The Grand Secretary's Pampered wife

Chapter 512

Gu Jiao's mood is almost instinctively violent.

The goggles became blood red, as if the whole world had become blood red.

The heat of blood burned her cheek through the mask, and the violent factor in her body began to surge endlessly.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Yuanwai Zhao is a plague patient. His blood... Is also sick. Doctor Gu, she

The dark guard outside the camp heard the movement inside. One of them lifted the curtain and saw Gu Jiao with blood on his face. As soon as his face changed, he was about to walk towards Gu Jiao.

"Don't move!" Gu Jiao raised her hand to stop him.

Dark Wei's step stops: "Gu doctor, are you ok? What's the matter? "

"I'm fine." Gu Jiao slowly put down her hand, seemingly ordinary action, but no one knows how much self-control she used.

She said calmly: "none of you should come in. Shen Xuan, get out of the way."

She always called him little stone. She called him life for the first time.

Shen Xuan subconsciously aware of her state is not right.

"Dr. Gu..." he stood aside.

Gu Jiao squats down in front of Zhao Yuanwai again.

Zhao Yuanwai was shocked by Gu Jiao's silent calmness. He didn't dare to move or speak.

He just pulled out the needle with too much force, tearing the blood vessels.

Gu Jiao calmly and skillfully handled the injury for him, re pricked the needle, and calmly said: "the medicine is very expensive, don't force me to waste."

She doesn't waste medicine unless the person is dead.

Zhao Yuanwai looked at Gu Jiao, who had never ignited her whole life. Somehow, she shivered!

After Gu Jiao came out of the camp, she found a place where there was no one and sat down against a bamboo tree.

She took off her contaminated goggles and mask and a pair of gloves.

She didn't know if she was going to get infected.

She took two tablets of chloramphenicol from the small medicine box and swallowed the cold snow on the spot.

Gu's army went to attack the city, and only 100 people were left in the camp to take care of the patients.

The woods were quiet, but Gu Jiao's ears seemed to hear the sound of war drums and horns, the sound of cars crashing against the city gate, and the sound of Gu Jiajun climbing up the ladder

She leaned against the bamboo and looked up at the obscure sky, with a trace of confusion on her face.

For a moment.

Her mind is empty.

"Dr. gu!"

A dark guard came and reported, "someone's coming!"

Gu Jiao a second into combat readiness, Shua stood up, picked up the small basket, light voice: "how many people?"

"Twenty of them, some of them died," he said

It seems that the plague patients were found missing in the remaining evils of the previous dynasty, so they were specially sent to take them back.

Gu Jiao had made several preparations. If no one came, they would wait for Gu Changqing and Gu's army to return; If someone comes after you, change the place.

She circled at least three spare places.

Gu Jiao said to the dark guard, "take the patients and go to the broken temple on the way."


Dark Wei only obeys orders, will not question Gu Jiao's decision.

Dark Wei and 100 Gu Jiajun took the patient to transfer.

Zhao Yuanwai was honest this time. He was in the carriage, and Shen Xuan took up his bottle and hung it on the carriage.

"Remember how to draw the needle?" Gu Jiao asks Shen Xuan.

The first time she went to the stockade, she pricked Shen Xuan's needle. Shen Xuan nodded: "remember."

"That's good." Gu Jiao didn't explain it any more. She took the red tassel gun, carried a small basket on her back, and walked in the direction of the group of experts.

"Dr. gu!"

Shen Xuan stops her.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiao looks back.

Shen Xuan sat in the carriage, his head out of the window, across the mask said to her: "you... Will be ok?"

Gu Jiao looked at him, did not answer his words, but said: "if I do not catch up after an hour, you go to the ancient city of the moon, find a doctor surnamed song, he knows how to do."

She left a lot of medicine for doctor song, including chloramphenicol and ribavirin.

Shen Xuan wants to talk but stops.

Gu Jiao turned around and disappeared into the boundless night.

Shen Xuan looks at Gu Jiao's little figure disappearing in the woods. The carriage moves slowly. His eyes haven't moved away for a long time.

