The First Consort


Chapter 360 - Who Is Your Excellency

"The empress has woken up. I'll go take a look."

Xiao Qianhan immediately walked into the palace.

After Ran Ke fell asleep, she suddenly felt strength in her body. This was a feeling she hadn't felt for a long time. Furthermore, it was as if she had just had a dream. She had a dream about Xiao Qianhan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and also about a pill she had swallowed. Was it because she had dreamt of Xiao Qianhan that she was filled with hope for life? Of course she still wanted to live. Since Murong Chen did not love her anymore, what was she still staying in that huge palace for? At the ends of the earth, she could fly wherever she wanted to.

She stretched, as if she hadn't had the strength to stretch for a long time, and now she was finally able to muster the strength to do so.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, she saw a person walking over. She thought that it was Xiao Dan, but when that person walked over, she looked at him in shock, "Qianhan! It's really you! " What happened before wasn't a dream? It turned out to be true coldness!

Xiao Qianhan nodded her head and laughed: "Of course it's me."

"Thousand Cold!" I miss you so much. I thought I would never see you again in my life. Ran Ke's eyes reddened. To be able to see Xiao Qianhan in such a state of lucidity all of a sudden, her emotions were extremely complicated. Because she was sure that whether it was Murong Chen, Du Xiawei, or the Ran Family, none of them would be able to cause her any longer.

Xiao Qianhan carefully observed Ran Ke's complexion. She was no longer pale, and even though she was still thin, the poison accumulated within her body had already been completely cleansed by the detoxification pill. Ran Ke, I need an answer. "

Hearing that, Ran Ke's expression changed slightly, she pursed her lips and looked at Xiao Qianhan, then nodded.

"What kind of ending do you want? If you are sure that Murong Chen is ungrateful, disgusted with new and past, and has reneged on her promise, how will you decide his ending? Du Xiawei secretly poisoned you, how would she choose to stop the imperial physician from saving you? " Xiao Qianhan asked softly.

Ran Ke was silent for a long time.

Xiao Qianhan patiently waited.

The night was getting darker and darker.

"Qianhan, I don't know." Ran Ke tightly closed her eyes. She had no choice.

Xiao Qianhan lightly patted Ran Ke's shoulder and said softly, "I will let Murong Chen live."

Ran Ke opened her eyes and looked at Xiao Qianhan. The tears in her eyes couldn't help but roll down as she nodded strongly, "Qianhan, thank you."

The Eternal Music Palace.

It was a scene of chaos.

After everything quieted down.

Hearing the tender conversation between the two.

"Your majesty, chenqie wants to tell you a very important matter." Du Xiawei laid in Murong Chen's embrace as if she was boneless, her voice was a little soft, sounding extremely pleasing to the ear.

"Your majesty really treats chenqie too well. Chenqie misses you every day and night as long as you don't see the emperor, because the emperor is the only god in chenqie's heart."

"Your mouth is so sweet." "He lowered his head and took a bite." Speak, what exactly is going on? "

Du Xiawei's expression suddenly became a little cautious. She said hesitantly, "Your Majesty, chenqie wants to find a genius doctor from outside the palace. Big sister empress's illness is getting worse and worse. If we don't treat her soon, I'm afraid big sister empress would have to …"

"Shut up, I once said not to mention her in front of me!" Even if she dies, it has nothing to do with us. " Murong Chen shouted in fury. Fury surged in her heart. It was as if whenever he thought of Ran Ke, he could only think of the unbearable days before his eyes.

Du Xiawei lowered his head to cover the smile that flashed past hhereyes. It seems like in his heart, she already viewed Ran Ke as his enemy! So what if she was her sole pet? Time and fate cannot stand up to it. From the day she entered the palace, she had already anticipated this day. Letting Ran Ke live until now, was just because she did not want others to suspect him. The day Ran Ke was alive, she would think about the days when she had been mocked by others to the end a few years ago.

Right now, she was relying on her gentleness to make Murong Chen fall in love with her.

Du Xiawei's face flushed red, she shyly raised her eyes and looked at Murong Chen, trying to please him, "Your majesty, don't always praise your concubine, your concubine is shy."

"My beloved concubine is worthy of my praise." Murong Chen pointed at the tip of Du Xiawei's nose, and her words revealed a pampering look.

Suddenly, Murong Chen's expression changed abruptly as she reached out her hand to press at her chest. A majestic and terrifying suppressive force caused the spiritual energy in his body to rampage within his body, causing her face to flush red.

Du Xiawei was only a warrior at the late stage of Violet Profound Realm. When the pressure came, she had already spat out two mouthfuls of blood, feeling as if her entire body was about to be torn apart. She wanted to shout outside, but was unable to do so.

Afterwards, he used all his strength to shout out, but no one outside seemed to have heard him.

"Your Majesty …" "Your Majesty …" Du Xiawei called out weakly.

Who is it?

Who was it that released such shocking pressure?

Who was the expert that was releasing the pressure here?

He used all his strength and shouted towards the ceiling: "Which expert is passing through here? The junior is the Kingdom of Zi Yue Emperor, if you have committed any immoral acts, please forgive me. "

Even after he had spoken for a long time, he still did not receive a response.

The pressure from earlier did not weaken. Instead, it became sharper and sharper.

His face became even more red, and he could no longer hold back from spitting out a mouthful of blood. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Du Xiawei, who was lying down on the bed powerlessly, with a face as red as blood, and was spitting out blood continuously. If this continued, within fifteen minutes, Du Xiawei would definitely die.

Murong Chen's eyes immediately turned red, she looked up angrily: "Who exactly are you?"