The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1455


The white-faced scholar spurted out blood suddenly, and his face turned pale for a while. He did not expect that the Dragon King was so powerful, so powerful that he could not resist, let alone save Xia Xiaomei.

"Leave me alone!" Xia Xiaomei shouted repeatedly: "You are not his opponent!"

"Little girl, aren\'t you afraid of death?" The Dragon King smiled lightly, "You\'re still thinking about them? Shouldn\'t you be thinking about yourself?"

"Since you don\'t want me to live, I naturally don\'t need to live." Xia Xiaomei said aloud: "I will never be your bait, nor will I become Xiaotian\'s concern!"

"The little girl is quite stupid. It\'s very affectionate to be called Xiaotian, but have you ever thought that she doesn\'t take you seriously at all." Jian Yu said with a smile: "Use your life to let him out, but he didn\'t even I have never seen a human figure, and all this can explain everything!"

"So what?" Xia Xiaomei said aloud, "I don\'t want him to come. If he does come, I will definitely blame myself for the rest of my life. Fortunately, he didn\'t come, so I don\'t have to blame myself!"

Xia Xiaomei smiled bitterly. In his heart, he naturally didn\'t want Ye Tian to fall down, but for some reason, he felt a little lost in his heart. Maybe Ye Tian came to a dangerous place to save him, and he could fill his heart with love.

"Dragon King, the agreed time is almost up, do you want to do it directly?" Jian Yu said aloud: "This girl\'s tone is very stiff, if you don\'t show him some color, he really thinks we are making fun of him."

"In that case, let\'s do it!" The Dragon King waved his hand: "I don\'t like people who are late! He actually likes to be late, so destroy his favorite things, that\'s the best punishment for him."

"If something really happens to Ms. Xia, Master Ye will not let you go." The white-faced scholar said, "I advise you to think twice."

"This is not right. All three of my apprentices died at his hands. He and I are naturally life and death enemies. If this is the case, why should I be afraid that he will not let me go?" No matter how powerful it is, let him come to ask for advice in person!"

The white-faced scholar was helpless, he didn\'t know what to do, Ye Tian couldn\'t get in touch, Xia Xiaomei was afraid that her life might be in danger, and it was impossible for them to save someone in the hands of the Dragon King with their strength.

"Dragon King, keep a line of life, so we can meet each other in the future." Guan Changtian said aloud: "Today, let\'s let Miss Xia go!"

"Fenglei Pavilion\'s face is not small, isn\'t it? Even the Dragon King wants to give face?" Feng suddenly laughed: "But then again, Master Jiangnan Ye is really useless. He has been beaten by others, and even his best All my friends have been caught, but I can’t hide myself!”

"That\'s right!" Jian Yu also nodded repeatedly: "In the entire country, the Dragon King is a well-deserved supreme master, a true celestial master, no one can defeat him, and no one can treat him as an enemy.

"Let\'s do it!" Lei said aloud: "The time has come, but Master Ye has not come, which is enough to explain everything!"

Jian Yu nodded, and looked at Xia Xiaomei: "I\'ll see you off, but then again, you can keep your eyes open when looking for friends like Ye, I\'m afraid you don\'t want to."