The Foolish Concubine of the Brilliant Prince

Chapter 1784

Everything is going on in a tight and orderly manner. The maids and eunuchs in the palace are exhausted. The emperor has never been so urgent when holding a banquet before. The thought of the emperor of Tianyu Kingdom will change , everyone couldn\'t help but feel a little sad, and began to be confused about their own destiny tomorrow.

The Fifth Prince, who is about to become their emperor, is a very irritable person. Once he gets upset, he may not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"Why are you sitting here, go to work quickly, if the emperor finds out that you are slacking off, you may not be able to save your life!" After making a meritorious service, he walked into the master of ceremonies room and saw those maids and eunuchs sitting on the ground in confusion. He asked calmly: "What\'s the matter, all of them look like dead parents?"

Xiao Shunzi, who always liked to quarrel with Eunuch Li, would have started to hate him long ago if he heard what Eunuch Li said, but today he couldn\'t arouse any interest anymore.

"I said you are one by one, is this interesting? Pull yourself together, what\'s the big deal!" Eunuch Li looked helplessly at these companions who got along very well with him in the past, and couldn\'t help feeling the same, but the only difference was that, Compared with such eunuchs and palace maids, he is much happier. His master treats him very well. As long as this matter is over, he can get rid of this undercover identity and go to eat meat and drink with the brothers of Tianji Pavilion.

"Eunuch Li, we don\'t know if we will be able to see the sun tomorrow. Everyone, take a good look at the moon tonight while you are still alive." A court lady looked at the night sky above the courtyard and said, "Today\'s moon It’s so beautiful, full of stars, I don’t know if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, many tomorrows will have a chance to see this night.”

Eunuch Li couldn\'t help laughing out loud when he heard the court lady\'s remarks, "I thought you were worried about something, it turned out to be this, don\'t worry, as long as tomorrow is over, you still have many tomorrows! "

"Eunuch Li, you definitely don\'t have to worry. You are now a famous person beside the Fifth Prince. We are different. If others want to kill us, it is as easy as killing an ant. We have no backers or masters like us." Those who protect are those who have no tomorrow!"

"Look at what you said, as long as you follow the right master, you don\'t have to worry about it for the rest of your life. Eunuch Li recalled the time he was working with the Seventh Prince, and I have to say that the master has become more and more considerate of himself. It must be due to Miss Su Well, if there is still a chance for them to be together in the future, then the young master will take care of him and let the master and Miss Su go sightseeing together!"

"Okay, stop moaning and sighing, and get up and work quickly. Tomorrow is the emperor\'s enthronement ceremony. As long as you finish your work tomorrow, everyone can have a good rest!" Eunuch Li patted everyone on the shoulder and said: "Everyone is very happy!" Get up!"

"Eunuch Li, long time no see!"

Eunuch Li didn\'t expect to be stopped by someone when he came out of the master of ceremonies room. He begged for mercy tremblingly: "Hero, please forgive me. My little Lizi has never done anything like stealing chickens and dogs, let alone murdering and arson!"

Su Feifei suppressed her smile and sighed helplessly, "Look at you, why are the soldiers under the Seventh Prince so weak?"