The Godlike Son-in-Law

Chapter 1401

Old Master Chu stood aside, with joy in his eyes. Ye Tian is a master of the king realm. Now that he has spoken out, few people would dare not give him face. As long as Chu Lan\'er is taken away, this matter can naturally be asked for its ins and outs.

"Master Ye, why are you doing this?" Yao Haili walked over with a smile: "Since Master Ye wants to take Miss Chu away, we have nothing to say, as long as Master Ye can guarantee that Miss Chu will not leave the Valley of Medicines."

"I just said my name!" Ye Tian looked indifferent.

Yao Haili nodded, and looked at the registered disciples in the Law Enforcement Pavilion. The disciples had no choice but to release Chu Lan\'er.

"Yaohaili, you are really despicable, but the truth will eventually come out, you just have to wait and see!" Chu Lan\'er said coldly, "It\'s not that easy to make me a scapegoat."

"Miss Chu is joking!" Yao Haili smiled faintly: "This matter has nothing to do with me. It is Miss Chu who stole the Linglong Pill. Many disciples in Baiyao Valley can see it clearly. Even if Miss Chu is eloquent, it is impossible Shirk responsibility."

"Humph!" Chu Lan\'er\'s face was livid, but he also knew that this time he came to Baiyao Valley to find the thousand-year-old snow lotus for Ye Tian, ​​so he naturally wouldn\'t make things big, especially if he let his own temper go.

"Since the person has been released, let\'s take our leave first, and we will make a decision on this matter after the Master of the Hundred Medicine Valley leaves the customs tomorrow."

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the outside of the Law Enforcement Pavilion. Mr. Chu and others hurriedly followed, even protecting Chu Lan\'er.

Seeing their leaving figures, many disciples in the Law Enforcing Pavilion were dissatisfied: "Relying on my own strength, I will do my best. After the master comes out, they will look good to me."

"Who says it\'s not! How dare you steal the Linglong Pill. This is the most important medicine for Master and his elders, and it\'s all prepared for my wife."

Several disciples were also talking on the sidelines, their eyes full of seriousness.

Facing these words, Yao Haili squinted his eyes. He had obtained the Qiqiao Linglong Pill, and as long as he released it tomorrow, he could confirm that it was Chu Lan\'er who did it. In this way, he would not have any suspicions.

After leaving the Law Enforcement Pavilion, just as he returned to his room, Yao Haili turned around abruptly, looked towards his bed, and saw a figure sitting there.

"Eldest brother, it really is a good plan." Yao Chen said with a smile, holding two pills in his hand, his eyes were full of light: "If we take these two pills, we will definitely be able to make a breakthrough. "

"It\'s not the time yet!" Yao Haili said, "The Qiqiao Linglong Pill is extremely effective. If you take it now and someone notices it, you will be in trouble at that time. Hide it in your room first and wait for everything." In the past, we will share together.”

"Senior brother is still thoughtful." Yao Chen nodded: "Master will leave the customs tomorrow, I want to see how they plan to explain, if the explanation is not clear, then there will be a good show .”

Yao Haili squinted his eyes: "I\'m afraid it\'s not that simple. Master Jiangnan Ye is not an easy person, and with Chu Lan\'er being taken away, he will definitely tell everything!"

"Chu Lan\'er was taken away by them?" Yao Chen\'s expression changed slightly: "Then this matter is going to be exposed? If we find the elixir by then, I\'m afraid..."