The Farming Little Girl

C338: Cooperation

"Rich brother......" Anlu wiped his mouth angrily. Raise your hand and give rich and noble a fist. "You're sorry. I know you're sorry."

"Yes, I regret it, but Anlu, are you sure you can marry Shuangxi? She used to love me very much. As long as I want to hook my finger, the woman will follow me at any time. I was her favorite then. Do you think you have a chance? "

Rich and slightly drunk eyes are all crazy and proud. However, Anlu just looked at him sympathetically and shook his head. "Rich and noble brother, you have always been in my heart and Shuangxi's heart, and you are standing up to heaven. But today's you, let me very disappointed. You are not as rich as the man before you. On the contrary, you look like a mean little man. I don't want you to appear in front of double happiness in such an image. In her heart, you are always so tall and perfect.

Even if you said so many ugly things to her, she still defended you when I said bad things about you afterwards. In her heart, you are unique. I don't deny that. However, it was only once. Now double happiness, her favorite thing is me.

Regret, I am in love with the woman, if because of your appearance regret, that can only say, my eyes are not easy to use. It's broken. But I believe that Shuangxi is not such a person. "

Rich and noble listen to stupidly. Cold city night wind, blowing on the face a little cold.

But the colder is the heart.

"Brother Fu Gui, Shuangxi is a good woman. It's my honor that I can keep her nod in my life. I hope you can find your other half earlier. "

Anlu didn't get entangled with the rich and noble any more, but after saying such words sincerely, he turned around and strode to the front.

In the dark, a figure came slowly.

Anlu looked at the little man and pulled out a happy smile

"Well, is it still painful?" Double happiness painfully caresses the wound on his face. Just now, looking at the two coming out, she was uneasy and followed.

Who ever thought, but saw such a scene.

Behind him, when the rich and noble heard the sound of double happiness, they were unwilling to change it into resentment.

He dawdled up and stopped the two people who were about to leave.

The burning eyes stare at Shuangxi, "Shuangxi, come back to me. I don't care about you and Anlu any more. From now on, I will take care of you with all my love and accompany you as long as you come back..."

Anlu clenches Shuangxi's hand suddenly, and he stares at Shuangxi nervously.

For nearly two years, he guarded her and watched her grow stronger.

I watched her come out of the shame of lovelorn.

Although their happiness is more painful in the past two years, Anlu is still a little uncertain at this time.

After all, as the rich say, Shuangxi and he are first in love.

It's hard for a woman to forget the first man.

In those days, Shuangxi liked wealth more than anyone else.

If not for the cold city, Shuangxi's eyes would fall on the rich. As for him, a familiar stranger

Double happiness lowered his head and eyes, pulled the hand of an Liu, "let's go. Six sons. "

A soft six son brother, but listen to the heart of an six ripple tight.

At this moment, he understood the choice of double happiness.

She did not hesitate.

Even without hesitation.

In the past two years, his efforts, his care and his waiting are all worth

"Double happiness, thank you for choosing me..."

Out of the backwardness of the hospital, an Liuqing can't help holding Shuangxi and whispering.

The bright moon, the woman in the arms of the warm man, is only grateful and satisfied.

Shuangxi patted the man's broad back gently.

A gentle whisper. "Anlu, in fact, I am the one who should say thank you. If you hadn't accompanied me through these two years, I would have been the same as before.

If you hadn't accompanied me, I would have looked at a good man like those women in the back house, and thought he was heaven and earth.

If you hadn't accompanied me, I wouldn't have known that my life would have been brilliant.

In these years, apart from the young master and the young grandmother, you are the person I want to thank most. Thank you for walking with me, and thank you for meeting you when I was most embarrassed. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you... "

Whisper, whisper of lovers. Anlu is drunk.

He excitedly looked at the beautiful woman in his arms who was going to melt his heart. He leaned over and kissed her face gently and purely. "Don't say thank you again, daughter-in-law. As long as I am with you and accompany you to endure hardship and sweetness, I am willing to

In the courtyard, the rich and the bitter look at the clear moon in the sky.

The same moon, in the eyes of an Liu, is cold, but full of hope and sweetness.

And in the eyes of wealth, such a moonlight is like a cold needle stuck on the tip of his heart.

