The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 409: What if there is no blood relationship?

Chen Lihua pointed to Su Hexiang: "I know you hate me, you want to retaliate against me, but you have to think about Su Su?"

Father Su was taken aback.

Seeing his reaction, Chen Lihua breathed a sigh of relief. There was more confidence between her words: "After all, your family has raised Su Su for more than 20 years, and it is no worse than your own. Mr. Su, if you dare to go to court, The relationship between Su Hexiang and us will be exposed. I'm not afraid, what am I afraid of? My reputation has long been stinking, and I have no money. That's how I am the worst. What can you do with me?"

"But Su Su is different." Chen Lihua said, "She is a big star, and countless fans like her, and she is the cleanest female star in the entertainment industry? Ha! Now it is indeed, but if she has a pair Like me, a parent who abused adopted daughters and made civet cats for princes, do you think her fans still like her?"

Mama Su stared at her in disbelief, and her three views were refreshed again: "You! Susu is your daughter!"

How can you justify her as a shield and say such shameless words?

But she understood very well in her heart, Chen Lihua was right.

She and her husband have loved Su Su for so many years, and they truly loved Susu as if they were loved. When Chen Lihua said these words, they were indeed shaken.

They are reluctant.

Reluctant to see the possibility that Chen Lihua said.

Reluctant to see her daughter being attacked.

Even if she knew that Su Su was not her own, even if her parents had committed such a serious crime, all this had nothing to do with the child.

Susu is innocent.

Chen Lihua's trick really made them throw the rat out.

Although Chen Lihua has no knowledge, she has the ability to observe words and colors.

Seeing the expressions of the two, you know that you have taken the right step.

She hummed and said: "Yes, it's a daughter. I let her enjoy the life of a young lady for more than 20 years. What else is she dissatisfied with, please give me a little bit of gratitude to my mother, what can I ask..."


The one who interrupted her was Su Hexiang who broke out suddenly.

Her look was deeply tired and hopeless.

"Stop talking, I feel sick when I hear you." She lowered her head, really reluctant to look at the couple.

Su Hexiang looked at Father Su and Mother Su, her eyes were red, but she could not let the tears fall: "Parents, it is to call the police. It is to contact the lawyer. Just do what you should do."

Mother Su moved her mouth: "Xiangxiang..."

Su Hexiang smiled: "I'm fine, I'm not afraid."

She turned around and looked at Chen Lihua and Bai Yuanjun in disgust: "You two, I will not admit that you are my parents. At that time, the results of the paternity test will come out. If there is indeed a blood relationship between us, I will support it. Obligation to pay money, but no amount is possible."

She straightened her back, her expression was pale, but her tone was proud: "Even if this incident is known to the whole world, I am not afraid. I, Su Hexiang, today's achievements are all made by me. Not afraid of any blows."

"Good!" It was Dad Su who was talking.

Regardless of his wife's gaze, he looked at Su Hexiang with relief: "As expected of my daughter taught by Su Lingyou, Su Su, you are very good. No matter what happens, you are the pride of your father. What if you are not related by blood? "