The Farming Little Girl

C256: medical treatment

She turned into a night demon, constantly seducing him.

Lead him again and again crazy take, for her bump for her crazy.

That night, he was almost not dried by her, but he was still in good spirits the next day.

"Lady, last night's performance is worth ten points. This kind of treatment, ask the empress to give more. "

Listening to this, Chen nianran turns around silently. She can't afford to come.

To her delight, little sister Liu seems to be getting better every day.

Originally, she was only in touch with her children and Dr. Kobayashi.

But a few days later, she even called Zhou Aoxuan "brother in law."

For this reason, Zhou Aoxuan, like Chen nianran at the beginning, heard the call of little sister Liu. He was stupefied for a long time, and finally hugged Chen nianran happily, shouting and shouting.

"Do you hear me? Do you hear me? Our six sisters also recognize me..."

God knows that when Chen nianran was called sister by six younger sisters before, he was much neglected and envied.

Now it's good. Little six sister will call him brother-in-law.

However, Zhou Aoxuan proudly announced that he had not received Chen nianran's response.

Turning back, he saw Chen nianran chewing tears in his eyes and looking at little six sister's silly smile on the doorframe.

Her big eyes rolled out tears one by one, so she laughed and wept happily.

Sunlight, reflected in her body, at this moment, she looks surprisingly beautiful.

Zhou Aoxuan's mind moved, and he put her in his arms. "Lady, our little six sister is back."

The warm embrace of the man made Chen nianran awake a lot. She wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes.

"Well, our little six sister, she's back again. Look at me, she's all in tears."

Little six younger sister stood uneasily not far away. She looked at Chen nianran and Zhou Aoxuan with frightened eyes.

That uneasy look, let Chen nianran hurriedly collected tears.

She came forward and sniffled red.

"Little six, you are awake. This year, my sister is just like having a nightmare. Now I can hear you call me elder sister and brother-in-law, and I feel more secure. "

Little six younger sister tilted her head. She was dull at first, and then she smiled sweetly.

"Sister, I'll call you more later. Elder sister, I only have elder sister and you are a relative. You have to accompany me more in the future. "

Chen nianran froze and looked back at Zhou Aoxuan. What's the situation? Little six sister, remember what happened before?

The doctor came from one side and explained slowly.

"It's a rare situation, but I've heard from Shifu. Some people think that some fragments are too painful, but they deliberately avoid it and hide the bad memories. I think that's what Xiaoliu is like now. In fact, don't you think it would be better for her to forget those bad memories? Why does she have to bear those scars! "

When Dr. Xiao Lin said this, Chen nianran nodded frequently, "yes, that's right. Six ah, cough, this, you are not only my sister, you have another sister. Because you were ill some time ago, and five elder sisters didn't have time to see you, so you can't remember. It's not your fault. If you see her again, you will remember. "

Wuer loves Xiaoliu so much. Once the two sisters marry, they will surely remember the past.

The face that small six originally panicked, this just had a little smile.

"Oh, that's it."

"Why do you come to get these herbs every day? The little girl's family recognizes these herbs every day, and they all have the fragrance of Medicine on them. "

She led Xiaoliu to the house, but she looked at her obstinately. "Sister, I like herbal medicine. I think doctor Lin can learn medicine together and become a doctor. Can we?" Chen nianran stayed. As soon as Xiaoliu got better, the whole person turned sexual.

Before, little five wanted to be a big girl, but in front of the fact, she finally became the second Chen nianran.

At the beginning, Xiao Liu said that he wanted to be a strong woman and a second Chen nianran. As a result, she was seriously ill, but only wanted to be a doctor

Looking at Xiaoliu, Chen nianran hurriedly replied, "Chengcheng, Chengli, I can't do anything about Xiaoliu's love. I don't want to stop you, but when I'm a doctor, I seem to remember a lot. I just need to recognize herbs for a long time. You Really? "

Being a doctor is not like being a modern doctor. There are all kinds of test sheets for reference. To be a doctor in ancient times, you really need to have excellent skills.

I hope you can find out that all of these are in place so that you can accurately judge the condition of others and then prescribe the right medicine.

Little six younger sister used to know some words, but she studied medicine half way! Chen nianran is a little distressed. How much time does it take for her sister.

Zhou Aoxuan could see it. He pulled her behind her and looked at Dr. Lin. he said, "thank you, Dr. Lin."