Lost, finally, lost her.

In fact, when we let go, we are doomed to lose, aren't we?

"Rich and noble, if you were allowed to come back, would you let go at that time?"

This answer, he will not know, but he knows, this life, he missed a good person, that person, in the heart, has a good position.

"Well, do you think the rich and the noble will let go?"

Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan, who came out for a walk, unfortunately got all three of them involved. Chen nianran asked the men around him.

"The rich and the noble will let go. He is a man who knows the current affairs, and he is also an existence who is unwilling to be detained by rules and regulations. Because of this, I let him go to win the world. Although I work for him, he can make money and make some profit. "

With rich and noble, they are almost cooperative now.

The rich and noble can sit in the shops and courtyards in the capital area. Of course, he earned all this by himself.

This road was also paved by Zhou Aoxuan.

The way of cooperation between the two is very simple. The rich and the noble fight outside. At the end of the year, they will share

"However, it seems that I really like double happiness when I look at wealth and wealth." Chen nianran asked weakly.

"Love with? Maybe. However, I believe that more than that, it's the pride of wealth that is acting strangely. " Zhou Aoxuan's eyes fixed on the little woman in his arms.

Tonight, she drank some wine, blushed, and her eyes were charming and affectionate. Bend over and gently grasp her red lips.

"Madam, we have had a rest for several days. Today the moon is just in time. It's a good time to talk and compete..."

"Zhou Aoxuan Duel again. We dueled the night before yesterday... "

"But you said I was rude..."

"Go away..."

"OK, I'll walk away with my wife..."

Chen nianran turns his eyes. Do your family know that you make men like this.

The next day, Anlu's mother came.

Anlu lost his father when he was young. It has always been brought up by widows.

Later, he was accepted as a boy by Zhou Aoxuan because of his cleverness.

Because she can squeeze sugar, widows help Chen nianran to squeeze sugar. This time, when Ann got married, she took my mother over and planned to leave her here.

Shuangxi's father and mother are gone, and the family is also a brother.

My sister-in-law is not very authentic. As early as a few years ago, Shuangxi sent some silver back, which was a break of contact with the family.

Now married, even the family she did not notice.

At first, Anlu wanted her to call people, but she was determined to do so.

They have been out for a long time. They know that some of their relatives are difficult to deal with. So let's do it.

Adults from several families have come.

Although we have to farm, we have to be busy with other things.

But there is still time for a couple of new people to do something.

Guan Shuyuan and Chen Ziming sat in Chen nianran's yard with smiles on their faces.

In the past, they were worried that they would not marry each other, and they were still wandering around at a young age.

Now it's time to marry a two bedroom daughter-in-law.

By this time next year, if things go well, I'm afraid that the grandson will have two. At that time, the people in his room are really exuberant.

In particular, Dalang, who has suffered so many crimes, is finally going to carry out his personal affairs. He is even more happy to be a father and mother.

"Oh, I just want to marry my daughters in law now. I don't want to think about anything else." Guan Shuyuan is the first to speak.

Yue's Chen Ziming smiles, but still blames her, "you're in such a hurry. They both call you mother. Are you afraid of running away? Don't worry, we have to do a big deal with the children's happy event. Once in life, such a happy event, how can we make do with it. "

"Yes, I think. We have to deal with the children's affairs. I look at my daughter-in-law is also very good, our six children ah, and I said that the girl, he most appreciate is double happiness. Ha ha, now it's good that the child is finally ready to marry Shuangxi as his daughter-in-law. I'm such a motherfucker, and I don't care about that day. "

Six son Niang say this son, then sob unceasingly. At the end of the day, add another sentence. "In fact, I have only one child. But why do you want to name Liuzi er an Liu? I just hope that his whole life will be smooth and smooth. Now, the name is good. In those days, that gentleman also said that my name was well chosen. "

The old lady is quite able to say that when she has been widowed for many years, there are many more words.

"Ha ha, your name is really good. Everyone in the family called an Liu the sixth master, and the young man was not bad. You can form a group with any kind of people. There's nothing more to say about double happiness. " Another pair of old Li from Hancheng, who also has wedding ceremonies to attend, are also joking at this time.

Chen nianran, sitting on the top, watched this group of people praise their children. Then quickly change the topic.