbing her eyes, and looked at the Bai family couple and Su Hexiang again.


No blood relationship!

what's the situation?

Chen Lihua's memory is no problem, and Su Hexiang has indeed identified no blood relationship with the Su family.

So, what went wrong?

There have always been little angel fishes that go straight to each other, a little suspicious of Xiansheng.

Are human matters so complicated?

She patted her godhead blankly and decided to leave it alone.

The Su family must contact themselves.

Just wait for them to figure it out by themselves.


She did not guess wrong on this point.

The next day, Su Hexiang called Jinli and asked her to play at home.

She and Su Hexiang knew each other well, and Jinli had already known her life experience.

But Su Hexiang didn't tell Father Su and Mother Su. She was afraid to tell it. Jin Li knew the truth but was unwilling to go home, causing her parents to misunderstand or sad.

It's better to wait for your parents to speak out.

Jin Li probably also understands what this trip means.

She lay on the bed tossing about for a long time, and when she appeared in the living room, she looked a little bit distressed.

Lan Ting smiled curiously: "Hey! What is it that makes Jinli look like this?"

Jinli pursed her mouth and said dullly: "Don't laugh, I'll tell you that this time I go out, I might have to have an extra pair of parents."

Lan Ting didn't believe her at all, and said with a smile: "Who is so lucky to be our Jinli's father and mother? You don't know how many of your fans want to treat you as a good daughter."

Jin Li: "..."

Once again, telling the truth and not being taken seriously makes my heart more bored!

She mumbled and went out.

Because Lan Ting didn't believe her, the cautious little fairy refused her suggestion to drive and pick her up and drove to Su's house by herself.

The Su family of three waited at home early.

Su's mother was a little excited and sad.

"You said, Jinli will wait a while, how will she react?"