The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 556

The grey robed man, who was shot through his head, fell to the side in the snow, his brain and blood burst out on the ground!

This scene is really terrible. Being shot in the head by an arrow is enough to make people shudder, not to mention a long and heavy red tassel gun!

All the grey robe masters felt that their heads had been shot through, and their heads were cold, and they froze all over.

They kill countless people, but they really haven't seen such a killing method. It's so cruel and frightening!

This has to be the bottom of my heart how much murderous to shoot this shot!

Who is it!

Who did it!

Everyone was aware of the bad situation. The snow covered official road was suddenly filled with a sense of tension and fear. Another man in grey robe took over the previous person and began to give orders.

"Draw the sword! Draw your swords

He drank a lot!

They were pulled back by his voice and pulled out their machetes.

At the same time, it seems that the sound of horse's hooves can break through the mountains and rivers comes from far and near, and the snow seems to be shaking. People follow the sound and see a young man in green riding a strong horse. In the blink of an eye, he comes in front of several people, and the steed leaps over their heads!

As soon as the horse's hooves fell to the ground, the young man stretched out his hand with a protective palm and pulled out the red tassel spear that pierced the human head.

Immediately he fingertip move, untie the body Cape, unarmed a Yang, cover in the clothes not neat Mo Qianxue's body!

Mo Qianxue is lying in the cold snow, watching the young man come in fresh clothes and angry horses. He doesn't wear a mask, and his eyes are cold. The eye-catching birthmark on his left face is not ugly, but more cold and evil.

The young man was murderous, but he put on a cover for her.

Gu Jiao's horse didn't stop, she pulled out the red tassel gun and immediately shot at the remaining five people.

This group of people's skill is not weak. In addition, they can have the strength of a Sirius. But Gu Jiao is not Gu Jiao two months ago. Her strength has recovered a little. At this time, even if she fights against Sirius again, she will be invincible.

Gu Jiao turned over and dismounted, and the two sides exchanged hands fiercely.

One of the grey robed men suddenly thought of something, pointed to Gu Jiao and said: "she! She is the hostage we want! "

Gu Jiao clenched the red tassel gun and said coldly, "you have the ability to grasp it."

Five people fight to attack Gu Jiao.

Surprisingly, Gu Jiao's skill is not as described in the letter. According to the principle, the strength of the five of them is enough to control him. To be on the safe side, they have added one more expert.

However, they couldn't get any advantage from her at all.

Gu Jiao hates trouble and fancy attacks.

Shadow, killing.

Killing is her best move.

With Gu Jiao's last stab, the last grey robe master also fell in the pool of blood.

But she didn't kill this one. She took a breath.

Gu Jiao put the red tassel gun in the snow, bent over to wrap Mo Qianxue with her cape, and put her arms around her back and back knee, holding her cold and stiff body up.

At this time, the carriage of the Ministry of punishment arrived. Xiao Heng opened the curtain, looked at Gu Jiao and Mo Qianxue, and then glanced at the scene. He almost understood what had happened.

He got out of the carriage and called the coachman aside.

Gu Jiao takes Mo Qianxue to the carriage.

Xiao Heng asked across the curtain, "are you all right?"

Gu Jiao looks at Mo Qianxue.

Mo Qianxue is pale and shakes her head, indicating that Gu Jiao is OK.

Gu Jiao replied, "it's nothing."

"Your face is covered with blood."

"It's not my blood."

Xiao Heng looks slightly loose.

Mo Qianxue's body is shivering, a cape is obviously not enough to keep her warm.

Gu Jiao takes off her winter clothes to Mo Qianxue.

There is no charcoal basin in the carriage, which is as cold as an ice cellar.

Suddenly, the door was knocked, and then a slender hand handed in an official robe and winter clothes.

It's Xiao Heng's.

The Ministry of punishment only came to a carriage. Mo Qianxue now looks like this. Xiao Heng naturally can't get on the carriage again, which means he has to ride back.

Ice and snow, where can he stand as a civil servant?

What's more, when you enter the city later, will the writ of the Ministry of punishment even wear Chinese clothes to show off?

Gu Jiao didn't refuse all of them, but she didn't accept all of them. She just took the winter clothes and let Xiao Heng wear them back.