That group of people's movement is very quick, riding a horse, but half a quarter of an hour effort then came to the deep forest.

They will speed up to the extreme, but suddenly, they saw a strange little figure in the bamboo forest, in the snow.

It seems to be a young man in dark armor, holding a helmet in one hand and a red tassel gun in the other. Instead of reaching his crown, the young man didn't have his black hair tied up high, but only had a light blue hair band tied half behind his head.

The other half is scattered on the shoulder, flying with the cold wind.

Mingming is still a long distance away, Mingming youth has been motionless, but all of us feel the murderous spirit of mountains and rivers from the youth!

Twenty people almost happened to pull the reins in their hands.

The dead man at the head reacted first. He frowned and said in a cold voice: "it's Zhao soldiers! Kill him

Gu Jiajun's armor is silver. When Tang Yueshan made the armor for Gu Jiao, it was made according to the style of the archer of Tang family, but it was not exactly the same. Her weapon was a long gun. This armor was tailored for her and her red tassel gun.

It is the unique armor of Zhao state.

They quickened their pace and drew out their swords.

Gu Jiao cold eyes a glance, light put on the helmet, pull under the cover, only a pair of murderous general eyes.

It was at this moment that the hearts of the twenty masters clapped together!

There is no reason for a chill to rush up the back. It's too late to retreat, not to mention it. Twenty experts can't do it without a suckling boy. It's going to make people laugh!

"Kill me --"

At the head of the dead man's command.

The next second, the red tassel gun of killing God was born in the sky and cut off his head with unstoppable thunder!

Fresh blood splashed all over his companion, and a round head rolled down in the snow. Before his horse had time to stop, the horse's hooves stepped on that head

Everyone was shocked!

How can this boy have such skill!

No, he's not very old. How can he be so cruel!

"Is it... Is it a dead man?"

A master asked, his voice trembled.

One of the four dead men was dead, and the remaining three looked at the boy in front of them.

It seems that there is a trace of the breath of the dead in the youth, but they are more powerful than the dead, and they can't tell what it is.

They were almost instinctively afraid of the murderous young man in front of them.

However, even so, the boy did not intend to let them go. His red tassel gun soon attacked them again.

This time, she attacked another dead man.

Ordinary soldiers can't tell the difference between a master and a slain. A more powerful master may be able to, but he can't be so precise and swift.

When all the four dead men died under the young man's red tassel gun, the rest understood that they had no chance of winning.


A man in black drinks hard.

He is the first to run away!

Gu Jiao grabs the red tassel gun, looks at his heart coldly, and shoots the red tassel gun out fiercely!

The huge force, like ten thousand arrows, smashed the man in black with armor from the horse's back. His whole heart was pierced and he fell heavily in the snow.

The rest of them even lost their fighting spirit and looked at the boy who pulled out the red tassel gun and walked towards them step by step.

Red tassel gun's blood drops in the snow, such as huangquan road opened a soul of the flower.

"You, you, you... Don't come here! We are king Yi's cronies

Another man in black sat on the back of the horse, pulled the reins tightly and said to Gu Jiao.

Gu Jiao did not stop.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing.

The man in black then said, "Your Highness King Yi is the son of heaven chosen by the living Buddha. He is the descendant of emperor Xing. If you want to be your highness King Yi, your highness King Yi will surely be able to grant you high office and high salary."

The killing boy is getting closer.

Everyone's body unconsciously leaned back.

The man in Black said in a cold sweat, "as long as you let us go, your highness will reward you. Don't think that if Gu's army comes, you Zhao's court will win, and Chen's 100000 reinforcements will soon arrive at the frontier fortress! They took Liang's Crossbow chariot and attacked the city like walking on the ground. You can't win. "

Before he finished, the young man's red tassel shot into his heart.

"You talk too much."

Young light finish saying, the facial expression ground pulls out red tassel gun.

The man in black fell straight into the snow, and the horse hissed and moved its hooves uneasily.

The rest of them all shut up.

We don't talk much!

Don't kill us!

The young man's eyes were weary of the world. He said to them, "I don't even have a last word. It seems that I'm ready to die."

All of you "...!"