The Farming Little Girl

C95 Decapitator's Eighteen Claws

"Beautiful girl, I'll accompany you to dinner later. After dinner, let's go pick some vegetables together. I'm carrying something heavy today, you must be exhausted from last night."

Chen Nianran glared at her angrily. There was nothing she could do about it.

Zhao barged into the kitchen and stopped Ox-Head who was still busy working.

"Oh my mom, this, this, that Lady Luo Gui, what is her relationship with our boss?"

Ox-Head was busy pouring the dishes into the wok, and did not notice Zhao's panicking expression.

"Ah, tell me, I'm listening. What's the relationship? What else could it be? Isn't it just a good sisterhood? Just like the two of us, those other sisters. "

Zhao was stuttering. She rolled her eyes and whispered into Niu Niu's ear, "But I saw those two walk out of the house. Miss Luo even told Boss to rest more, so she won't be too tired."

"This is Miss Luo caring for our boss, what's wrong with that? You are a woman, why are you chewing your tongue when you have nothing better to do." "It seems to me that you have been rather bored during this period of time."

Zhao blinked anxiously, then waved her hand and stomped her feet again, "No, it's not like that, listen to me, I, I was just looking, looking at the relationship between the two of them, that was too much, it was … is to give me a feeling that it's too … " Like a young couple.

However, these words were immediately swept away by Ox-Head.

"I say Zhao, are you full or something? "If you don't mind, I will just talk casually with you. My boss and Lady Luo are good friends. If you continue talking nonsense, I will break off all relations with you."

Seeing Ox-Head's sinister look, Zhao raised her hands and surrendered. "Alright, alright, let's, let's not say anymore. "Don't say anymore."

Niu Shi had cooked some pretty good porridge with wild vegetables and eggs according to Chen Nianran's instructions.

After he finished cooking the steamed buns, Xiao Baozi and some other small steamed dumplings were added to the steamed buns. Just as he was about to serve the food, Chen Nianran made another dish of Snow Rainbow Wild Cucumber, fried peanuts, a plate of cucumber, and a small plate of salted radish with spicy oil.

Red radishes, green vegetables, green mixed cucumbers, fragrant dumplings and prawns, white, oily steamed buns …

The dishes on the table conquered Ning Xiang and Manager Chen instantly.

Picking up a prawn dumpling, Manager Chen chewed it slowly, "I never thought that this dish could be eaten this way. It has the taste of prawns, and more importantly, this ingredient is also very tasty. All these years, I thought that the taste of my family's restaurant was very good. I didn't expect that in the past two days, I had eaten quite a few flavors that I've never tasted before in your small farmhouse. Chen Nianran, if you are going to be a chef, my Haitian Restaurant will definitely hire you. "

She straightened her neck and made a big, jowly walk. It made Manager Chen and Niu Niu laugh.

However, the opposite was the Zhao. When she thought about the two women that she had seen this morning being so intimate with each other, and her current husband's words …

She was sad again. After all, she had heard that some people with special hobbies enjoyed eating both men and women. But now, her beloved boss seemed to have met a very shameless girl, and the most obvious one was a girl who was both male and female.

"Husband, if you want to find Husband, then go outside immediately." If it's really no good, then let me help you find one. " Chen Nianran was so angry at this woman that she had lost all of her image. Didn't she see that someone was looking at us with a sad expression? If you were to randomly use your modern thoughts in this era, you would have to kill yourself.

However, Ning Xiang really liked her embarrassed look. With Zhao's sad eyes, she became even more cocky.

As she ate, the woman even brought dumplings into her mouth.

"Come, beloved wife, your husband will feed you."

On the other hand, Manager Chen was used to her loose and undisciplined personality, so he could only smile as he watched the two of them, eating delicacies.

The shopkeeper was quite satisfied with the breakfast. At the end, he couldn't leave her for the restaurant. After waiting for a while, Old Zhao came back with a bucket of crabs and loach cones.

Looking at the large vat of food, Ning Xiang jumped around as if she was looking at a strange sight.

"Hey, hey, look, this crab is spitting bubbles. Oh my god, I didn't know this thing could spew bubbles. Also, this one, this loach, how could it still spit bubbles. "Aiya, this fellow is really slippery. Why can't I grab it? Damn it, watch me get 18 Dragon Subduing Strikes."

Old Zhao busied herself with sorting and installing the crabs and screws separately.