Gu Jiao got out of the car, took the red tassel gun back to the horse car, and said to Xiao Heng, "by the way, I've left a living. Let's see if you can find out anything."

"That one?" Xiao Heng points to a grey robe master who falls on the edge alone. The master is pretending to be dead, but he doesn't hide his eyes. "OK, you go back first, and I'll take care of the next thing."

"Well." Gu Jiao got into the carriage.

The coachman got Xiao Heng's command, got on the outer seat, turned the carriage around and drove to the capital.

On the carriage, Mo Qianxue leans against the wall of the carriage and gradually recovers her temperature and consciousness. She looks at Gu Jiao, who is sitting on the opposite side as if she is closing her eyes. She whispers: "are you asleep?"

"No Gu Jiao opened her eyes and looked at her calmly, "how do you feel?"

Mo Qianxue dropped her eyes and said in a low voice: "it's like a nightmare."

Gu Jiao reaches out to her.

Mo Qianxue understood her meaning, slowly raised her hand and handed her wrist to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao gave her a pulse. From the pulse, she suffered a little internal injury, and her vitality was greatly damaged.

"Is there any injury on your body?" Gu Jiao asked.

"No Mo Qianxue road.

The man didn't make it to the last step.

"How did you come?" Don't go to ask.

"Xiao Jiu brought me here." Otherwise she won't find her way.

Mo Qianxue opened her mouth: "I mean... Didn't you get drugged by me? How can I wake up? Do you drink better than Hua Xiyao? "

Huaxiyao is the best drink in xianleju. So far, no one has ever drunk her.

Seven days drunk is her only drug, even she can pour.

Mo Qianxue realized what, apricot eye a stare: "you can't be didn't drink in?"

"... well." Gu Jiao generously admitted.

That night, Xiao Heng told her about xianleju and mentioned Mo Qianxue's purpose and the order of the young master of xianleju.

Mo Qianxue handed her the glass of water, she drank on the surface, but actually did not swallow it.

She wants to see what Mo Qianxue will do next.

Mo Qianxue first put her on the bed, then pulled out a person from under the bed, it is Hua Xiyao.

Mo Qianxue changed Hua Xiyao into her clothes and wore a veil.

Here, Gu Jiao almost guessed what Mo Qianxue would do.

The reason why she didn't stop it immediately was that Mo Qianxue's medicine was really too strong. She didn't swallow it, but after a long time in her mouth, she absorbed a little bit of it.

She slept for half an hour.

Fortunately, Mo Qianxue didn't walk too fast, otherwise, when she arrived, the tragedy had already happened, and killing the man would not help.

Mo Qianxue didn't ask Gu Jiao when she began to doubt her. It's not very nice to ask, and there's no need to ask.

She approached her for another purpose. Now that the east window incident happened, she still came to rescue her

"Next time it happens, you'll take me." Gu Jiao said, "don't do stupid things by yourself."

Mo Qianxue looks at her steadily.

After a while, she bowed her head and answered with a low voice: "well."

Gu Jiao takes Mo Qianxue back to the hospital. On the other hand, Xiao Heng and the Yamen of the Ministry of punishment take the "Survivor" back to the Ministry of punishment, along with Hua Xiyao who faints nearby.

Hua Xiyao is drunk for seven days, but she can't wake up for seven days. Xiao Heng puts her in a separate cell for the time being.

The grey robed man was taken to the prison.

Xiao Heng found the poisonous bag in his mouth and asked people to take it out. After that, he tried to bite his tongue several times and killed himself. Xiao Heng simply gave him a little cartilage powder.

Xiao Heng is the writ of the Ministry of punishment, and it is not within his power to interrogate the prisoners. But when he personally applied to Xing Shangshu for his trial, Xing Shangshu readily agreed.

The grey robed man slumped on the iron chair in the middle of the prison room. Behind him was a scaffold for prisoners, and on both sides of the walls hung various instruments of torture.

The light in the torture room was dim, and there was only a half person high stove on the right side of the door, on which was a red hot iron.

Xiao Heng was sitting opposite the man in the grey robe. The stove was only a few steps away from him. The light of the fire reflected on his right face, which made his face look dark on one side and fiery on the other.

