The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 246

Abu boudoir didn't think as much as Abu Dhabi thought, nodded and said:

"It turns out that runes are explained in this way at the source. However, when the old patriarch taught me to read, he once said that language is the prison of the soul - the most advanced things can only be understood and unspeakable."

Hua Lanting replied, "that's your wrong understanding. The old patriarch didn't say anything wrong. At the highest level, language and words often can't be expressed clearly. It depends on ideas and feelings - understanding is understanding. If you don't understand, you can't pierce that layer of window paper."

"But in the primary stage, the power of language is huge, which is the ladder to the unspeakable stage. Language is indeed the prison of the soul, which means that barren language restricts the expression of interesting souls."

"When you see bamboo groves, pools and moonlight, you can't just say: Wow, it's so beautiful. You have to say: the bamboo shadow sweeps the dust on the steps and doesn't move. The moon wears through the bottom of the pool without a trace."

Abu boudoir disapproved: "arty, affectation."

Hua Lanting said with a smile, "don't be ridiculous. It's your ability to speak plainly and beautifully. Of course, in daily life, simple language is sometimes enough to turn the world around, but it's simplicity and directness under the premise of richness. I'll tell you two short stories."

"Once, a friend of mine and his wife passed by Liuxiang. The distance between them was a little larger. A gorgeous and enchanting woman asked him to go in: senior officials, come in and play. Of course, my friend couldn't pay attention to her and waited for his wife to follow. So the woman turned and said: handsome boy, come in and play again."

"It was this groundless word that successfully took revenge on his wife for ignoring him."

"Once again, my friend saw two passers-by beating a thief on the road. My friend was soft hearted and came forward and said: don't fight. It's not good to abuse lynching. Let's send it to the official."

"When the thief heard this, he turned his head and said," leave me alone and run! As a result, the two passers-by rushed up and knocked my friend to the ground in an instant, and the thief swished up and ran away. "

A woman's brain circuit is different from that of a man. After listening to the story, Abu said, "your men are either thinking of Liuxiang flower street or fighting and killing. You see, today is Valentine's day in our holy land. In other words, have you been dating?"

Hua Lanting's face stiffened: "I don't know, I don't say."

Abu girl asked him, "no? You don't look bad, do you? How do you spend the Tanabata Festival in Xianzhou every year?"

Hua Lanting said, "well, that's not what you said. If there are no dead people in your family on the Qingming Festival, do you want to kill two now and celebrate the festival?"

Abu said angrily, "hualanting, I have endured you for several days!"

Hua Lanting asked weakly, "what do you want?"

Abu's voice suddenly weakened: "I... I want to endure for another hundred and eighty years."

Hua Lanting was a little embarrassed and had to pretend to be a fool. Gu left and right said to him, "where are we going now?"

Abramovich's girl is straightforward, can't go around in circles, and reluctantly said, "say, do you like others?"

"Yes," Hua Lanting replied without hesitation.

It was Abu's turn to be surprised. She blushed, thought and said, "you don't have to be afraid. I'll protect you. To tell you the truth, are you afraid of hurting me?"

Hua Lanting: "no, no, I'm captured now. I have no strength to bind chickens. I, I said that because I was afraid you would hurt me."

Then hualanting was kicked out.

Abu's girl said in a quiet way: "the men in our holy land tribe are male chauvinism, and women have no status. But I heard that the situation in Xianzhou is much better. Women can practice and be respected."

Hua Lanting got up, patted the soil on his body, smiled and said, "that's that."

"I remember my friend's father-in-law once saw his daughter's hand on a splint and asked what was the matter. Her daughter said sadly and angrily: Dad, my daughter suffered domestic violence and her hand was broken. You have to decide for me“

"Now my father-in-law was very distressed. He angrily said to his son-in-law: boy, which hand did you use to beat my daughter like this? I'm going to give up your hand! My friend covered his still red and swollen face with an aggrieved face and said: son-in-law, how dare you use your hand? I hit my face..."

"Another time, his daughter-in-law stewed meat for him for the first time, but it turned out to be stewed. He comforted his daughter-in-law that it was the first time. He was inexperienced and wouldn't be next time. But he stewed again the second time, and he didn't say a word. After the third time, he was still stewed. He was very angry and fiercely dropped the pot, which frightened his daughter-in-law“

"So fierce? It's called being nice to your wife?" asked Abu's girl.

Hua Lanting said, "you've heard it. The man said to his daughter-in-law in awe of righteousness: the first time you paste, you don't have experience. That's your problem. It's the third time. You should have experience, but you still paste. Wife, this is definitely not your problem. It must be the problem of this pot. Let's change the pot!"

AB girl smiled: "this is throwing the pot. The pot means not to carry the black pot. You're talking nonsense to amuse me."

Hua Lanting said solemnly, "idioms are good, but do you know what nonsense is?"

Abu girl was really asked, "which eight ways?"

"There are two versions of the eight ways of nonsense, one of which is from Buddhism and the other is from Taoism. There are many different levels of Taoist cultivation, but in ancient times, the practice of Taoist Dharma of immortality and immortality was usually divided into eight stages, called the eight ways."