After everything was settled, he loaded the first batch of goods into Manager Chen's carriage, and the Manager Chen bid farewell to his master. In the end, he looked at Ning Xiang.

The latter quickly waved her hand, "Don't worry about me, I'm free to go. This place has good air, a fresh river, and of course, most importantly, my wife is also here. I don't want to go back to such a beautiful place." You can come pick me up here in a few days. "

The Manager Chen's face turned bitter, "This, if you don't go back, how are the people from the restaurant going to deal with you?"

There were a lot of distinguished guests in Ning Xiang's restaurant. It could be said that, without any exaggeration, many of the men who came to the restaurant thought it was their honor to meet Ning Xiang once.

However, this woman didn't want to see guests every day. She treated them all according to her mood.

Once she was in a good mood, it was highly likely that she would be able to receive ten or so guests a day. However, if he was in a bad mood, he might not receive guests for one or two months. To their bewilderment, the distinguished guests were actually proud to be able to meet with Ning Xiang.

"Hehe, this is not something I need to worry about. "Don't worry, I'll just play around here. I'll beat up those men when I get back. No matter what, I'll just have to let the restaurant prosper."

The shopkeeper hadn't wanted her to do anything, but now that he had the assurance that she was going to do something, he nodded and left. However, before leaving, he still warned Chen Nianran repeatedly to not provoke him too much.

"You should know that the honored guest in our building has specially taken care of this girl. This Friday is my distant nephew. Just look at the face of I, Old Chen, don't torment him too much. "

Ning Xiang disdained, casting a sidelong glance at Manager Chen, "Manager Chen, you sure are impressive, to have such a noble and pressing nephew. Hurry up and get out of here, I need to enjoy the fun of the countryside. "

After getting rid of the Manager Chen, Ning Xiang had gone insane.

Little Fortune and the other girl, Lin'er, had accompanied her.

Walking on the countryside road, one master and one servant, the three beauties who were originally extremely gorgeous, in addition to their bright clothes. For a time, three people attracted the attention of the entire village.

"Lil 'Fu Bao, your dress is too long. Haha, look at how careful you are walking. Yo yo, your feet are going to slide." On the left, ah, there's a bug. "

"Plop …" Poor little Fortune had been so scared by his master that he gracefully fell into the pond.

"Haha …" The owner of the poor little Fortune bag was laughing at her miserable state on the shore.

Lin'er, who was in the distance, shrank back under the big tree at the edge of the village. She once again vowed that for the sake of her health, she would stay away from her master.

"This girl's clothes are so beautiful, what a shame."

"She is a noble, so why would she care about her clothes? However, looking at their happy smiles, my mood is exceptionally good as well. "

"Haha, but how are they going to play with mud? Sigh, this woman from the Chen family is really capable. "They have a lot of friends and a wide range of connections, unlike us. We don't even have any connections when we see the sky and see the sky in this ravine."

"But whose is the child that was carried away a few days ago? Even now, we can't see that child being carried back? "

"Let's not ask about this for the time being. I asked Niu Niu about it the other day, but he didn't want to talk about it." "She just said that in the future, they would be going to a place to enjoy themselves. As for the specifics, I'm not too sure."

The village did not see anything important happen, so when Ning Xiang and the others arrived, they were immediately discussed by the villagers.

At this moment, there were also people who remembered what had happened. That adorable brat, after eating, sleeping, and eating, when he woke up, his pair of small eyes were exceptionally bright, and he was smiling at them.

While the villagers were guessing where Xiao Tuantuan would go, the little fellow was currently making a ruckus.

"Wa, wa …" "Wow, wow …"

When the wet nurse held him in her arms, she was extremely anxious. Fat and chubby, her milk was vigorously flowing and sticky. This kind of milk could be considered a pretty good quality milk. One had to know that the milk was also divided into clear ones and sticky ones. Generally speaking, a milk as clear as water was undesirable.

This kind of milk with good viscosity is the favorite of children. When the ball first came here, it had also despised the smell of the wet nurse. After all, this was different from the smell of the cow and Chen Nianran's milk that he had eaten at the beginning.

The child chose to give birth and cried in hunger. He also did not want to suck the milk. However, no matter how stubborn he was, this child was still a child after all. He was pretty hungry, so he began to gulp down the milkmaid's milk.

"This child is making trouble again." Oh my dear boy, you are the eldest grandson of the eldest wife in this life. My dear, come here, let the Old Ancestor give you a hug. "