"You step back first." Xiao Heng was responsible for the two yamen servants in the prison.

"Yes, Lord Xiao."

The Yamen servant was ordered by Xing Shangshu, and he listened to Xiao Shu.

As soon as Xiao Heng changed his good official style, his expression was cold and even a bit cruel. He looked at the man in the grey robe and said, "who instructed you?"

The man in grey robe is a man who has seen the wind and waves, but he is calm. He is lying on the chair, his head is askew, and his whole body can't move. After listening to Xiao Heng's words, he gives a cold smile: "don't you start from the identity of the prisoner when you hear a case in Yamen? My lord doesn't ask who I am? "

Xiao Heng looked at him faintly: "your name is Bai Kun. You are from Fucheng. You are 25 years old. Your parents died three years ago. You have no brothers or sisters, and you have no family. When you were young, you studied in Mr. Liu's private school in Fucheng for two years. Because of your bad temper, you were dropped out of the private school. Later, your parents sent you to Tiepu as an apprentice, but you didn't study for two years. You were chased home by the boss of Tiepu for stealing. You've been around a lot of places, and finally you're taken in by a martial arts school teacher. You have a good talent. You have practiced martial arts in just a few years. When you were 22 years old, your parents died one after another. After you buried them, you left Fucheng, and there has been no news since then. "

The man in the grey robe looks at Xiao Heng in shock.

Xiao Heng walked up to him step by step, but his handsome face had a pair of fierce eyes: "what's up? Am I right? "

"No... no... I'm not Bai Kun!" The grey robed man shook his head desperately, but the effect of cartilage powder made him unable to shake at all.

Xiao Heng slightly bent down and looked at him. He said, "are you Bai Kun important?"

The man in grey robe is surprised again!

Xiao Heng took out a confession from the wide sleeve of his official robe and a box of cinnabar inkpad.

In the bottom of the man's heart, an ominous premonition rose abruptly: "you, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Heng dusted Shan's confession, lifted the inkpad box with his slender fingertips, and then seized the man's hand.

The man in the grey robe tried to struggle, but when he was broken, where did he get half of his strength?

His eyes glared like bronze bells, and he roared: "you are the official of the imperial court! You're going to be beheaded

Xiao Heng: "Oh, really?"

Grey robed man: "you are crazy! I want to see you, my Lord! I want to see the Minister of punishment! You can't make a move out of a fight! "

Xiao Heng: "I didn't hit you."

"I don't confess! I didn't plead guilty! It's not me... It's not me... You! You... "The man in the grey robe was so flustered that he was incoherent.

Xiao Heng ignores his struggle and accusation. He is not the kind of person who is indifferent on the surface and soft in the heart. His heart is black.

However, Gu Jiao can not see the place, he does not have to disguise.

Xiao Heng grabbed his hand expressionless, first pressed the ink, then pressed a bright red handprint on the confession.

The prison room is a place where important prisoners are severely tortured. Ordinary criminals will not be sent here, but those who are sent here will be stripped off.

In order to keep out the screams of prisoners, the door of the prison room was made extremely sound proof.

The Yamen servant in the corridor did not hear the movement inside.

About half an hour later, Xiao Heng came out of the prison with a tired face.

His forehead and neck were covered with sticky sweat, his chest was slightly undulating, and his breath was short.

He looked calm, but his eyes seemed to have a trace of intolerance.

Seeing this, the Yamen went to inform Xing Shangshu.

Xing Shangshu came in a hurry: "what's the matter with you, LIULANG?"

Xiao Heng looked at Xing Shangshu with a complicated look: "I'm ok, but the prisoner... Committed suicide."

Xing Shangshu was stunned, as if he was surprised that the other party would commit suicide.

"Did he confess?" Xing Shangshu asked.

Xiao Heng was relieved and presented the document in his hand: "fortunately, Bai Kun confessed. This is Bai Kun's confession."

Xing Shangshu quickly took the confession and looked at it carefully from top to bottom and from right to left.

The more he looked, the more dignified he looked.

This man is really related to xianleju. At the end of the confession, the young master of xianleju is mentioned.

It was written in black and white that the young master of xianleju, the princess of Zhaoguo, called today's emperor brother.

Xing Shangshu was struck by thunder!