"The first way is to enter the Tao. When you enter the Taoist door, you begin to practice and enter the house."

"The second way is to learn Tao. After entering the Tao, we must first learn the basic theories and universal methods of monasticism."

"The third way is to visit Taoism. After understanding the basic knowledge of Taoism, we should carry out more in-depth research. If we want to visit and ask for advice, please teach and give advice from all high Taoists and great virtues."

"The fourth way is cultivation. At this time, when you have mastered the basic knowledge and the cultivation methods, you should start practicing cultivation. The so-called master leads you into the door and the cultivation is personal."

"The fifth way is to attain the Tao. Through hard and continuous practice and understanding, the Tao can be continuously refined until it is realized."

"The sixth way is preaching. It's not enough to have advanced self-cultivation. At the same time of personal cultivation, we should popularize Taoism, popularize all living beings, and accept disciples to preach."

"The seventh way is for the Tao. When these are completed, it means that it has been reborn and the process of cultivating the Tao has ended."

"The eighth way is Chengdao, which means to finally break through the shackles of heaven and earth, ascend into heaven and become a carefree immortal."

"These are the eight ways. In the field of traditional Wushu in the secular world, it can be divided into three stages."

"The first is to see yourself, determine your physical limit through martial arts practice, and see what step you can take to self-study."

"The second is to see the world. Through exchanges and exchanges with various heroes, we can confirm what other experts can achieve. This is a bloody stage - either killing and maiming others, or being killed and maimed by others. Real martial arts only kill people instead of performing."

"The last is to see all sentient beings. After achievement, it means to inherit. At this stage, we should stress martial ethics, reason, support the backward, establish schools and teach arts for the family, the country and the people."

Hua Lanting spoke so clearly that even Abu Dhabi behind him was attracted. He couldn't help asking, "what are the Eight Buddhist doctrines? Why are they called nonsense?"

Hua Lanting replied, "Hu should refer to the Hu people. The Han people in the Central Plains call the ethnic minorities outside the territory Hu people. Because Hu people's culture and customs are different from the respected Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and do not follow the rules and regulations of reason, law, rules and regulations, they call their words Hu said, and use nonsense to describe their words as unreliable."

"The eight dharmas of Buddhism, namely the eight righteous ways, also known as the eight holy ways, are the eight methods and ways of Buddhist practice. I have no deep understanding, but can only give a general meaning."

"The first is the right view. We should have a correct understanding and opinion of Buddhist doctrines, and correctly see the rationality of Buddhist laws without fallacy. It is said that people practice without omission and see the four truths clearly."

"The second is positive thinking. We should have positive thinking about Buddhist teachings and stay away from miscellaneous thoughts."

"The third is positive language. Don't say anything that is inconsistent with the Buddhist theory. Be honest, don't lie, and don't talk nonsense or evil."

"The fourth is the right career, adhere to practice, be clean, and do not do evil deeds such as theft, immorality and killing."

"The fifth is the right life. We should follow the Buddhist commandments in our daily life and can't break the commandments."

"The sixth is positive and progressive. He is diligent in practicing the nirvana Dharma, perseveres all his life, gets rid of troubles and bad habits, is not partial to evil, and is dedicated to perfection without intermission. It is called progressive."

"The seventh is mindfulness, remembering the true meaning and truth of Buddhism, practicing precepts, wisdom and righteousness, perceiving yourself and entering nirvana."

"The eighth is positive meditation, wholeheartedly focusing on meditation, taking pictures in disorder, physical and mental silence, and deciding not to doubt."

Although she heard the clouds and mists, she did not prevent her eyes from being full of little stars: "I really don't understand, but there is a saying in Buddhism that seems to be hype. It's you. It's all about flowers. It's beyond comprehension. However, I like your serious nonsense."

Hua Lanting could only give her a white eye, and Abu girl said, "I haven't heard enough anyway, so I can't give you to the old patriarch. I'll take you back and often ask. That's it."

Hua Lanting looked at Abu Dhabi and whispered, "no, I'd like to meet Arkansas for a while. I always think there's something wrong with this old clan leader when talking to your brothers and sisters these two days. He used to be so kind to you, but now he has become stubborn and confused. It's unreasonable. There must be something fishy in it."

Although Abu Dhabi felt abnormal before, he didn't think about it deeply. After listening to Hua Lanting, he couldn't help thinking.

Hua Lanting is here to deal with the Abu brothers and sisters. Far away, a rescue team composed of nine people such as Feng Qingjun is speeding all the way.

Since they set out, they have never met ape man and Mingxiu.

During the rush, Yue Guanghan suddenly asked everyone, "have you noticed anything strange? Why do I always have a sharp feeling?"

They shook their heads, but Huo huixiao nodded and said, "yes, I also feel like someone is staring at us, but I just can't find the source of this discomfort."

Among the nine, only Huo huixiao and Yue Guanghan practiced the secret arts. Their hunches were more acute than others. Seeing that they both had the same statement, Feng Qingjun was alert and immediately stopped:

"Since you all say so, there should be something strange that can't be ignored. It's related to our journey and direction. Can you please cast the spell here and calculate it carefully?"