Dr. Xiao Lin was flattered and nodded quickly, "OK, actually, little six has been helping me for a long time. She knows medicinal materials, and remembers prescriptions and so on. She has a first-class speed. I didn't seem to be as quick as her. There are very few female doctors. If Xiaoliu can be effective in medicine, it will be convenient for me to learn to see some women's pathology and so on. "

In ancient times, men and women were different, because they could see a doctor or something. Sometimes a woman's doctor could not see a doctor.

At that time, a woman doctor with excellent medical skills was very popular.

Unfortunately, there are too few women doctors.

As for the skilled female doctors, they are even less pitiful.

Dr. Lin thought that if he really led an outstanding female doctor to the world, it would be a merit and virtue after that.

On the same day, Chen nianran put down the incense table, prepared six animals, and made a formal ceremony of worship.

In fact, Chen nianran really doesn't need to make it so grand. But she did, because she was worried. Looking at Dr. Lin's look hall and her expectant expression, she always felt that Xiao Liu seemed to be different from Dr. Lin.

It's hard for her to comment on this lady. Before she could, she knew that the reason why Dr. Xiao Lin was in such a hurry was because he wanted to show off in front of his younger martial sister.

Liu is good. She doesn't want to hurt her because of her feelings.

Therefore, the grand ceremony of worshiping teachers was opened.

This is a grand one, which also makes the two different. Let them know clearly that the relationship between teachers and apprentices has been determined. Don't think about anything else.

Xiaoliu respectfully called for a master. When Dr. Lin touched her head, he smiled sweetly.

The big bright eyes of joy are full of longing and hope.

This kind of her made Chen nianran sigh several times after the event.

"Lady, you are too tight to protect Xiaoliu. In fact, there are some things she has to go through. Besides, you think about it earlier. I'm 12 years old. It's still a long time before the affair between men and women. As for Dr. Xiao Lin, I think he really treats six younger sisters as children, so you really don't need to worry about other issues. "

Chen nianran didn't open his hand angrily. "What do you know? It's because Dr. Xiao Lin treats liu'er as a child, that's why I'm worried.

It's not that I'm worried. Look at little sister Liu. She didn't respond to anyone before. But since Dr. Xiao Lin took over the course of her disease, the child has been dependent on him and loves to find him for everything. Go on like this, I think She regarded Xiao Lin as her heaven and earth. However, Xiao Lin is only a child to her, as his own apprentice. I think this is the first time for him to accept apprentices, so he is also excited and fresh. Alas... These two people were not on the same line at the beginning. My family's junior six, if they keep developing like this, I'm afraid they will have to suffer again. "

Look at her worry, worry about five sisters, worry about six sisters, but don't worry about the feeling of being a husband.

Zhou Aoxuan's eyes turned and her head arched in her arms. Smelling her unique fragrance, the body's hormones are fermenting, Zhou Aoxuan hugs her soft body "daughter-in-law......"

That hoarse, with the cry of desire, listen to Chen nianran a shiver. "Grandpa, I'll see the children..."

Just, she has not come and SA Yazi run road, then be dragged to the couch by Zhou Aoxuan.

"Lady, I'll accompany you to see it for my husband later..."

"Ouch, ouch Don't... "

"Women say no is to..."

"You bastard..."

"Love my wife, I think you are praising my technical progress..."

This night, of course, Chen nianran didn't see the children.

After getting up early the next morning, Chen nianran's angry eyes showed her inner dissatisfaction.

The refreshing man brought the beautiful breakfast in front of her, and supported her to the seat. "Lady, do you want to feed your husband?"

Looking at his pure eyes, Chen nianran is very nervous. He should take the bowl and eat it by himself. If you want to let the wolf feed you, what will it look like.

At the thought of the scene where Zhou Aoxuan and Chen nianran ate together, Chen nianran's face turned red.

The two children also appeared in the noise.

Still don't say, where there are scrolls, it's really a lively atmosphere.

Far away, the little princess's laughter spread.




That soft whine call, call of Chen nianran's heart are soft.

Reaching out to hold the little guy's soft little body, Zhou Aoxuan grabbed the roll and put it in his arms.

Looking at the Tuan tuan'er standing quietly on one side, Chen nianran reached out and said, "Tuan Tuan, come here to my mother."

Roll a look, eager to clap Zhou Aoxuan's arm, this can put Zhou Aoxuan wronged.

"Roll, you don't like dad. He will be sad."

Roll big eyes suddenly to see Zhou Aoxuan, and then to see Chen nianran hugging tuan'er.

Well, although she didn't let his mother hug him, in order not to hurt her father's young heart, she forced him to hold him.