The Female Lead She Really Is Not Sweet

Chapter 1838: Prime Minister wait (6)

Chapter 1838 Prime Minister wait (6)

   Prime Minister and Slow 6

  The prince looked at the prime minister in amazement as he fluttered his sleeves and left.

   Did he do something wrong again?

   He looked at Chang Ye in confusion.

  Is it possible that the prime minister brought this old sixth back to the prime minister\'s residence, without any other ideas?

   At Chang Ye\'s sarcastic gaze, the anger in the prince\'s heart ignited.

   He can\'t teach the Prime Minister, and can\'t he teach a sixth child from a cold palace?

  The prince\'s eyes were fierce, he lifted his foot and kicked over, "Can you see this prince?"

   Chacha, who had just walked a few steps, heard the voice, turned around, and saw Fu Changye being kicked to the ground at a glance.

  Prince will continue to work.

  Cha Cha had a gloomy face and shouted angrily, "Prince!"

   Her voice was cold and warning, as well as faintly angry, and the prince trembled in fright.

   He looked up at the Prime Minister, and was very unhappy in his heart. If the Prime Minister didn\'t give him face like this, he would not have done anything to Fu Changye. He would have been nicer to him earlier, wouldn\'t it be all right?

  The prince snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

   The deputy commander stood beside him, sweating coldly.

  Although Fu Changye has already stood up, he has never seen the Prime Minister look so angry, I am afraid that this matter is not easy to solve...

  Cha Cha walked back to Fu Changye.

  The prince was ignorant and ignorant, "Sir, don\'t blame Prince Ben, Prince Ben didn\'t stand firm and accidentally kicked him."

   The deputy commander was speechless and wished to kick people out of the prime minister\'s residence.

   Are you blind?

   Didn\'t you see that the Prime Minister\'s face changed with anger?

   How dare you say that?

  It\'s over, it\'s over, the prince will stop thinking about pleasing the Prime Minister after this move.

   Today\'s event.

   It is estimated that we will have a vengeance.

   Just when the prince wanted to continue talking, Cha Cha lifted his leg and kicked the prince directly to the ground.

  The prince\'s eyes were dazed.

  He looked at Chacha blankly, and after a moment, he was furious when he reacted, "Prime Minister! You are just the Prime Minister of Tianshu Kingdom, how dare you kick the prince? Don\'t you want the head on your item?"

   There is no reason for this! Not even the emperor had kicked him!

  Cha Cha\'s face was cold, "Oh, I didn\'t stand firm, I just accidentally kicked you, is there a problem?"

  Prince, "..."

   He glanced at Fu Changye angrily, and then at Chacha.

   Good gas!

   But he really didn\'t dare to kill the prime minister directly!

  The prince got up cursingly.

   Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha glanced at the deputy commander, "Throw the prince out, remember, what the Prime Minister said was to throw it out!!!"

   verb, throw!

   The kind you throw with your hands!

   Deputy Commander, "..." Okay, my subordinates understand.

   It seems that the prince really angered the prime minister.

  Then this will be difficult to do.

   Let’s put incense sticks on the prince in advance.

   Anyway, the Prime Minister should not let the Prince go in the future.

   The deputy commander didn\'t wait for the prince to speak, he walked over and picked him up.

  Prince, "???Hey! What are you doing? I am the prince! The prince of the dynasty! Let go of this prince!!!!"

  The deputy commander ignored the prince\'s rage, brought the person to the door of the prime minister\'s residence, raised his hand and threw the person out.

   Even if he controlled his strength.

  Prince still rolled a few times on the ground.

   That appearance is almost invisible.

  Prince, "………………"

   After he got up, the guards around him looked at each other.

  The prince was so angry that he could no longer care about the guards.

   "What are you doing stupidly? Go back! Go back!"

  The prince got into the carriage in a hurry, for fear that such a shameful thing would be seen.

   However, even so, I am afraid that it will be spread out.

   His dignified prince was thrown out the door by the Prime Minister!

   This allows him to build his prestige in the future?

  The more the prince thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he wanted to fight the Prime Minister desperately...

  The Prime Minister\'s House.

  Cha Cha was relieved after confirming that Fu Changye was not kicked.

   "Don\'t you know how to hide?" Cha Cha looked at him with dissatisfaction.

  Fu Changye lowered his head and whispered, "You said you would protect me."

  Cha Cha was taken aback.

   Immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

She raised her hand and touched Fu Changye\'s head, and said comfortingly, "Then you will always follow me from now on, don\'t leave my sight, and when it is inconvenient to take you, I will let Qiqi accompany you. you."

   Qiqi, "? Meow!" I don\'t!

  Why should I accompany a shameless big-tailed wolf?

   This person is not a good person at first glance.

   Qiqi nestled aside, protesting.

  Cha Cha glared at it with a cold face, "You don\'t have a chance to choose!!!"

  Qiqi whimpered, "Meow meow..." You don\'t love me anymore.

  Cha Cha bent down and took Qi Qi into his arms.

   Then put it in Fu Changye\'s arms, "You two cultivate your feelings first."

  Fu Changye held the cat in his hand and slowly stroked Qiqi.

   Suddenly, Qiqi stiffened.

  It raised its vigilance and bowed sharply, as if it would attack Fu Changye in the next second.

  Chacha silently patted Qiqi\'s little head.

   "Be honest, we are a family, no nonsense is allowed."

   Seventy-seven, "..." OK.

   He didn\'t do anything to me, so I just tried to be honest.

  Fu Changye blinked and looked at Cha Cha obediently, "Is what the lord said true?"

  Chacha, "I never tell lies."

  Long Ye smiled lightly, "I will take it seriously as an adult." Therefore, the adult must always treat him well, otherwise, he will betray him as an adult...


  The fact that the prince was thrown out of the prime minister\'s residence soon spread to the palace.

   When the second prince heard this, he couldn\'t help but sigh.

   "This prince is also a talent."

   How could he be so angry with the Prime Minister?

   I don\'t even have any face left.

   It is estimated that the prince has done a lot of nasty things to make the prime minister so angry.

   After all, in his opinion, the Prime Minister is a very measured person.

  Unless what the prince did was too irritating.

  The second prince asked people to inquire.

   The message will be retracted soon.

   Sure enough... the prince is a badass.

   Actually... how many teenagers were sent to the Prime Minister\'s residence?

   And then in front of the Prime Minister, attacking the Sixth Prince?

   No wonder being thrown out of the Prime Minister\'s Mansion is simply courting death...

  The second prince drank a cup of tea in a good mood.

   Seeing that the prince likes to die so much, the second prince is very satisfied.

   There is no need for him to take action at all, the prince can kill himself. The most important thing for him now is to let the father and the prime minister change their views on him.

   Once he is in the eyes of the father, the emperor and the prime minister, he will be able to skyrocket in the future. Maybe, the position of the prince will soon be his.

   But if you want the Prime Minister to look at him more.

   That must take a lot of thought.

  The second prince is very smart compared to other princes.

  So, after the incident in the clothes washing bureau, he started to prepare another thing.

   If this matter is handled well, it will definitely be more favorable than the matter of the Huanyi Bureau!

  The second prince\'s eyes drifted into the distance, his face full of confidence that he was bound to win.

  No one can stop him from ascending to the throne.


   As soon as the emperor heard that the prince was thrown out of the prime minister\'s residence, he asked someone to check the situation.

   understand later.

  The emperor didn\'t even summon the prince, so he directly sent an order to let the prince think about it in the East Palace, and within half a month, he was not allowed to take a step outside the East Palace, which was regarded as a punishment for him.

  Prince, "...?"

   (end of this chapter)